35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort descending Session Abstract
1066 Structural and geomorphological criteria for localizing hidden deposits of rare-metal weathering crusts of diamond and kimberlite pipes Dr. Alexander Kremenetskiy T18.P2 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1066.pdf
1850 General patterns in the distribution of gold and diamonds deposits, oil and gas fields, and accumulations of other minerals Dr. Alexander Likhachev T18.P2 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 1850.pdf
2854 Redox reactions caused by exsolution: A potential factor influencing mantle redox state and diamond formation Dr. Alexander Proyer T31.P4 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 2854.pdf
2857 Reducing environment in chromitites: possible causes for PGE and diamond formation Dr. Alexander Proyer T31.P5 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 2857.pdf
2766 Crustal structure of the Mendeleev Rise by ocean bottom seismometers data Dr. Alexander Rybalka T41.13 - Geological and tectonic evolution of the Arctic PDF icon 2766.pdf
2771 Mathematical modeling of shear and converted waves in deep seismics offshore Dr. Alexander Rybalka T31.P5 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 2771.pdf
2760 Changes in rodents associations from cave sediments (Romania) during the Upper Pleistocene main climatic events Dr. Alexandru Petculescu T44.P1 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology PDF icon 2760.pdf
1762 The geodynamics of northern part of Sikhote-Alin orogen Dr. Alexei Didenko T30.12 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 1762.pdf
2663 New technologies for Petroleum systems exploration and geological risks minimization Dr. Alexei Soloviev T20.10 - New Technology & Techniques in Exploration & Production PDF icon 2663.pdf
525 Groundwater resources of Burundi. New elements and decision making tools. Dr. Alexis Gutierrez T5.1 - Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of Arid and Semi-Arid Africa: A Tribute to W. M. Edmunds PDF icon 525.pdf
318 Compressive and shear strength as quality control for some soil materials under different depths, Nile Delta, Egypt. Dr. Ali Ismail T30.15a - Geo-hazards and Sustainable Development under climate change scenario PDF icon 318.pdf
133 Najd Wrench Fault System and Dead Sea Shear Zone in the Arabian Plate: Like Father Like Son Dr. Ali T. Al-Mishwat T29.16 - New insights into the evolution of the East African and Arabian rift systems from multidisciplinary data and numerical models / Unravelling the history of cratonic sedimentary basins PDF icon 133.pdf
1443 Trace Constituents in Coal: Occurrence, Emissions, and Environmental Impact Dr. Allan Kolker T19.3 - Coal PDF icon 1443.pdf
2849 Use of morphometric data in taxonomy and functional morphology: a case study of modern and Cretaceous diving birds Dr. Alyssa Bell T44.15 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology PDF icon 2849.pdf
2586 Using hydrogeochemistry to test mineral potential under transported cover in the Kunene Region of Namibia Dr. Amanda Stoltze T17.8 - New theories and methods in resources exploration PDF icon 2586.pdf
4610 Chemical and thermal evolution of subduction zones: Insights from trace-element distribution and Lu–Hf geochronology in HP oceanic rocks, Halilbagi Complex (Central Anatolia) Dr. Amaury Pourteau T38.P5 - Metamorphic Processes PDF icon 4610.pdf
641 Structural analysis of the Bentong-Raub Suture Zone using PALSAR remote sensing data, Peninsular Malaysia: Implications for sediment-hosted/orogenic gold mineral systems exploration Dr. Amin Beiranvand Pour T27.15 - Geology of Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) / Geochemistry of Lode Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) PDF icon 641.pdf
5126 Detrital record of tectonic and climate interactions during Gondwanide orogenesis from the lower Ecca Group, Karoo basin, South Africa Dr. Amy Weislogel T28.13 - Detrital Zircons in Basin Analysis: Provenance Reconstruction, Chronostratigraphy, Sediment Routing PDF icon 5126.pdf
1518 Russian mineral base of gold: Current situation and future views Dr. Anatoly Ivanov T16.12 - Mineral Economics for Geologists PDF icon 1518.pdf
4136 High Potassium Alkaline Magmatic Rocks of the Central Aldan Ore District (South Yakutia) and Associated Gold and Gold-Uranium Mineralization Dr. Anatoly Molchanov T27.P4 - Gold Mineralizing Systems (jointly sponsored by SEG and SGA) PDF icon 4136.pdf
4028 The source of sulfur in the Mesoarchaean gold deposits of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, southern Africa Dr. Andrea Agangi T32.16 - The Barberton drilling project / Early Earth Mineral Systems PDF icon 4028.pdf
2265 Trace element variations across olivine record the evolution of kimberlite melts: Case studies from the Kimberley kimberlites (South Africa) Dr. Andrea Giuliani T30.10B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time PDF icon 2265.pdf
556 Paleoclimatic, paleoenvironmental and paleotectonic significance of Middle Jurassic Fe concentrations of Central Sardinia (Italy) Dr. Andrea Vacca T28.P3 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 556.pdf
4035 20 Years of Introducing Geoscientific Information Management Systems – an Experience Report Dr. Andreas Barth T7.6 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 4035.pdf
3660 Analysis of geological features with artificial neural networks – methodology and examples Dr. Andreas Barth T7.7 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 3660.pdf
