35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Titlesort ascending Presenting Author Session Abstract
1307 Using Isotopic Techniques to Constrain the Tectonic Evolution of the Basement of Oman Ms. Morgan Blades T34.P2 - Geochronology PDF icon 1307.pdf
2586 Using hydrogeochemistry to test mineral potential under transported cover in the Kunene Region of Namibia Dr. Amanda Stoltze T17.8 - New theories and methods in resources exploration PDF icon 2586.pdf
5595 Using Global Datasets in Local Geomorphic Applications Dr. Frank Eckardt T7.13 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 5595.pdf
2126 Using GIS to Evaluate Lake Palestine and Potential Impacts of Raw Water Withdrawal for an Expanding Population Mr. Ryan Michell T9.P5 - Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies PDF icon 2126.pdf
1977 Using geophysics to find suitable rock aggregates as replacement for fluvial sand in Botswana Mr. Onkgopotse Ntibinyane T15.7 - Aggregates and construction materials (sponsored by IAEG C-14) PDF icon 1977.pdf
1411 Using geophysical data to create a 3D conceptual geological model for the Maremane Dome, Northern Cape, South Africa Mr. Adam Wooldridge T17.10 - Geoelectrics (geoelectromagnetic methods) for geotectonics PDF icon 1411.pdf
1707 USGS assessments of unconventional gas and oil resources in China Dr. Christopher Potter T21.15 - Shale gas basins and their resource assessment: global perspectives and challenges PDF icon 1707.pdf
2463 Use of RADARSAT-2 SAR and LANDSAT-5 TM Images for permafrost feature distribution mapping Dr. Prof. Brigitte Leblon T9.16 - Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies PDF icon 2463.pdf
2468 Use of RADARSAT-2 and ALOS-PALSAR images for organic terrain mapping in New Brunswick Dr. Armand LaRocque T9.P4 - Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies PDF icon 2468.pdf
1752 Use of pXRD in the quantitative assessment of alteration in epithermal Au deposits Dr. Ian Graham T27.13 - The Crustal Gold Cycle (jointly sponsored by SEG and SGA) PDF icon 1752.pdf
3073 USE OF MULTIFERROIC ALLOY TO CONVERT WASTE HEAT FROM NON-COMMERCIAL GEOTHERMAL WELLS TO ELECTRICITY Mr. Kulundu Levi T15.10 - Laboratory and field testing - innovations and new methods of interpretation PDF icon 3073.pdf
2849 Use of morphometric data in taxonomy and functional morphology: a case study of modern and Cretaceous diving birds Dr. Alyssa Bell T44.15 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology PDF icon 2849.pdf
3142 USE OF HOT FRACTURED ROCK TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE THE PRODUCTIVITYOF NON-COMMERCIAL GEOTHERMAL WELLS Mr. Kulundu Levi T15.11 - Slope stability - analysis, investigation and remediation / Soil and rock mechanics PDF icon 3142.pdf
4412 Use of drones for aeromagnetic surveys; an overview Dr. Marina Diaz Michelena T45.5 - Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based technologies for geology and Earth sciences / Applications of X-ray computed tomography in the Earth Sciences PDF icon 4412.pdf
2941 US Geoheritage and Geoliteracy : Sustainable Fossil Parks and Public Geoscience Education Professor Renee Clary T1.4 - Geoheritage and Conservation
4541 Uranium-series dating of bracketing mineral accretions associated with Kimberley rock art Dr. Helen Green T34.3 - African Geochronology PDF icon 4541.pdf
5237 Uranium in Africa Prof. Judith Kinnaird T18.11 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 5237.pdf
4404 Uppermost Permian to Upper Triassic conodont zonation and carbonate carbon isotopes from Kamura section, Southwest Japan Dr. Feihong Ye T47.P2 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale PDF icon 4404.pdf
4236 Upper Visean through Gzhelian conodont zonation in South China Dr. Yuping QI T47.P2 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale PDF icon 4236.pdf
1599 Upper Triassic hydroexplosive breccia: a possible new diamondiferous formation of Arctic Siberi Dr Mikhail Naumov T41.12 - Geological and tectonic evolution of the Arctic PDF icon 1599.pdf
3382 Upper Pleistocene Palaeoclimate and Palaeoenvironmental evolution of Kivu Dr. Chantal K. Nzabandora T4.15 - Understanding Tropical Climate Change from geological perspectives through multi-dimensional approach PDF icon 3382.pdf
1076 Upper Cretaceous to recent paleo-submarine channel seismic stratigraphy in the Southern Orange Basin, offshore South Africa Mr. Jonathan Salomo T20.6 - T20.4 - Petroleum systems of the Atlantic margin of Africa (convened by BP Plc) / Off-shore petroleum systems of eastern Africa (convened by ENI S.p.A.) PDF icon 1076.pdf
755 Uplift-denudation of Peripheral Orogenic Belts control on the Formation of Sandstone Type Uranium (U) Deposits in Junggar Basin, Northwest China: Implication from Apatite Fission Track Research Ms. Jiye Song T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 755.pdf
3864 Upgrading a National Data Repository to a Key Register Mr. Stephan Gruijters T7.6 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 3864.pdf
1289 Up-warp and down-warp characteristic of strike-slip fault zone and its geological significance in the mid-eastern part of the Trim Basion Northwest China Mr. Renhai Pu T2.P3 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 1289.pdf
