35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort descending Session Abstract
5643 Introduction Dr. Ian Cloke T20.1 - Petroleum systems of the On-shore basins of Africa (convened by Tullow Oil Ltd)
1752 Use of pXRD in the quantitative assessment of alteration in epithermal Au deposits Dr. Ian Graham T27.13 - The Crustal Gold Cycle (jointly sponsored by SEG and SGA) PDF icon 1752.pdf
1715 Viridine, Piemontite and Epidote Group Minerals from Thassos Island, Northern Greece Dr. Ian Graham T37.P2 - Mineralogy PDF icon 1715.pdf
3541 Geological Applications of Atom Probe Tomography Dr. Ian Holton T45.7 - Instrumental, experimental and laboratory-based developments in the Geosciences PDF icon 3541.pdf
2896 Developing sustainable palaeotourism in South Africa. The Kitching Fossil Exploration Centre, in the Eastern Cape as a case study. Dr. Ian McKay T1.5 - Geoheritage and Conservation PDF icon 2896.pdf
2912 Curriculum reform can make a difference. The case of the introduction of palaeontology and evolution into the South African School Curriculum . Dr. Ian McKay T2.9 - Geoscience Education at school level PDF icon 2912.pdf
2915 Are you related to a cabbage: A pragmatic approach to teaching evolution in the classroom and dealing with fundamentalist religious beliefs. Dr. Ian McKay T2.12 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 2915.pdf
2455 Similarities and differences between tectonic development of Pangea continental margin salt basins Dr. Ian Norton T29.4 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution
2072 Ground Penetrating Radar Studies and Influence of Anthropogenic Factors on Some Landslides of Northeast India Dr. Ibotombi Soibam T15.6 - Slope stability - Analysis and investigation PDF icon 2072.pdf
1317 Mineral exploration in regolith-dominated terrains: considerations, challenges and new approaches Dr. Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez T17.3 - Greenfields exploration in regolith-dominated terrains PDF icon 1317.pdf
3205 Mobility and fractionation of Zr-Hf, Nd-Ta and Y-Ho due to extreme and overprinting weathering events Dr. Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez T42.P4 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution
3206 Transported cover as an efficient medium to identify ore geochemical footprints: the DeGrussa landscape geochemical evolution Dr. Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez T17.P3 - Mineral Exploration PDF icon 3206.pdf
3205 Mobility and fractionation of Zr-Hf, Nd-Ta and Y-Ho due to extreme and overprinting weathering events Dr. Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez T42.P4 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution PDF icon 3205.pdf
1600 Tectonic map of Northern-Central-Eastern Asia: New conception, new scientific results, new perspectives Dr. IGOR POSPELOV T7.3 - CGMW: International Geoscience Maps in the 21st Century PDF icon 1600.pdf
1911 To the problem of rhenium extraction in the areas of modern volcanism Dr. Igor Spiridonov T18.P2 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1911.pdf
3337 In situ Sr isotope evidence for plagioclase mingling in the UG2 layer of the Bushveld complex (South Africa) Dr. Ilka Kleinhanns T18.5 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3337.pdf
2499 The relationship between distribution of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and geochemical properties in the Iznik Lake (Turkey) bottom sediment Dr. Ipek F. Barut T28.P5 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 2499.pdf
1653 The study of groundwater contamination hazard in megacities by mathematical methods (the cases of Moscow, Russia and Hyderabad, India) Dr. Irina Galitskaya T14.9 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 1653.pdf
2833 Modeling of radionuclide migration in fractured rock aquifer and assessment of groundwater contamination risk Dr. Irina Galitskaya T5.3 - Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of arid and semi-arid Africa: a tribute to W. M. Edmunds / Non-Darcian flows in soil and geological porous media / Hydrochemistry and recharge of karst and other systems / Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 2833.pdf
1971 Engineering geological zoning of the Central Federal region, Russian Federation, by the suitability for allocation of disposal sites and utilization facilities for solid municipal waste Dr. Irina Kozlyakova Dr. Irina Kozhevnikova T14.P3 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 1971.pdf
1663 Formation of geological risk upon tunnel construction in water-saturated fine-grained soils Dr. Irina Kozlyakova T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 1663.pdf
2813 Two different Neoproterozoic-Cambrian sedimentary basins of Dzabkhan continental block (Central Asian fold belt) Dr. Irina Vishnevskaia T35.6 - Isotope Geoscience PDF icon 2813.pdf
2339 Mechanical Properties of Adobe blocks used in Building Construction in Huambo Province - Angola Dr. Isabel Duarte T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 2339.pdf
4946 Methods of earth building in the Huila Province, Angola Dr. Isabel Duarte T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics
3876 EurGeol as Competent Person Dr. Isabel Manuela Fernandez Fuentes T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 3876.pdf
3871 KINDRA Project: classification and inventory of groundwater research and knowledge in Europe Dr. Isabel Manuela Fernandez Fuentes T5.5 - Integrated geo-hydrological approaches to secure groundwater resources PDF icon 3871.pdf
