35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort descending Abstract
4784 Magmatic origin of ‘Kiruna-type’ apatite-iron-oxide ores revealed by Fe-O isotope correlations Prof. Valentin Troll T18.16 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 4784.pdf
3657 Mitigation of the rockburst risk in deep South African gold mines Professor Raymond Durrheim T18.16 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 3657.pdf
5213 Petrophysical and geological study of the seismically non-reflective Carbon Leader Reef: Witwatersrand Basin Ms. Nomqhele Nkosi T18.16 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 5213.pdf
4627 Relative timing of alterations in the Witwatersrand Basin Dr. Katharina Wulff T18.16 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 4627.pdf
5493 Understanding the origin of groundwater in the Evander basin goldfields to assist mine water management during closure, South Africa Mr. Mohammed Musthafa Khaleel T18.16 - The Wiwatersrand Goldfields PDF icon 5493.pdf
1966 Alteration-Mineralization and Element Migration Features of Baiyinchang VMS Deposit in Gansu Province, China Dr. Kai Dong Pro. Shouyu Chen T18.16a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1966.pdf
5499 Gold in West Africa – what does the future hold? L Peters T18.16a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 5499.pdf
4652 Relationships between concentration of phosphorus and evolutionary of small shelly faunas from the Cambrian Maidiping Formation, China Mr. Wentian Mi T18.16a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4652.pdf
3840 Evidence for post-magmatic rare-earth element mobilisation from a microgeochemical in situ ID-TIMS Sm–Nd isochron from a single magmatic eudialyte crystal from the Norra Kärr alkaline complex Mr. Axel Sjöqvist T18.16a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3840.pdf
3994 Diamondiferous trend of the kimberlites in the Lunda region (?ngola) Dr. Joao Tunga Felix T18.16a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3994.pdf
1718 In-loop TEM for fast investigation of coal-mine out water-filled zones Prof. Guo-qiang Xue T18.17 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1718.pdf
3756 Antimony / Gold Mineralization of the Murchison Greenstone Belt Mr. Trevor Pearton T18.17 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3756.pdf
638 A review of the history and geology of the Knysna (Millwood) goldfields, Western Cape Province, South Africa. An opportunity missed? Mr. Christopher Bargmann T18.17 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 638.pdf
58 The mining history of Cape Town Dr. Doug Cole T18.17 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 58.pdf
3770 Geo-environmental Assessment of Mining Impacts on the Central Rand Dr. Fred, N. Mphephu T18.17 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3770.pdf
4696 Uniqueness of the Jiaodong terrane constrained by the Penglai Group, Eastern China Prof. Hongyan Li T18.17a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4696.pdf
5052 Intrusions Related Ore Genesis Processes Along The Subduction Line of Bursa Uludag Mr. Huseyin Kocaturk T18.17a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 5052.pdf
5014 Understanding Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes - The Self-Organisation Concept and its Importance to the Search for New Mineral Resources Dr. Sabine Dietrich T18.17a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 5014.pdf
4273 New discovery of a wolframite-bearing granitic porphyry dike in Pingmiao ore block of the giant Dahutang tungsten deposit (Jiangxi Province, South China): A geochronologic, geochemical and petrogenetic study Mr Y.F. Meng T18.17a - Crustal Evolution, Geodynamics and Mineral Systems / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4273.pdf
905 Lithospheric and tectonic settings of IOCG systems in Australia Dr. Roger Skirrow T18.2 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 905.pdf
1476 IOCG deposits on the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic continental margins: a deposit clan formed during basin inversion Prof. Huayong Chen T18.2 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 1476.pdf
963 Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide Deposits in mainland SE Asia: Their Potential and Prospectivity Prof. khin Zaw T18.2 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 963.pdf
2067 The 2650 Ma to 2600 Ma Magmatic Event and its Economic Importance for the Archean LCT Pegmatite Budget Dipl.-Geol Thomas Dittrich T18.2 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 2067.pdf
2733 MINERALOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF ALTERATION ZONE ASSOCIATED WITH MASSIVE SULPHIDE ORES OF THE ARIAB DISTRICT, RED SEA HILLS, SUDAN Dr. Samia Ibrahim T18.2 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 2733.pdf
5307 The sources of ore-forming materials from the Anqing skarn type Cu-Fe deposit, Anhui Province, China Mr. Guangshu Yang T18.2 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 5307.pdf
