35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort descending Session Abstract
5246 Geochemical Comparisons of Natural Gas in Inclusions and Reservoirs of the XuJiaHe Formation, Sichuan Basin, China Prof. Zhiyong Chen T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 5246.pdf
514 Hypothesis of a Thin Methane Gas-sphere between Earth’s Crust and Mantle Prof. Zhong-Qi Quentin YUE T30.15a - Geo-hazards and Sustainable Development under climate change scenario PDF icon 514.pdf
5661 IGCP 630 BUSINESS MEETING Prof. Zhong-Qiang Chen T47.7 - IGCP 630: Permian and Triassic integrated Stratigraphy and Climatic, Environmental and Biotic Extremes
4545 Collapse and rebuilding of marine ecosystems during the P-Tr transition in Gondwana world Prof. Zhong-Qiang Chen T47.5 - Permian global events and correlations PDF icon 4545.pdf
522 Comparison of Atmospheric CO2 Consumption of Carbonate Rock Weathering with Silicate Rock One in the Pearl River Basin, China Prof. Zhongcheng Jiang T5.P2 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 522.pdf
1587 Paleoarchean carbonates on early Earth - microbial biosignature versus hydrothermal origin Prof.Dr. Joachim Reitner T28.6 - Carbonate Sedimentology PDF icon 1587.pdf
1463 Thermal structure of the Dabie eclogite-bearing terrane revealed from the results of the Ti-in-zircon thermometry Profesor Jingbo Liu T38.17 - HP-UHP metamorphism and tectonic evolution of orogenic belts PDF icon 1463.pdf
4843 Textural and geochemical characteristics, and process of formation, of ooids in the Mesoarchaean Pongola Supergroup, South Africa Professor Axel Hofmann T39.P3 - Evolution of the Biosphere and Biogeoscience PDF icon 4843.pdf
1465 Research on Metallogenic System of Gold and Copper Deposits in the Middle Section of Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, China Professor Bin Cui T30.9 - Geodynamic and metallogenic processes in the Tianshan orogen and adjacent areas, Central Asia PDF icon 1465.pdf
1243 Early diagenetic geochemical homogenization of fine-grained carbonate sediments Professor Adrian Immenhauser T28.7 - Carbonate Sedimentology / Tidal Processes and Products: From Tides to Rock Record PDF icon 1243.pdf
3870 A folded Himalayan-style collisional-orogen model for the origin of the Limpopo belt in South Africa: Implications for reconstructing an amalgamated Archean craton Professor An Yin T30.8a - Supercontinent Cycles and Global Geodynamics (convened by IGCP 648) PDF icon 3870.pdf
3141 Bedform distribution and sediment pathways on a high-energy, mixed wave- and tide-influenced shelf, north Coast, Northern Ireland. Professor Andrew Cooper T40.1 - Stratigraphic and morphologic signatures of continental shelves PDF icon 3141.pdf
3373 A multidisciplinary approach to decipher the complexity and potential of an unconventional gas resource: The Permian Whitehill Formation (Karoo Basin, South Africa) Professor Annette E. Goetz T21.13 - Shale gas basins of the southern hemisphere: stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, climate history, tectonics, and structural evolution PDF icon 3373.pdf
4460 Geothermal potential of Triassic limestones of the Pannonian Basins System: New insights from a deep borehole of Central Hungary Professor Annette E. Goetz T22.P4 - Energy in a Carbon Constrained World PDF icon 4460.pdf
3108 Geothermal energy from the Main Karoo Basin: New insights from borehole KWV-1 (Eastern Cape, South Africa) Professor Annette E. Goetz T22.P3 - Energy in a Carbon Constrained World
559 Assessment of the geothermal potential of the Main Karoo Basin (South Africa): An outcrop analogue study of Permian sandstone reservoir formations Professor Annette E. Goetz T22.P3 - Energy in a Carbon Constrained World PDF icon 559.pdf
3109 Thrust and reverse faulting of Permian black shales (Karoo Basin, South Africa): New insights from borehole KZF-1 Professor Annette E. Goetz T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels
3015 KARIN explores the Karoo Basin and its fossil energy resources: New findings and perspectives from deep drill cores Professor Annette E. Goetz T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels
