35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort descending Abstract
4965 Oxygen diffusion and geochemical speciation in abandoned gold mine tailings dams of the Witwatersrand Mr. Johan Fourie T14.2 - Environmental Management of Water Resources / Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 4965.pdf
204 A Study of the Vulnerability of a South African Coastal Plain Aquifer to Seawater Intrusion Using the GALDIT Index Method Dr. Molla Demlie T14.2 - Environmental Management of Water Resources / Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 204.pdf
283 Geochemistry, mobility and bioavailability of contaminants in mine tailings of Namibia Mr. Ondrej Sracek T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 283.pdf
3568 Policyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils, Water Sediments and Post-Flotation Wastes in Kitwe Region (Copperbelt, Zambia) Prof. Stanislaw Wolkowicz T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 3568.pdf
3272 An Unconventional Re-vegetation Plan for Remediation of an Orphan Base Metal Mine in Ontario Mr. Mark Priddle T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 3272.pdf
3910 Fly Ash as a backfill material-A geotechnical investigation Dr Viswanth Ravi Kumar Vadapalli T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 3910.pdf
2598 ‘Low-acid’ sulfide oxidation using nitrate for potential acid drainage prevention Dr. Nathan Reid T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 2598.pdf
3672 The impact of mine dump pollution on vegetation in the Tsumeb area, central Namibia Prof. Benjamin Mapani T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 3672.pdf
2667 The occurrence of ammoniosulphate minerals in abandoned gold mines of the Vredefort Dome World Heritage site, South Africa Ms. Danél Van Tonder T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 2667.pdf
1538 The geo-ecological rehabilitation capabilities of dolomite on a pollution plume derived form a gold tailings storage facility - a myth or reality? Ms. Angelique Daniell T14.4 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 1538.pdf
1908 Phytomining: Investigation on the gold hyperaccumulation capacity of wheat using pot trials and tailings dump material as a substrate Ms. Tshiamo Legoale T14.4 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 1908.pdf
2572 The reuse of waste in the mining industry Mr Clive Saunders T14.4 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 2572.pdf
1926 Transformation of natural sedimentation and geochemical conditions in the area of underwater extraction of ferromanganese concretions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea). Dr. Vladimir Zhamoida T14.4 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 1926.pdf
805 Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining and related mercury usage in India Dr. Mihir Deb T14.4 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 805.pdf
2409 Integrated freeze core – ITRAX micro-XRF scanning: a non-destructive and cost effective method of baseline geochemical determination in the low-sedimentation environment of a legacy mining camp in Subarctic Canada Prof. R. Timothy Patterson T14.4 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 2409.pdf
783 Armoring effect of limestone in acid mine drainage: Static immersion experiments Prof. Liangqi Lei T14.5 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 783.pdf
2749 Preliminary screening of gold mine tailings in the context of acid mine drainage and geopolymerization Ms. Leahn Pieterse T14.5 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 2749.pdf
5500 The Role of Structural Frequency, Style and Weathering on the Fate and Transport of Chlorinated Solvents in Fractured Bedrock Dr. Kevin Leahy T14.5 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 5500.pdf
4779 Characterisation of precipitates formed in anaerobic and aerobic units designed to treat acid mine drainage from an abandoned coal mine in Carolina, Mpumalanga (South Africa) Mr. Obed Novhe T14.5 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 4779.pdf
3540 Coastal change as a function of geological settings, natural forcings and anthropogenic drivers – comparative modeling approaches for management strategies Prof. Jan Harff T14.6 - Coastal Studies PDF icon 3540.pdf
5065 Archaeological and geological markers reveal the time span and formation rates of the central coastal cliffs of Israel Dr. Ehud Galili T14.6 - Coastal Studies PDF icon 5065.pdf
3509 Assessment of factors contributing to the growth and loss of wetlands in Louisiana, USA Dr. Ricardo Olea T14.6 - Coastal Studies PDF icon 3509.pdf
4190 The cost of adapting to sea level rise: Ports, harbours and marinas in the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea Dr. Dov Zviely T14.6 - Coastal Studies PDF icon 4190.pdf
3184 Sediments from the abandoned river valley record low sea level in Pärnu region, eastern Baltic Sea, before the Litorina transgression Triine Post T14.6 - Coastal Studies PDF icon 3184.pdf