2121 Unveiling East Antarctica and its supercontinental linkages with geophysical imaging Dr. Fausto Ferraccioli T41.16 - Precambrian Geology of Antarctica PDF icon 2121.pdf
2853 Unusual very positive enrichment of 13C in carbonate sediments deposited in modern hypersaline environment, Lagoa Salgada, Brazil: Indicator of salinity controlled metabolic processes Dr. Crisogono Vasconcelos T39.P3 - Evolution of the Biosphere and Biogeoscience PDF icon 2853.pdf
5600 Unravelling the geology beneath the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the intracratonic Paris Basin - Part 3: using seismic data to decipher the structural evolution and sedimentary record of the Stephano-Permian basins Dr. Laurent Beccaletto T29.P5 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 5600.pdf
1221 Unravelling the geology beneath the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the intracratonic Paris Basin - Part 2: geological mapping of the buried Variscan basement combining aeromagnetic, gravity and petrophysical data Dr. Laurent Beccaletto T29.P5 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 1221.pdf
5599 Unravelling the geology beneath the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the intracratonic Paris Basin - Part 1: new insights from seismic and potential field methods Dr. Laurent Beccaletto T29.17 - Unravelling the history of cratonic sedimentary basins PDF icon 5599.pdf
2400 Unravelling short-term climate and sea-level changes in a greenhouse world – Evidence from the Cretaceous (IGCP 609) Dr. Benjamin Sames T47.10 - Cretaceous sea-level changes and Asia-Pacific Cretaceous Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) PDF icon 2400.pdf
156 Unravelling caldera-forming gigantic eruptions by Quaternary zircon U-Pb dating Dr. Hisatoshi Ito T34.2 - Geochronology PDF icon 156.pdf
720 Unraveling biological information from early single-celled eukaryotes in the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Ruyang Group, North China Dr. Ke Pang T44.10 - Origin and diversification of Precambrian eukaryotes PDF icon 720.pdf
675 Unlocking Key Factors of Liquid-Rich-Shales: Massive Resource Area & Sweet Area Evaluation Dr. Zhi Yang T21.16 - Shale gas basins and their resource assessment: global perspectives and challenges / Tight oil and gas reservoirs: recent developments and future challenges / Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 675.pdf
2208 Universal grid of planetary faults and displacement of minerals deposits Dr. Pavel Nagevich T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 2208.pdf
1325 United Nations Framework Classification 2009 Mr. Sean Davids T22.7 - Carbon capture and storage – From reservoir through the full value chain PDF icon 1325.pdf
4696 Uniqueness of the Jiaodong terrane constrained by the Penglai Group, Eastern China Prof. Hongyan Li T18.17a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4696.pdf
1196 Uniformity of Uranium Deposits in Mineralization ages and H-O isotopes, South China: Implications for their Genesis Dr. Chuang Zhang T30.P4 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 1196.pdf
2808 UNESCO Cultural heritage Vs. Natural hazards at European scale. The PROTHEGO project. Dr. Daniele Spizzichino T1.P1 - Geoheritage and Conservation
4532 UNESCO Chair “Geoparks, Regional Sustainable Development and Healthy Lifestyles”: an innovative tool for capacity building in Geoparks Dr. Artur Sá T1.P2 - Geoheritage and Conservation PDF icon 4532.pdf
3665 Unecso Global Geoparks Prof. Patrick Mc Keever T1.7 - Heritage, conservation and management / Geoheritage and Geoparks PDF icon 3665.pdf
5276 Understanding the progression of leaching in microwave treated particles using X-ray Computed tomography (XCT) analysis Dr. Edson Charikinya T23.P4 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy PDF icon 5276.pdf
3528 Understanding the Process of Co-Constructive Learning with Scientific Modeling in Geological Field Trip. Jr. Yoon-Sung Choi T2.8 - Geoscience Education at school level PDF icon 3528.pdf
5493 Understanding the origin of groundwater in the Evander basin goldfields to assist mine water management during closure, South Africa Mr. Mohammed Musthafa Khaleel T18.16 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 5493.pdf
2525 Understanding the onset of Andean subduction: New Sr and Nd isotopic data from late Paleozoic to late Triassic magmatism in northern Chile Dr.(c) Osvaldo González-Maurel T30.16B - The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana IGCP 628
2539 Understanding the International Pool of Recent Geoscience Graduates Ms. Carolyn Wilson T3.9 - Public Sector Geoscience and Geological Surveys PDF icon 2539.pdf
5014 Understanding Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes - The Self-Organisation Concept and its Importance to the Search for New Mineral Resources Dr. Sabine Dietrich T18.17a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 5014.pdf
791 Understanding disaster risk through building knowledge capacity – A best practice example from Latin America to leverage the Hyogo/Sendai-Framework for Action Dr. Dirk Balzer T8.1 - Geohazards PDF icon 791.pdf