3664 The New Minerogenic Map of Tanzania – An Integral Part of the Geological and Mineral Information System of the Geological Survey of Tanzania Dr. Andreas Barth T3.3 - Geological mapping of Africa – a key for sustainable use of earth resources PDF icon 3664.pdf
5466 Resolving history of the early Paleoproterozoic time reveals patterns similar to those in the late Neoproterozoic Dr. Andrey Bekker T32.12 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth PDF icon 5466.pdf
1231 Tectonic structure and evolution of the Alpha-Mendeleev Fracture Zone Dr. Andrey Chernykh T41.11 - Geological and tectonic evolution of the Arctic PDF icon 1231.pdf
3336 Russian Arctic Shelf Oil&Gas: present and future Dr. Andrey Chernykh T20.10a - New Technology & Techniques in Exploration & Production PDF icon 3336.pdf
4636 Seismic structure of the southern part of Madagascar determined by waveform inversion Dr. Andriamiranto Raveloson T30.P4 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 4636.pdf
2390 Sedimentary processes associated to a late Miocene large-scale submarine landslide (Sierra de Gádor, Almería, SE Spain) Dr. Ángel Puga-Bernabéu T8.4 - Subaerial and submarine landslide processes and hazards PDF icon 2390.pdf
2392 Submarine landslides on the Great Barrier Reef margin, north-eastern Australia: Preliminary characterization of their morphology and behaviour Dr. Ángel Puga-Bernabéu T8.8 - Crustal deformation and seismotectonics in Africa: Active faulting and earthquake hazard assessment / Subaerial and submarine landslide processes and hazards PDF icon 2392.pdf
1964 Lower Cretaceous building sandstones in NW-Germany and their worldwide use Dr. Angela Ehling T15.2 - Dimension stone and building materials (sponsored by IAEG C-10, HSTG and IGCP 637) PDF icon 1964.pdf
3847 Tempo of lateritic weathering and erosion of Peninsular India over the Cenozoic: Morphoclimatic implications Dr. Anicet Beauvais T42.11 - Regolith, paleoweathering and continental surface dynamics: from landscape to the global perspective PDF icon 3847.pdf
3851 Regolith and landscape evolution in Peninsular India and West Africa: Morphoclimatic evolution of the two continents over the Cenozoic Dr. Anicet Beauvais T42.P4 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution PDF icon 3851.pdf
674 Provenance of Late Triassic Liuyehe and Lingguanmiao basins in North Qinling and their relationships with the Ordos basin, China: Detrital zircon evidence Dr. Anlin Guo T28.P4 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 674.pdf
3821 Geoscience and Indigenous Knowledge: Lightning and the Lowveld Lavender Dr. Ann Cameron T2.16 - Place-based and culturally informed geoscience education / Communicating Geoscience to the Public: Promises and Pitfalls / Field-Based Geoscience Education: A YES Network Comparisonn PDF icon 3821.pdf
2918 An overview on new platinum-group minerals and their synthetic analogues Dr. Anna Vymazalova T37.5 - Mineralogy PDF icon 2918.pdf
859 Geological Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model of Sinian-Cambrian Plays in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China Dr. Anna Xu T20.7 - Petroleum Systems of Eurasia PDF icon 859.pdf
2811 Sedimentary Model and Reservoir Distribution of Cambrian Evaporite-Carbonate Paragenesis in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China Dr. Anna Xu T28.7 - Carbonate Sedimentology / Tidal Processes and Products: From Tides to Rock Record PDF icon 2811.pdf
935 Functional diversity of microbial communities associated with deep-sea hydrothermal deposits Dr. Anna-Louise Reysenbach T42.14 - Surficial Processes and Landscape Evolution PDF icon 935.pdf
2070 Crustal Architecture along BABEL and FIRE profiles – Insight in the Growth of the Svecofennian Orogen, Fennoscandian Shield Dr. Annakaisa Korja T31.P5 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 2070.pdf
2076 Observations on Intraplate Seismicity in Central Fennoscandia Dr. Annakaisa Korja T8.P4 - Geohazards PDF icon 2076.pdf
2079 Three stages to form a large batholith during terrane accretion – an example from the Central Finland granitoid complex, Svecofennian orogen, Northern Europe Dr. Annakaisa Korja T36.P2 - Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes PDF icon 2079.pdf
1650 Water in the cratonic mantle lithosphere Dr. Anne Peslier T30.8B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time PDF icon 1650.pdf
5209 Plate flexure and the evolution of foreland basins Dr. Anthony Watts T29.6 - Recent advances in foreland basin systems PDF icon 5209.pdf
3761 Genetic implications of Gold grain morphology in Witwatersrand carbon seam facies: New insights from non destructive 3D X-ray tomography Dr. Anton Du Plessis T45.P2 - Instrumental, experimental and laboratory-based developments in the Geosciences PDF icon 3761.pdf
3767 Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy 2D mapping combined with 3D X-ray tomography: first results Dr. Anton Du Plessis T45.9 - Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the Geosciences PDF icon 3767.pdf
4286 X-ray tomography of cut and polished diamonds and gemstones Dr. Anton Du Plessis T45.6 - Applications of X-ray computed tomography in the Earth Sciences PDF icon 4286.pdf
2436 The earliest stages of the Central Asian fold belt continental crust formation: magmatism and paleotectonic reconstructions of the Yenisey Ridge orogen from the southwestern framing of the Siberian craton Dr. Antonina Vernikovskaya T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 2436.pdf
