35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort descending Abstract
773 Ancient Terms and New Concepts: The Face of the Earth and Gondwana-Land Dr. Marianne Klemun T10.7 - Historical Studies of Gondwana PDF icon 773.pdf
2897 A History of Early Antarctic Fossil Discoveries in Support of the Supercontinent Gondwana Prof. Renee Clary T10.7 - Historical Studies of Gondwana PDF icon 2897.pdf
3455 Before Plate Tectonics: The Long Exchange between Physics and Geology from 1600 to the 20th Century Dr. Gregory Good T10.7 - Historical Studies of Gondwana PDF icon 3455.pdf
30 Pioneering geologic mapping in northwestern South America Dr. Ken Aalto T10.7 - Historical Studies of Gondwana PDF icon 30.pdf
5230 The reception of “Our Wandering Continents” (1937), from the correspondence of its author, South Africa geologist A.L. du Toit Dr. Sharad Master T10.7 - Historical Studies of Gondwana PDF icon 5230.pdf
653 Early correlations between the Cape Belt and Ventania Systems: Keidel’s pioneer work and his influence on Wegener’s Continental drift and Du Toit’s ideas Dr. Victor A. Ramos T10.7 - Historical Studies of Gondwana PDF icon 653.pdf
3476 The Italian geological expeditions to Tripolitania and Cyrenaic regions (Libya N-Africa) between 1911 and 1914 Dr. Fabio Massimo Petti T10.P3 - History of the Geosciences PDF icon 3476.pdf
5206 Materials on South Africa geology in The Academician Th.N. Tschernyschew Central Research Geological Prospecting Museum, St.Petersburg, Russia Mr. Leonid Kolbantsev T10.P3 - History of the Geosciences PDF icon 5206.pdf
2845 Verifying the Silurian: Murchison's 1845 field campaign in Sweden Dr. John Diemer T10.P3 - History of the Geosciences PDF icon 2845.pdf
3566 Toxic elements in vegetables from gold mining sites in Zimbabwe: Implications for human health Ms. Daina Mudimbu T11.10 - Medical Geology on a Dynamic Planet: Prosperity, Poisons and Providence / Africa: A natural laboratory for medical geology investigations PDF icon 3566.pdf
1059 Health impacts of the Pilanesberg Complex and the Rustenburg Layered Suite on communities in the Mabeskraal-Mabaalstad areas in the North West Province Ms. Refilwe Shelembe T11.10 - Medical Geology on a Dynamic Planet: Prosperity, Poisons and Providence / Africa: A natural laboratory for medical geology investigations PDF icon 1059.pdf
3053 Metal accumulation in Australian fungi: Uptake, Toxicity and Risk Dr. Kim Dowling T11.8 - Medical Geology on a Dynamic Planet: Prosperity, Poisons and Providence PDF icon 3053.pdf
5577 Medical Geology on a Dynamic Planet: Prosperity, Poisons and Providence Dr. Kim Dowling T11.8 - Medical Geology on a Dynamic Planet: Prosperity, Poisons and Providence
2117 Mapping the geochemical environment of urban areas Mr. ALECOS DEMETRIADES T11.8 - Medical Geology on a Dynamic Planet: Prosperity, Poisons and Providence PDF icon 2117.pdf
1574 Groundwater Pollution with Organoarsenic Compounds (DPAA) and Sustainable non-polluted Groundwater Utilization for the Irrigation in the Paddy Fields Professor Hisashi Nirei T11.8 - Medical Geology on a Dynamic Planet: Prosperity, Poisons and Providence PDF icon 1574.pdf
2238 Risk Analysis of South African Mine Tailings: Investigating the transfer factor from source to receptor Mr. Jandre De Wet T11.9 - Medical Geology / Medical Geology - case studies from Africa PDF icon 2238.pdf
2855 Elongated mineral particles in iron and gold mines? An exploratory study from Quebec, Canada Prof. Felix Gervais T11.9 - Medical Geology / Medical Geology - case studies from Africa PDF icon 2855.pdf
5410 Metal transfer ratios from soil to plants and the risk they pose to human and livestock: An example of the Berg Aukas and Tsumeb mining districts, Namibia. Prof. Benjamin Mapani T11.9 - Medical Geology / Medical Geology - case studies from Africa PDF icon 5410.pdf
5323 Africa: A natural laboratory for medical geology investigations Professor Hassina Mouri T11.9 - Medical Geology / Medical Geology - case studies from Africa PDF icon 5323.pdf
3898 Strategies for a sustainable healthier workforce in coal abrasiveness index determination unit operation Prof. Antoine F Mulaba-Bafubiandi T11.P3 - Medical Geology PDF icon 3898.pdf
850 Investigating geogenic lead contamination and its effects on health in kilifi area, kenya Miss Christa Koki T11.P3 - Medical Geology PDF icon 850.pdf
