2590 |
Geo-hazards in Pamir Plateau alone China-Pakistan Economic Corridor |
Prof. Xin YAO |
T8.13 - Geohazards: Prevention, risk reduction, early warning and preparedness |
2590.pdf |
5083 |
Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals: A “For Northerners, By Northerners” approach to indigenous engagement activities |
Dr. Daniel Lebel |
T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 |
5083.pdf |
1852 |
Geo3DML: a public 3D geological model data exchange format |
Prof. Honggang Qu |
T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards |
1852.pdf |
2970 |
Geoarchaeology of the Douglas Korongo East and Bell's Korongo East sites, Olduvai Gorge: Preliminary results |
Dr. Cynthia M. Fadem |
T44.15 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology |
2970.pdf |
1594 |
Geobiology of an early Archean microbial mat facies (Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia) |
Dr. Jan-Peter Duda |
T39.7 - Stromatolites through time: archives of microbe-sediment interaction |
1594.pdf |
2005 |
Geobotany of the Koedoesfontein Complex in the Vredefort Dome, South Africa. |
Mr. Ricart Boneschans |
T1.6 - Geoheritage and Conservation |
2005.pdf |
2516 |
Geochemical Analysis and Origin of Gas in Volcanic Reservoirs of the Songliao Basin in China |
Prof. Shizhen Tao |
T20.7 - Petroleum Systems of Eurasia |
2516.pdf |
1217 |
Geochemical analysis of the European Kupferschiefer – from method development to data assessment |
Anne Rahfeld |
T23.12 - Strategic & Base Metals & Industrial Minerals |
1217.pdf |
685 |
Geochemical and geochronological studies on two bimodal magmatism in the eastern Tianshan Belt, Northwest China and implications for the Later Paleozoic tectonic evolution |
Dr. Xijie Chen |
T30.3a - Interrelationship between Deformation and Metamorphism during Orogenesis |
685.pdf |
4857 |
Geochemical and mineralogical microbial signatures recorded within the condensed deposits of the Middle-Upper Jurassic transition on the Romanian territory |
dr. Lucian Petrescu |
T39.P3 - Evolution of the Biosphere and Biogeoscience |
4857.pdf |
730 |
Geochemical Assessment of soil, sediments and water within and around Artisanal mine sites in Southwestern Nigeria. |
Dr. Mary Odukoya |
T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences |
730.pdf |
4343 |
Geochemical baselines and metal deportment in the upper Olifants Primary Catchment by using stream sediment geochemistry, Witbank Coalfield, South Africa |
Mr. Robert Netshitungulwana |
T14.P3 - Environmental Geosciences |
4343.pdf |
3592 |
Geochemical behaviour of Zr around a metasomatic vein and possible brine infiltration under upper amphibolite facies conditions |
Ms. Fumiko Higashino |
T38.P4 - Metamorphic Processes |
3592.pdf |
2285 |
Geochemical characterisation of Pb-Zn-Cu and Ba mineralisation in the Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Coastal Basin, Gabon, Central Africa |
Mathieu Lacorde |
T18.P3 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes |
2285.pdf |
3879 |
Geochemical characterisation of the mafic/ultramafic rocks from the BARB-3 drilling site in the Barberton Greenstone belt |
Mrs. Nina Bellot |
T32.P5 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth |
3879.pdf |
3350 |
Geochemical characterisation, Sm-Nd and U-Pb zircon chronology of the Tirodi Gneissic Complex (TGC), Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ): constraints on Proterozoic crustal evolution |
Dr. Meraj Alam |
T33.9 - Crustal Evolution in the Indian Peninsula: Special Reference to Central Indian Craton |
3350.pdf |
1753 |
Geochemical characteristics and in-situ Quartz oxygen isotope ratio in a Terra Rossa profile: an unconsolidated paleosol horizon |
Dr. Hongbing Ji |
T4.5 - Palaeosols, palaeoweathering profiles and polygenetic soils indicators of climate change |