874 Microstructural and chemical heterogeneity of pseudotachylytes from Indian craton, and its implications for frictional melting process along seismic faults Professor Anupam Chattopadhyay T43.11 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 874.pdf
1992 Dillemmas and problems of raw materials strategy in Poland Professor Barbara Radwanek-Bak T14.11 - Geoscience for environmental management PDF icon 1992.pdf
2187 Gold-bearing structure of Greater Altai: geotectonic position and research criteria Professor Boris Dyachkov T27.P4 - Gold Mineralizing Systems (jointly sponsored by SEG and SGA) PDF icon 2187.pdf
3231 Regularity of formation and criteria of forecasting rare metal deposits in East Kazakhstan Professor Boris Dyachkov T25.P2 - Critical metals - a global perspective PDF icon 3231.pdf
3424 The systematic metamorphic pattern along the Qinling-Dabie-Hongseong collision belt between the North and South China blocks and its tectonic meaning Professor Chang Whan Oh T30.14 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 3424.pdf
3425 The Continental Collision Process Deduced from the Metamorphic Pattern in the Dabie-Hongseong and Himalayan Collision Belt Professor Chang Whan Oh T38.P2 - Metamorphic Processes PDF icon 3425.pdf
1575 Evidence for mid oceanic ridge basaltic (MORB) setting of mafic rocks in Archaean Amgaon greenstone belt of western Bastar craton, central India Professor Deepak Malpe T33.9 - Crustal Evolution in the Indian Peninsula: Special Reference to Central Indian Craton PDF icon 1575.pdf
3860 Assessment of the Ti-in zircon thermometer by documenting prograde and retrograde zircon growth in a high-pressure migmatitic pelitic schist of the Canadian Cordillera Professor Felix Gervais T38.14 - Microscale is the key: microstructural and microchemical studies of metamorphic processes to unravel compositional and geodynamic evolution of the Earth PDF icon 3860.pdf
3534 Zircon U-Pb dating and implications of the TWL conglomerate deposits in the South margin of the Ordos basin, North China Block Professor Gang Chen T28.P4 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 3534.pdf
2007 Geodynamics of passive margins: insights from the DFG Schwerpunktprogramm SAMPLE for the South Atlantic and beyond Professor Hans-Peter Bunge T30.15 - Dynamic Africa: integrating constraints on the post-Gondwana topographic evolution of Africa and adjacent continents from the core mantle boundary PDF icon 2007.pdf
5323 Africa: A natural laboratory for medical geology investigations Professor Hassina Mouri T11.9 - Medical Geology / Medical Geology - case studies from Africa PDF icon 5323.pdf
1574 Groundwater Pollution with Organoarsenic Compounds (DPAA) and Sustainable non-polluted Groundwater Utilization for the Irrigation in the Paddy Fields Professor Hisashi Nirei T11.8 - Medical Geology on a Dynamic Planet: Prosperity, Poisons and Providence PDF icon 1574.pdf
1459 Terminology for better description of man-made strata in relation to geopollution and geological hazards in Japan Professor Hisashi Nirei T14.12 - Environmental GeosciencesGeosciences in Strategic Environmental Management / Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 1459.pdf
4901 Ethical Dimensions of Transdisciplinary Approaches in Seismic Risk Communication Professor I. S. Stewart T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 4901.pdf
1454 Translation and rotation of crustal blocks in the southernmost Atlantic region prior to seafloor spreading: in search of a mechanism. Professor Ian Dalziel T30.17c - The geodynamics of Phanerozoic sea level change PDF icon 1454.pdf
1804 River sediment system responses to climate forcing evaluated using luminescence partial bleaching Professor Jasper Knight T34.3 - African Geochronology PDF icon 1804.pdf
1509 Palaeo-tufa from Liuhuanggou No 2 cave in the Ordovician carbonate, North Tarim basin, China: features and petroleum significances Professor Jianhua Zhong T20.P2 - Petroleum Systems and Exploration PDF icon 1509.pdf