2500 Linked Shifts in Glacial-Interglacial CO2, Climate and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling During Earth’s Last Icehouse Dr. Isabel Montanez T47.3 - The Carboniferous World: Assembly of Pangaea and Onset of Late Paleozoic Glaciations PDF icon 2500.pdf
3785 Middle to Upper Cretaceous High Frequency Cyclic Records on the Arabian Carbonate Platform, SE Turkey; Climatic and Tectonic Controls Dr. Ismail Omer Yilmaz T47.11 - Cretaceous time scale and sea-level changes, and Cretaceous Asia-Pacific Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) - Part 1 PDF icon 3785.pdf
1230 Gas hydrate occurrences from seismic analysis Offshore Chiloe Dr. Iván De La Cruz Vargas Cordero Dra. Umberta Tinivella PhD(c) Lucia Villar Muñoz Bsc Pas Toledo Rubilar T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 1230.pdf
3381 Petrographic Characteristics of the Low Sulphur Coals from the Campanian-Maastrichtian Mamu Formation, Anambra Basin, South East Nigeria. Dr. Izuchukwu Mike Akaegbobi T19.2 - Coal PDF icon 3381.pdf
3383 Geomorphological and Paleopedological Development on Cretaceous Parent Source Rock around Nsukka Southeastern Nigeria. Dr. Izuchukwu Mike Akaegbobi T4.6 - Palaeosols, palaeoweathering profiles and polygenetic soils indicators of climate change PDF icon 3383.pdf
5613 Modern resource modelling with quantitative geological constraints Dr. J Antonio Vargas-Guzman T16.11 - Advanced Quantitative Studies and Non Linear Methods in Geosciences PDF icon 5613.pdf
5110 Tracking Basin Inversion in the RetroArc Foreland Basin: Integrated Provenance Studies in the Cacheuta Basin, South-Central Andes Dr. J. Brian Mahoney T29.6 - Recent advances in foreland basin systems PDF icon 5110.pdf
4383 Landscape assessment for Penghu Geopark, Taiwan Dr. J. C. Lin T1.7 - Heritage, conservation and management / Geoheritage and Geoparks PDF icon 4383.pdf
2939 Sedimentology and Magnetostratigraphy of the cretaceous formations in the Hamakoussou and Mayo Oulo-Lere bassins in the Northern Cameroon (Benue Throught). Dr. Jacqueline Ntsama Atangana T28.P3 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 2939.pdf
1810 Kimberlites from the Kundelungu Plateau (South East D.R. Congo): Age determination, Implications for regional tectonism and mineralization. Dr. Jacques Mwandulo Batumike T18.11 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 1810.pdf
826 Tectonic evolution of the Ulleung back-arc Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan), Korea Dr. Jaehong Ko T29.P1 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 826.pdf
3894 The Late Quaternary evolution of the southern Brazilian coast: insights from seismic stratigraphy and diatom records Dr. Jair Weschenfelder T40.P4 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography PDF icon 3894.pdf
2051 International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP): The Latest Incarnation of Almost Five Decades of Scientific Ocean Drilling Excellence Dr. James Austin T40.5 - IODP PDF icon 2051.pdf
1773 Fractionation, Exsolution and Magnetism: Petrophysical Insights into PGE prospectivity in the Giles Mafic-Ultramafic Instrusive complex, Central Australia. Dr. James Austin T18.8 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 1773.pdf
1774 Quantifying structural control on ore deposition using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS): Case studies from the Cloncurry IOCG/ Sedex province. Dr. James Austin T17.11 - Quantitative geoscience data analysis for mineral exploration targeting PDF icon 1774.pdf
5232 Plate flexure and the development of depositional cycles in sedimentary basins Dr. James Moore T29.3 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution
4804 High resolution U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS dating documents out of sequence emplacement of layering in the Upper Critical Zone of the Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex, South Africa Dr. James Mungall T18.10a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4804.pdf
420 Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotopic studies of Lohit Plutonic Complex, Arunachal Pradesh, India by LA-MC-ICPMS. Dr. James Pebam T34.4 - Geochronology PDF icon 420.pdf
5340 Chlorite chemistry as a new exploration tool in the propylitic halo of porphyry-epithermal systems Dr. Jamie Wilkinson T17.9 - New theories and methods in resources exploration PDF icon 5340.pdf
5341 Primary fluid chemistry: the key driver of metal budgets and dispersion geochemistry in hydrothermal ore systems? Dr. Jamie Wilkinson T18.1 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 5341.pdf
1403 Trace element chemistry and geochronology of molybdenites from different types of mineralization in the Bohemian Massif: Results from LA-ICPMS and Re-Os study Dr. Jan Pašava T18.P4 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1403.pdf
2380 Meso- and Neoproterozoic thermotectonic evolution of south-western Baltica: Insights from P/T studies, U-Pb zircon geochronology and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology Dr. Jan Ulmius T33.P4 - The Proterozoic Earth PDF icon 2380.pdf
1755 Geochemistry and Raman spectroscopy of micas associated with greisens in the Poimena granite, NE Tasmania Dr. Jan van Moort T37.4 - Gems: bringing the World together PDF icon 1755.pdf
