35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort ascending Abstract
5281 Changes in carbon dioxide concentrations across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary revealed by first Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand) stomatal proxy-based pCO2 reconstruction Prof. Vivi Vajda T44.1 - IGCP 632 Continental Crises of the Jurassic: Major extinction events and environmental changes PDF icon 5281.pdf
4203 The Nothal Jurassic record as preserved in sequences of Zealandia Dr. Hamish Campbell T44.1 - IGCP 632 Continental Crises of the Jurassic: Major extinction events and environmental changes PDF icon 4203.pdf
4626 Implications of U-Pb zircon CA ID-TIMS ages for high-resolution stratigraphy and timescale of Jurassic-Cretaceous continental strata of northern China Mr. Sean Kinney T44.1 - IGCP 632 Continental Crises of the Jurassic: Major extinction events and environmental changes PDF icon 4626.pdf
3459 USING THE ISOTOPIC CONTENT OF FOSSIL REMAINS AS EVIDENCE OF PALEOENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF THE LATE JURASSIC WEST GONDWANA. Dr. Paulo Roberto Souto T44.1 - IGCP 632 Continental Crises of the Jurassic: Major extinction events and environmental changes PDF icon 3459.pdf
492 40Ar/39Ar age for the fossil-bearing Tiaojishan Formation in NE China Dr. Su-Chin Chang T44.1 - IGCP 632 Continental Crises of the Jurassic: Major extinction events and environmental changes PDF icon 492.pdf
5325 Series of China’s metallogenic geological setting maps Mrs. Yanfang Feng T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 5325.pdf
5076 En-echelon quartz vein arrays in a progressive dextral transpressional system, Storms River, Eastern Cape, South Africa Dr. Matthew Brayshaw T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 5076.pdf
3302 The difference of fracture density and fluid flow characteristics between footwall and hanging wall of a high angle fault Mr. Taehyung Kim T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 3302.pdf
2088 Geophysical Evidence on the Origin of the Caldas Novas Dome Dr. Detlef Walde T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2088.pdf
1069 The elusive Rayton Formation in the Khayakhulu area; western Transvaal basin of the North West Province, South Africa Ms. Refilwe Shelembe T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 1069.pdf
2296 Phyllosilicate occurrence along extensional faults in carbonate rocks and implications for seismic rupture propagation: case studies from the central Apennines, Italy Dr. Luca Smeraglia T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2296.pdf
19 Geological Mapping, Structural Setting and Petrographic Description Of The Archean Volcanic Rocks Of Mnanka Area, North Mara, Tanzania. Mr. Ezra Kavana T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 19.pdf
5039 Structural Mapping and Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Zones Trhough SRTM and ASTER Images in Macossa, Mozambique Mr. Manuel Nopeia T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 5039.pdf
2830 Age of folding and relationships of Pai-Hoi–Novaya Zemlya and Urals orogenic belts. Dr. Mikhal Shishkin T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2830.pdf
4505 Hydraulic fracturing for plaster under brittle-ductile transition condition Dr. Akihisa KIZAKI T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 4505.pdf
1090 The metamorphic basement from the Santander Massif (Colombian Eastern Cordillera): a new stratigraphic framework Dr. Luis Carlos Mantilla Figueroa Dr. Carlos Alberto García Ramirez Dr. Víctor Valencia T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 1090.pdf
2111 A Comparison Between Modeling and Field Observations of Off-Fault Strain around Pseudotachylyte Fault Veins, Norumbega Shear Zone, southern Maine Ms. Catherine Ross T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2111.pdf
3000 Origin of Pseudotachylyte: A case study from the fault zone between the Mangalwar and Sand Mata plutons, central Rajasthan, India Dr. Gautam Deb T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 3000.pdf
2672 The effects of tectonic and stratigraphic inherited discontinuities on fault development and their surface evidences through analogue models Prof. Silvio Seno T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2672.pdf
4015 Caledonides to Cascades Connections: Tectonic evolution of Paleozoic terranes in NW Washington, USA Dr. Elizabeth Schermer T43.16 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 4015.pdf
5019 The Record of Subduction and Collision along the Southern Marginal Zone of the Damara Orogen Mr. Michael Hartnady T43.16 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 5019.pdf
1061 Structural Analysis and Implicit 3D Modelling of High-Grade Host Rocks to the Venetia Kimberlite Diatremes, Central Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa Dr. Ian Basson T43.16 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 1061.pdf
4149 3D microfabric analysis of progressive, polyphase subglacial deformation beneath the late Weichselian Baltic Ice Stream (Scandinavian Ice Sheet, Europe) Dr. Heiko Huneke T43.15 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 4149.pdf