1514 The features and significance of Aeolian sandstone in the Lower Cretaceous system, Northern Ordos basin, China. professor Jianhua Zhong T28.P4 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 1514.pdf
3704 Paleomagnetic Data Bearing on the Thermal History of Upper Permian to Lower Triassic (?) Beaufort Group Strata, Karoo Basin, South Africa Professor John Geissman T47.2 - Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Palaeontology of the Permian–Triassic Boundary Interval, Karoo Basin, South Africa PDF icon 3704.pdf
3505 Incorporation of Geoethics in Undergraduate Science and Geoscience Curricula: Some Examples Professor John Geissman T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 3505.pdf
3880 New Paleomagnetic data from Upper Permian and Lower Triassic Volcanic Sequences from Northwest Vietnam and Their Bearing on the Accretion History of Southeast Asia Professor John Geissman T30.14 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 3880.pdf
4937 The Colorado Plateau (USA) Coring Project (CPCP): Preliminary Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy and Rock Magnetic Data From the Continuous Cored Record of Triassic Continental Environmental Change Professor John Geissman T47.7 - IGCP 630: Permian and Triassic integrated Stratigraphy and Climatic, Environmental and Biotic Extremes PDF icon 4937.pdf
3867 A Refined Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy and Paleomagnetic Pole for Upper Permian and Lower Triassic Strata Deposited Across the End-Permian Extinction Event, West Texas (USA) Professor John Geissman T47.6 - IGCP 630: Permian and Triassic integrated Stratigraphy and Climatic, Environmental and Biotic Extremes PDF icon 3867.pdf
2963 There’s More Than One Way to Build a Point Bar: Multiple Growth Processes in River-Channel Point Bars Professor John Holbrook T28.14 - Detrital Zircons in Basin Analysis: Provenance Reconstruction, Chronostratigraphy, Sediment Routing / Continental Sedimentation PDF icon 2963.pdf
5280 Landslide susceptibility modelling process – A generic methodology appliable at the municipal scale Professor Marko Komac T13.14 - AGID Sub Theme : 3: Geo Parks, Geo Heritage & Geo Tourism: Role of Women Geoscientists / AGID Sub Theme : 4: Geo-hazards: Creating Social Awareness, Preparedness and Capacity Building for mitigating Geohazards PDF icon 5280.pdf
3714 Defining the Lower–Middle Pleistocene Subseries boundary Professor Martin Head T47.12 - Cretaceous time scale and sea-level changes, and Cretaceous Asia-Pacific Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) - Part 2 PDF icon 3714.pdf
2790 Deepening events and sediment routing systems in migrating rifts. Insights from the Corinth rift Professor Mary Ford T29.2 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 2790.pdf
2685 Greenhouse sea-level changes: Growing evidence for aquifer-driven eustasy Professor Michael Wagreich T47.11 - Cretaceous time scale and sea-level changes, and Cretaceous Asia-Pacific Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) - Part 1 PDF icon 2685.pdf
1905 Early mining geochemical anomalies at around 3000 years BP as a potential stratigraphic marker for the base of an early Anthropocene Professor Michael Wagreich T47.16 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale / Cretaceous time scale and sea-level changes, and Cretaceous Asia-Pacific Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) -- Part 1 / Anthropocene: Utility and Definition PDF icon 1905.pdf
1626 40Ar/39Ar ages in two alkaline igneous complexes from the Tikar Plain, Cameroon (Central Africa): a contribution to the interpretation of the Cameroon Line magmatism Professor Njonfang Emmanuel T34.P1 - Geochronology PDF icon 1626.pdf
1985 How deep (and hot) is a diamond? Professor Paolo Nimis T30.7B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time PDF icon 1985.pdf
3068 Finland’s Green Mining concept aims to promote sustainable and acceptable mining Professor Pekka Nurmi T12.8 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 1 PDF icon 3068.pdf
