35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort descending Abstract
3046 Characterization of the Pre-Salt, Lower Carboniferous Carbonates Reservoirs in F Block, Northern Pre-Caspian Basin of Kazakhstan: preliminary results Ms. Siyang Zhang T18.11a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3046.pdf
3781 LA-ICP-MS and EMP relationships on pyrite grains from the Sheba, Fairview, and New Consort Gold Mines, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: An attempt for quantification. Dr. MOHAMMED ALNAGASHI HASSAN ALTIGANI T18.11a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3781.pdf
3692 New Contribution to Mineralogy of the Mussoorie Phosphorite Dr. Dhiraj Banerjee T18.11a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3692.pdf
3354 A review of the Birimian Supergroup- and Tarkwaian Group-hosted gold deposits of Ghana Dr. George Henry T18.12 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 3354.pdf
4862 The west coast of South Africa: Giant depository of placer titanium and zircon Dr. Carlo Philander T18.12 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 4862.pdf
3312 Zeerust Fluorspar Field Mr. Allan Saad T18.12 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 3312.pdf
3759 Archaean Gold on the Kaapvaal Craton of South Africa with Special Reference to the Barberton Greenstone Belt Mr. Trevor Pearton T18.12 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 3759.pdf
3769 Environmental Impacts of Pt, Cr and V Mining in the S.W Limb of the Bushveld Complex Dr. Fred, N. Mphephu T18.12 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 3769.pdf
4473 The Gamsberg Zinc Deposit South Africa: awakening of a Mesoproterozoic supergiant Prof. Abraham Rozendaal T18.12 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 4473.pdf
4096 Diversity of trace elements of kyanites and its petrogenetic and economic implications Prof. Axel Muller T18.12a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) / Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential PDF icon 4096.pdf
1177 Phosphorite deposits on the Namibian shelf Prof. John Compton T18.12a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) / Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential PDF icon 1177.pdf
3915 Geology, geochemistry and ore genesis of the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian phosphorites in South China Prof. Shao Yong Jiang T18.12a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) / Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential PDF icon 3915.pdf
5127 Iron oxides: a versatile tool for geochemical fingerprinting and geochronology Dr. Cristiana Ciobanu T18.12a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) / Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential PDF icon 5127.pdf
4467 ‘Trace-element-in-mineral’ signatures: acquisition, interpretation and application Prof. Nigel Cook T18.12a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) / Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential PDF icon 4467.pdf
885 Fluorapatite deposit in a carbonatitic environment: processes and prospects Dr. Sophie Decrée T18.12a - Trace element analysis of minerals: applications in ore geology (Sponsored by IAGOD) / Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential PDF icon 885.pdf
4560 Platinum mining in western Bushveld - A relation between primary mineral alteration and loss of recovery in PGEs Mr. Bennard Van Heerden T18.13 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 4560.pdf
5188 Discordant Bodies within the Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: Overview and Effect on Mining and Exploration Dr. Roger Scoon T18.13 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 5188.pdf
4521 Platinum Group Metals Waterberg PGE deposit discovery. Mr. Gordon Chunnett T18.13 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 4521.pdf
1858 Recent advances in understanding the 3D geometry of the Bushveld Complex using geophysical data Mrs. Janine Cole T18.13 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 1858.pdf
3348 The Ivanplats Platreef Project, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex Dr. Danie Grobler T18.13 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 3348.pdf
3992 Phosphate nodules from early Cambrian black shale sequence on Yangtze Platform, South China: A geochemical and isotopic investigation and implication for diagenetic fluid evolution Associate Prof. Jing-Hong Yang T18.13a - Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3992.pdf
2384 Zonality and Otherness of Mineralization for Massive Sulfide Deposit in the Chengmenshan Orefield, Jiangxi Province, China Mr. Xuhui Li T18.13a - Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 2384.pdf
4147 Messina copper-sulphide deposits revisited: Cathodoluminescence and fluid inclusion studies, Limpopo Province, South Africa Ms. Humbulani Rejune Mundalamo T18.13a - Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4147.pdf
3697 Phosphate mineralization in the Vergenoeg fluorite deposit (RSA) and its implication for the origin of REE-bearing fluid alteration Dr. Tobias Walter Höfig T18.13a - Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3697.pdf