1753.pdf |
1319 |
Geochemical characteristics and metallogenic significance of igneous rocks from Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit, Tibet |
Mr. Ying-Chun Pang |
T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) |
1319.pdf |
3610 |
Geochemical characteristics of beryl from pegmatites of the Erongo Volcanic Complex, Namibia |
Ms. Jullieta Lum |
T37.3 - Gems: bringing the World together |
3610.pdf |
4186 |
Geochemical characteristics of Late Cretaceous to Pliocene arc magmatism in the Central Chilean Andes (~35°S) and its records of the evolving geodynamic frame |
Dr. Marcia Muñoz |
T36.P2 - Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes |
4186.pdf |
4628 |
Geochemical characteristics of trace elements and their implications of the Xingyuanchong Cu polymetallic deposit northwest of Jiangxi province for Qingzhou-Hangzhou metallogenic belt (QHMB), China |
Mr. Xingyuan Li |
T18.P3 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes |
4628.pdf |
4401 |
Geochemical characterization and petrogenesis of Proterozoic Khairagarh
Volcanics and the Sakoli Mobile Belt; Bastar Craton, Central Indian shield: implication for Precambrian crustal evolution |
Dr. Longjam Chanu
Prof Talat Ahmad Talat Ahmad |
T33.11 - Crustal Evolution in the Indian Peninsula: Special Reference to Central Indian Craton / Geodynamics and metallogenesis of the West African Craton |
4401.pdf |
4395 |
Geochemical characterization and petrogenesis of the Proterozoic mafic magmatism in Gwalior Basin, Central Indian Shield – constraints on crustal evolution |
Dr. Samom Jwellys Devi |
T33.11 - Crustal Evolution in the Indian Peninsula: Special Reference to Central Indian Craton / Geodynamics and metallogenesis of the West African Craton |
4395.pdf |
5246 |
Geochemical Comparisons of Natural Gas in Inclusions and Reservoirs of the XuJiaHe Formation, Sichuan Basin, China |
Prof. Zhiyong Chen |
T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels |
5246.pdf |
846 |
Geochemical data interpretation techniques and mineral target generation, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. |
Mr. Sibongiseni Hlatshwayo |
T17.P4 - Mineral Exploration |
846.pdf |
1481 |
Geochemical evidence for the metasomatic origin of pyrope quartzite in Western Alps |
Dr. Yi-Xiang Chen |
T38.15 - HP-UHP metamorphism and tectonic evolution of orogenic belts |
1481.pdf |
1581 |
Geochemical evidences for photic zone euxinia during the end - Ordovician mass extinction event from the black shales of Poland |
Mrs. Justyna Smolarek |
T44.P2 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology |
1581.pdf |
3791 |
Geochemical evolution of polygenic ferricrete-capped landscapes: Example from the Poura region, Burkina Faso |
Prof. Ousmane Bamba |
T42.P4 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution |
3791.pdf |
1627 |
Geochemical exploration in regolith-covered terrains: a case study from the periphery of the Zijinshan copper–gold mine, southeastern China |
Dr. Bimin Zhang
Dr. Xueqiu Wang
Professor Rong Ye |
T17.P3 - Mineral Exploration |
1627.pdf |
3466 |
Geochemical exploration through cover in deeply weathered terrains |
Dr. Ravi Anand |
T17.3 - Greenfields exploration in regolith-dominated terrains |
3466.pdf |
4957 |
Geochemical Fingerprinting of Granites Revisited |
Prof. Julian Pearce |
T36.5 - Granite Keynotes |
4957.pdf |
704 |
Geochemical identification marks of hydrothermal metallogenic system boundary |
Mr. Shengming Ma |
T17.P3 - Mineral Exploration |
704.pdf |
3503 |
Geochemical investigations of Iridium (Ir) and other platinum group elements from the intrabasaltic palaeosols (bole beds), associated basalts and soils from the Deccan Traps of Koynanagar region (India). |