2177 A Cretaceous granite-related stratiform Cu ore hosted in Triassic basalt, SW China Mr. Jiawei Zhang T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 2177.pdf
3570 Molybdenite Re–Os, zircon U–Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopic analysis of the Xiaerchulu Au deposit, Inner Mongolia Province, China PhD. candidate Wang Jiaxin T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 3570.pdf
2293 Iron-oxide apatite deposits in eastern China formed by accumulation of magmatic hydrosaline chloride liquids Dr. Xin-Fu Zhao T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 2293.pdf
2259 Geochronology of the giant Beiya gold–polymetallic deposit in Yunnan Province, Southwest China and its relationship with the petrogenesis of alkaline porphyry Dr. Xiaoming Sun T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 2259.pdf
1365 Nano- to micron-particulate gold hosted by magnetite from the Beiya gold deposit, SW China Dr. Haoyang Zhou T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 1365.pdf
3322 Nucleus deposit: a superposed (?) Au-Bi-As-Cu mineralized system at Mountain Freegold, Yukon, Canada, with constraints from molybdenite Re/Os and titanite U/Pb geochronology Dr. Thierry Bineli Betsi T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 3322.pdf
1319 Geochemical characteristics and metallogenic significance of igneous rocks from Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit, Tibet Mr. Ying-Chun Pang T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 1319.pdf
3123 Dictionema Shales and Obolus Sandstone (Phosphorite) of the Baltic Sedimentary Basin: New Type of Complex Ore for Renium and Uranium, Platinoids and Rare-Earth Metals Dr. Vladimir Vyalov T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 3123.pdf
3436 Field observations bearing on the origin of UG1/UG2 chromitites in the Bushveld Complex Mr. Rais Latypov T18.4 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3436.pdf
3052 A step forward in understanding 3D magmatic structures and ore deposits Dr. Emma J. Hunt T18.4 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3052.pdf
981 The Bushveld Complex: an overview of its structure, concepts on its origin, age and outstanding controversial issues Prof. Allan Wilson T18.4 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 981.pdf
1164 Bushveld’s base has foundered Prof. Nicholas Arndt T18.4 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 1164.pdf
3833 Trace element profiles through the Bushveld UG2 chromitite: alkali mobility and post-cumulus reworking in a redox potential gradient Dr. Robert Trumbull T18.5 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3833.pdf
3947 The emplacement mechanism of the UG-1 chromitite in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa Dr. Ria Mukherjee T18.5 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3947.pdf
3058 Sm-Nd isotopic evidence for sampling of multiple sources during the emplacement of the Upper Critical Zone, Bushveld Complex, South Africa Dr Roger Scoon T18.5 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3058.pdf
4439 Magmatic reaction and replacement phenomena associated with iron-rich melts migrating through the Upper Critical Zone, Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex Prof. David Reid T18.5 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 4439.pdf
3337 In situ Sr isotope evidence for plagioclase mingling in the UG2 layer of the Bushveld complex (South Africa) Dr. Ilka Kleinhanns T18.5 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3337.pdf
2778 Results of a high resolution mineralogical and geochemical study within the Merensky reef, Western Limb, Bushveld complex Mrs. Justine Magson T18.5 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 2778.pdf
2843 Top down formation of the Sonju Lake intrusion (Duluth Complex USA) with implications for formation of PGE reef deposits Dr. Craig Lundstrom T18.6 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 2843.pdf
244 Hypothesis of non-sequential injection of PGE-rich ultramafic sills in earlier-formed noritic cumulates at Akanani (Platreef), Northern Section of the Bushveld Complex: Evidence from new Sm-Nd isotopic data Dr. Roger Scoon T18.6 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 244.pdf
3359 Anatomy of a LIP-forming conduit system in the Deep Crust: The Seiland Igneous Province, Northern Norway Dr. Rune Larsen B. T18.6 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3359.pdf
4566 Distinguishing multiple sulphide zones in the Platreef within a single core from the Turfspruit Farm prospect, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. Ms. Eva Marquis T18.6 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 4566.pdf
4182 Offset PGE reefs revisited: equilibrium and diffusive partitioning in action Dr. David Holwell T18.6 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 4182.pdf
3061 The metallogenesis of the lithospheric mantle and its bearing on the Bushveld magmatic event: Evidence from lamprophyric dykes and critical metals in mantle xenolith sulphides Dr. Hannah Hughes T18.6 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3061.pdf