3930 A geo-statistical approach to estimate sediment budget and reconstruct large-scale paleo-coastal morphology Dr. Junjie Deng T14.6 - Coastal Studies PDF icon 3930.pdf
5045 Integrated Protocols for Monitoring the Impacts of Landfill-Derived Leachates in Intertidal Environments Dr. Helen Roe T14.7 - Coast and Society PDF icon 5045.pdf
2570 Geo-environment changes corresponding to global climate and anthropogenic injection in small river estuaries on China coast Dr. Ping YIN T14.7 - Coast and Society PDF icon 2570.pdf
1023 3D Morphometry vis-à-vis ofshore Placer resources off Chikka – Puri, Odisha, East coast of India Dr. Sumit Mitra T14.7 - Coast and Society PDF icon 1023.pdf
3686 Adsorption of pharmaceuticals onto clay minerals and their organoclay derivaties Dr. Regis Guegan T14.7 - Coast and Society PDF icon 3686.pdf
764 A signal matching algorithm based on Dynamic Time Warping Dr. Sergey Kotov T14.7 - Coast and Society PDF icon 764.pdf
2158 Radioactive measurement at the fallow field that was polluted by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Disaster. Mr. KAZUYA KIMURA T14.8 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 2158.pdf
3181 Study on the Concentration and Influence Factor of Organo-Chlorine Pesticides in Breast Milk from Three Cities in China Ms. Song Shuling T14.8 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 3181.pdf
2174 Spatial Assessment of Trace Metals in Groundwater around Udupi Thermal Plant, India Dr. HN UDAYA SHANKARA T14.8 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 2174.pdf
2090 Scientific Advancements that Improve the Conceptual Site Model in Urban Hydogeologic Investigations Mr. Daniel Rogers T14.8 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 2090.pdf
1775 Accumulation of Potentially Harmful Elements in Vegetables from Two Geological Settings in Zimbabwe Dr. Maideyi Meck T14.8 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 1775.pdf
3521 Physical and mineralogical characterisation of asbestos mine sites in preparation for rehabilitation Ms. Ndamulelo Negota T14.8 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 3521.pdf
962 Investigation of the Influence of Heavy Metals on Soil, Groundwater, Crops and Human Health in Shijiazhuang Sewage Irrigation Area of China Prof. Wenlou Luan T14.9 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 962.pdf
1631 Fluoride Incidence in Groundwater: An Insight from Rural Parts of Central India Prof. Deepak Malpe T14.9 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 1631.pdf
422 The uranium toxicity in groundwater in Southern Punjab (Malwa Region), India Dr. Rajesh Chaturvedi T14.9 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 422.pdf
1394 GIS-Techniques and AHP Method to Support Decision Making in the Selection of Landfill Sites for Solid Waste Dr. Marcella Perricone T14.9 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 1394.pdf
1653 The study of groundwater contamination hazard in megacities by mathematical methods (the cases of Moscow, Russia and Hyderabad, India) Dr. Irina Galitskaya T14.9 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 1653.pdf
4573 Characterization of surface and trapped dust samples around some ownerless and abandoned asbestos mine dumps in Limpopo province, South Africa Ms. Maphuti Georgina Kwata T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 4573.pdf
730 Geochemical Assessment of soil, sediments and water within and around Artisanal mine sites in Southwestern Nigeria. Dr. Mary Odukoya T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 730.pdf
867 Environmental stability of the processing waste from sulfide mining districts of Namibia Prof. Ales Vanek T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 867.pdf
5101 The monitoring of land subsidence and groundwater level in the southeast Kanto groundwater basin, Japan Mr. Atsushi Kagawa T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 5101.pdf
4089 A multi-faceted approach to mine water source determination in South Africa. A review Mr. Yazeed Van Wyk T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 4089.pdf
1064 U and Th source term characterisation in selected gold tailings of the Witwatersrand (South Africa): A geochemical modelling and reaction network approach Dr. Robert Hansen T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 1064.pdf
5055 Environmental Monitoring of Mines in Namibia by the Geological Survey of Namibia, Division of Engineering and Environmental Geology. Moses Alfeus T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 5055.pdf
1374 Investigation of Uranium Migration on Gold Tailings Dams Using Natural Gamma Spectrometry Mr. Jaco Koch T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 1374.pdf
2043 The factors controlling formation and intensity of Acid Mine Drainage in the area of Polish part of Muskau Arch Dr. Krzysztof Labus T14.P2 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 2043.pdf