Dr. Mohammed Rafi Sayyed |
T4.P2 - Climate Change Studies |
3503.pdf |
883 |
Geochemical map of Russia in scale 1:2 500 000 |
Dr. Victor Kilipko |
T3.P2 - Public Sector Geoscience and Geological Surveys |
883.pdf |
872 |
Geochemical map of the Russian polar sector of the Arctic region |
Dr. Alexander Kremenetskiy |
T41.P4 - Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience |
872.pdf |
2553 |
Geochemical Mapping across the boundary regions of China and Mongolia |
Mr. Lanshi Nie |
T3.6 - Mapping the geochemistry of the Earth’s surface at global to local scales (3rd Arthur Darnley Symposium) |
2553.pdf |
3013 |
Geochemical mapping of soil and water around abandoned mines in Kadoma, Zimbabwe |
Ms. Daina Mudimbu |
T3.8 - Geoscience for environmental management |
3013.pdf |
5488 |
Geochemical mapping of the Tugela Terrane, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: semi-regional soil survey |
Mehdi Bensid |
T3.6 - Mapping the geochemistry of the Earth’s surface at global to local scales (3rd Arthur Darnley Symposium) |
5488.pdf |
873 |
Geochemical prospecting of raw hydrocarbons in the system: continental margin - the Arctic Ocean floor |
Dr. Alexander Kremenetskiy |
T41.P3 - Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience |
873.pdf |
1435 |
Geochemical provenance of Tertiary sediments in the North-Eastern India: understanding tectonic uplift and weathering in the Himalayas |
Dr. Neeraj Awasthi |
T28.9 - Climatic controls on sedimentary systems and processes |
1435.pdf |
3349 |
Geochemical signature of the Late Devonian events in the Rhenish Massif, the Holy Cross Mountains and the Carnic Alps |
Dr. Agnieszka Pisarzowska |
T20.P2 - Petroleum Systems and Exploration |
3349.pdf |
4123 |
Geochemical, Ar-Ar geochronological and Sr-Nd isotopic constraints on the origin of Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks from the West Qinling area in China. |
Dr. Feifei Zhang |
T30.P4 - A Dynamic Earth |
4123.pdf |
4433 |
Geochemical, Mineralogical and Pore structure of Shales from Auranga basin, Jharkhand, India |
T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels |
4433.pdf |
4675 |
Geochemistry and 10Be analysis of sediments from Svalbard, Arctic Ocean: A proxy for climate change |
Dr. Pankaj Kumar |
T4.17 - Understanding Tropical Climate Change from geological perspectives through multi-dimensional approach |
4675.pdf |
3064 |
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Late Jurassic granitoids from Xuru Tso area, western Lhasa Terrane, Tibetan Plateau |
Ms. Yan JingJing |
T36.P2 - Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes |
3064.pdf |
1755 |
Geochemistry and Raman spectroscopy of micas associated with greisens in the Poimena granite, NE Tasmania |
Dr. Jan van Moort |
T37.4 - Gems: bringing the World together |
1755.pdf |
3728 |
Geochemistry and SIMS U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Vijayan anatectic melts of eastern Sri Lanka |
Dr. Samuel Wai-Pan Ng |
T33.P5 - The Proterozoic Earth |
3728.pdf |
485 |
Geochemistry and tectonic settings of metavolcanics of Chitradurga schist belt, Karnataka, India |
Mr. M M Korakoppa |
T36.10 - Magmatism - Palaeovolcanism in subduction and collisional zones / Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes |
485.pdf |
4817 |
Geochemistry and Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of Surma Basin, Mizoram, India |
T30.5 - Geology and Tectonics Of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt |
4817.pdf |
1420 |
Geochemistry and Weathering History of Sandstone from Balfour Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa: Implications for Provenance and Tectonic Setting |
Ms. Monica Enifome Oghenekome |
T28.P4 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern |
1420.pdf |