4105 Clay minerals and clayey soils as possible microorganisms repository Mr Uchenna Okereafor T11.P3 - Medical Geology PDF icon 4105.pdf
4945 Clayey soil geophagia and possible mitigation processing for safe consumption Mrs Adeline Megne T11.P3 - Medical Geology PDF icon 4945.pdf
932 Towards Increased Engagement of Geoscientists in Global Sustainable Development Frameworks Mr. Joel Gill T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 932.pdf
4274 Unconventional proposals for prevention of environmental/social risks Dr. Francesca Lugeri T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 4274.pdf
3224 Ethical Requirements for Applied Earth System Science and Engineering Dr Martin Bohle T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 3224.pdf
3176 Geoethics: a new way of thinking and managing the Earth Dr. Silvia Peppoloni T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 3176.pdf
3928 An overview on geothical perspectives in the Democratic Republic of Congo Mr. Jean-Robert MWEZE T12.1 - Geoethics - General Aspects PDF icon 3928.pdf
2146 A Review of International Disciplinary Measures in Professional Geoscience - both Procedures and Actions Mr. Oliver Bonham T12.10 - Ethical Practice In Geoscience PDF icon 2146.pdf
1634 Identifying Ethical Principles that Apply to All Geoscientists: AGI Guidelines for Ethical Professional Conduct Dr. Maeve Boland T12.10 - Ethical Practice In Geoscience PDF icon 1634.pdf
389 Trends in geoscience professional ethics indicated by National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG®) surveys of the practicing profession Prof. John Williams T12.10 - Ethical Practice In Geoscience PDF icon 389.pdf
3178 Geoethics Experiences Of A Minerals Explorationist At Home and Abroad Mr. Robert Stewart T12.10 - Ethical Practice In Geoscience PDF icon 3178.pdf
65 The roles and responsibilities of geoscientists providing expertise in civil and criminal proceedings – a practical guide to the requirements and avoiding pitfalls Ms. Ruth Allington T12.10 - Ethical Practice In Geoscience PDF icon 65.pdf
5615 Discussion Topic 2: Harassment, Bullying and Exclusion (all types - all unaccepable) (Panel discussion) Christine McEntee T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5616 Discussion Topic 3: Getting the balance right - field assignment leaves of absence, work-life balance, career retention (Panel discussion) Marie Fleming T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5617 Discussion Topic 1: Diversity adds value - beyond just gender diversity (Panel discussion) Ms. Lindsay Steele T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5618 Discussion Topic 4: Role Models, Leaders and Mentors - they all count (Panel discussion) Ms. Marie Fleming T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5619 Discussion Topic 5: Disabilities and Challenges - our duty to accommodate (Panel discussion) Mr. Edmund Nickless T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5620 Discussion Topic 1: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5621 Discussion Topic 2: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5622 Discussion Topic 3: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5623 Discussion Topic 4: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5624 Discussion Topic 5: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
2119 Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics at AGU – The Role for a Large Scientific Society in Addressing Harassment and Work Climate Issues. Christine McEntee T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 2119.pdf
4525 Geoethics and the Global Geoparks of UNESCO: the necessary link for the assertion of Geoparks worldwide Dr. Artur Sá T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 4525.pdf
5091 Socrates' rocks: how professional accreditation may help promoting geo-ethics, and why the pioneering stage is challenging Dr. Michiel van der Meulen T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 5091.pdf
3287 MOVING AFRICA FORWARD : THE AFRICAN WOMEN GEOSCIENTISTS Prof. EZZOURA ERRAMI T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 3287.pdf
4188 Dilemmas in Promoting Growth in the Geoscience Discipline Dr. Christopher Keane T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 4188.pdf