1859 Deformation patterns in the Bagalkot Group of rocks in the intracratonic Kaladgi basin, south western India: A case of Mesoproterozoic gravity gliding of the cover over the basement during basin uplift Dr. Mrinal Kanti Mukherjee T43.15 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 1859.pdf
2862 Stress rotation, scale invariance and the locked in stress Dr. Gerrie van Aswegen T43.15 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2862.pdf
1194 Three Pagoda Fault Zone of the Kanchanaburi region interpreted from airborne geophysical data Dr. Dhiti Tulyatid T43.15 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 1194.pdf
459 Geometry and kinematics of Moyar-Bhavani shear zone (central part), Tamil Nadu India: Characterising a Neoproterozoic oblique transpression Mr. Siddhartha Karmakar T43.14 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 459.pdf
2981 Crustal deformtion characteristics revealed by GPS observations in Guangdong area Dr. Xing Yan T43.14 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2981.pdf
349 Structural characterization and its implication of deformation timing of the Daerbute strike slip fault Dr. Kongyou Wu Dr. Yangwen Pei T43.14 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 349.pdf
3418 Soft-sediments deformation structures of the Niger River right bank alluviums at Bamako, Mali, and their paleoseismic significance Mr. N'dji dit Jacques DEMBELE T43.14 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 3418.pdf
3669 Intracontinental deformation and reactivation, South Wales Coalfield, UK Dr. Thomas Blenkinsop T43.14 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 3669.pdf
2481 The Trans-European Suture Zone: origin and tectonomagmatic events in late Variscan times Prof. Andrzej Zelazniewicz T43.14 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2481.pdf
4060 The brittle evolution of the Critical Zone across South Africa: Implications for sustainable transformation Mr. Taufeeq Dhansay T43.13 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 4060.pdf
2407 Carbon Release In Italy Through Volcanic, Tectonic And Other Styles Of Degassing : Implication For Carbon Dioxide Sequestration And Storage. Ms. Sabina Bigi T43.13 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology
2418 Gas Bearing faults: how do they work? Ms. Sabina Bigi T43.13 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology
936 Paleomagnetism of the Permian and the Jurassic rocks of the Velebit Mt. and its implication for tectonic history of the Karst Dinarides (Croatia) Prof. Marek Lewandowski T43.13 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 936.pdf
1749 Deformation characteristics of iron-ore-bodies in Xinyu iron deposit, Central Jiangxi Province and its implication for ore-prospecting Dr. Zhengle Chen T43.13 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 1749.pdf
2218 Pseudo mega ring structure in Waterberg sandstone Ms. Carike Pretorius T43.13 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2218.pdf
4425 A comparative study between magmatic and magnetic fabrics with flow indicators to infer magma flow in sills. Dr. Lauren Hoyer T43.12 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 4425.pdf
3460 Interpreting earthquake-triggered mass transport and soft sediment deformation in Lake Lisan, Dead Sea Basin Prof. Shmuel Marco T43.12 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 3460.pdf
2661 The Time that Geology Forget – What Dykes in the Sydney Basin tell us about the Volcanic Evolution of the East Australian Continental Margin. Ms. Helen Baxter T43.12 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2661.pdf
3552 Structural Development of the Potchefstroom Thrust and Fault System, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa. Mr. Matt Terracin T43.12 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 3552.pdf
660 The architecture of buried reverse fault zone in sedimentary basin: A case from the northwest margin of Junggar Basin, China Dr. Liu Yin T43.12 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 660.pdf
661 Micro-structural analysis to identify micro-scale deformation mechanisms and their effects on fault sealing capacity: an example from the Lenghu5 thrust-fold belt, Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau Dr. Yangwen Pei T43.12 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 661.pdf
1062 Structural analysis of the Steenkampskraal Monazite Deposit, Western Cape, South Africa Dr. Ian Basson T43.11 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 1062.pdf
4111 Pseudotachylytes: towords a depth of origin Prof. Uwe Altenberger T43.11 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 4111.pdf
1267 Interactive Structural Analysis of Virtual Geological Outcrops Dr. Michael Roach T43.11 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 1267.pdf
5445 Interpreting continuous-discontinuous deformation structures considering a continuum of fault slip styles: The example of flexural-slip folds Dr. Ake Fagereng T43.11 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 5445.pdf