3200 Predicting Base Metal Concentrations in Crustal Fluids Mr James Davey T18.13a - Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3200.pdf
5310 Geological characteristics of the Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) deposits in the Kangdian region, SW China Mr. Guangshu Yang T18.14 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 5310.pdf
10 Chemistry of cassiterite, ferberite and columbite-tantalite samples from Rwinkwavu, Bugarura-Kuluti and Musha-Ntunga mineral districts of the South-Eastern Rwanda. Mr. Jean-Claude Ngaruye T18.14 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 10.pdf
4565 Developing through the Hex River Fault at 16 Shaft, Impala Platinum Mrs. Jacolene De Klerk Mr. Bongani Nkabinde T18.14 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4565.pdf
3739 A significant vanadiferous, titano-magnetite deposit in the Tete Suite, Mozambique Dr. Hendrik F J Theart T18.14 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3739.pdf
340 Characterization of host rock and associated mineralization of VMS type Zn-Pb-Cu prospect at Muariya, Betul belt, India. Mr. P Nagar R T18.14a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 340.pdf
1545 2.7 Ga plume associated VMS mineralization in the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane: insights from the Ag-Zn-(Au) Nimbus deposit Dr. Steve Hollis T18.14a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1545.pdf
1109 Genesis of the sandstone-hosted Baxingtu uranium deposit in the Songliao Basin, NE China Dr. Christophe Bonnetti T18.14a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1109.pdf
2329 Evolution of greisen-type Sn-W-Li-mineralizations (Zinnwald/Cínovec, Erzgebirge) - a microstructural and microthermometric approach Mr. Hendrik Haneklaus T18.14a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 2329.pdf
3730 Characteristic of the Orefield structures in the Wuxu polymetallic deposit, Danchi metal district, Guangxi, China Dr. Changhao Xiao T18.14a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3730.pdf
1778 Tracking sources of mineralising fluids using tourmaline compositions: A case study from the Ardlethan tin deposits, Eastern Australia Mr. Patrick Carr T18.14a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1778.pdf
3829 Spatial distribution, chemical composition, and genesis of breccias in the Zn-Pb Lisheen mining district Dr. Thomas Riegler T18.14a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3829.pdf
179 The Witwatersrand Goldfield - from Geological Origins to Environmental Impacts of Mining Prof. Morris Viljoen T18.15 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 179.pdf
5387 The Elsburg and Mondeor Conglomerates -From Barren to Containing a 100 million ounce Gold Resource Mr. Rodney Tucker T18.15 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 5387.pdf
3416 A facies model for the E9Ec reef as developed on Cooke 4 shaft, Randfontein Estates Mr. Mark Burnett T18.15 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 3416.pdf
711 Anatomy of a Witwatersrand Conglomerate Reef Mr. Rodney Tucker T18.15 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 711.pdf
3685 How Applied Sedimentology was used to Optimise the Economic Life of Marginal Witwatersrand Gold Mines Dr. Willo Stear T18.15 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 3685.pdf
4314 The Ore Body Dictates Extending the Economic Life of Witwatersrand Ore Bodies Mr. Jaco Boshoff T18.15 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 4314.pdf
5517 Tectonic processes and metallogeny along the Tethyan Mountain ranges of the Middle East and South Asia Mike Searle T18.15a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems PDF icon 5517.pdf
1473 3D model of the major crustal boundaries of Australia: implications for metallogenesis Dr. Michael P Doublier T18.15a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems PDF icon 1473.pdf
983 Metallogeny of the Saryjaz ore district, Eastern Kyrgyzstan: Relationship with continental subduction and the Tarim mantle plume Dr. Boris Trifonov T18.15a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems PDF icon 983.pdf
444 Chromite chemistry and platinum group minerals as petrogenetic and tectonic indicators for ultramafic rocks with Alaskan-type affinities from the Attapadi valley of Bhavani Shear Zone, southern India Mr. M.N Praveen T18.15a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems PDF icon 444.pdf
1372 Metallogenic and geodynamic evolution of the Lesser Caucasus Mr. Robert Moritz T18.15a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems PDF icon 1372.pdf
731 Geological controls, environment of formation and style of copper and gold mineralization in the Mundiyawas-Khera area of Alwar district, Rajasthan, Western India Dr. VENKATESH AKELLA T18.15a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems PDF icon 731.pdf
4627 Relative timing of alterations in the Witwatersrand Basin Dr. Katharina Wulff T18.16 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 4627.pdf
