35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort ascending Abstract
1571 Fuzzy logic prospectivity model for gold within the Paleoproterozoic Peräpohja Belt, Northern Fennoscandian Shield, Finland Dr. Vesa Nykänen T7.16 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1571.pdf
2994 Identification of Element Association Anomaly and Extraction of its Ore-forming information of Southeastern Yunnan Ore Concentration Area by Using PCA combined with SVD Ms. Luxue Qin T7.16 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 2994.pdf
145 A fractal measure of the spatial relationships between geological features and mineral deposits Prof. Renguang Zuo T7.16 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 145.pdf
1386 Gold exploration in Limpopo Province using free satellite data Dr. Neil Pendock T7.16 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1386.pdf
5665 OneGeology Africa Part II Prof. Marko Komac T7.15a - OneGeology Africa Part II
74 Application of fractal modelling for integration of data layers in GIS, Case study: Sharafabad-Hizehjan area (NW Iran) Dr. Peyman Afzal T7.15 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 74.pdf
1120 Multifractal analysis of the strength of Cu-Au paragenetic relationships, a case study in eastern Tianshan mineral district, China Dr. Jie Zhao T7.15 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1120.pdf
3110 New developments in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping at BRGM: an overview. Mr. Bruno Tourlere T7.15 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 3110.pdf
4129 GIS based integration of airborne magnetic, radiometric, LiDAR, soil and sediment geochemistry: A case study of the TellusSW surveys, England Dr. Charlie Moon T7.15 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 4129.pdf
1505 3D targeting based on geoscience datasets and metallogenic model in the east of Gejiu Tin Polymetallic District, China Dr. Gongwen Wang T7.15 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1505.pdf
3127 Hybrid Fuzzy Weights of Evidence and Artificial Neural Networks for Mineral Potential Mapping: A case study from the Bushveld Complex, South Africa Dr. Abera Tessema T7.15 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 3127.pdf
3747 Application of Partial Least Squares Methods in Identifying integrated Geochemical Anomalies using stream sediment data in Northwestern Hunan, China Mrs. Kun Wang T7.15 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 3747.pdf
3842 OneGeology – A successful Open Access model for up-to-date geoscience data using a distributed data system Dr Marko Komac T7.14 - OneGeology Africa Part 1 PDF icon 3842.pdf
5595 Using Global Datasets in Local Geomorphic Applications Dr. Frank Eckardt T7.13 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 5595.pdf
3527 Support to building of a sustainable mineral sector and facilitating responsible use of mineral resources for socio-economic development and welfare in Namibia Mrs. Riitta Teerilahti T7.13 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 3527.pdf
1899 GEOPORTAL IMK: WEB-BASED APPLICATION FOR EASY ACCESS TO SELECTED SPATIAL GEOLOGICAL DATA OF STATE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF DIONÝZ ŠTÚR, SLOVAKIA. Dr. Marian Zlocha T7.13 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 1899.pdf
2824 The Concept of Aquifer System Specification by the Use of Spatial Data Modelling Dr. Tomasz Nalecz T7.12 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 2824.pdf
3333 Thesaurus and DataViewer application tool – knowledge representation to define concepts and visualize geoscientific data Ms. Christine Hoerfarter T7.12 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 3333.pdf
750 GIS-based mineral systems approach to mapping of prospectivity for surficial uranium deposits: a case study in British Columbia, Canada Dr. John Carranza T7.12 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 750.pdf
2507 Employing open-source applications to develop a WebGIS for landslide inventory and early warning in Vietnam Mr. Nguyen Ho Khanh T7.12 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 2507.pdf
3475 Geohazard widget web application: how to manage data in a standard way Dr. Carlo Cipolloni T7.12 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 3475.pdf
272 t7Study of Neotectonic effects in Saurashtra Peninsula using Remote Sensing and GIS. Dr. SANJAY DAS T7.12 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 272.pdf
5357 A Bayesian approach to geophysical inversion for quantifying geological uncertainty Ms. Helen Gibson T7.12 - Data analysis delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geoscience data and information, Tools – software PDF icon 5357.pdf
3368 Integrated representation of data on geological structure, prognosis and mineral resources location regularities, based on international formats, to ensure efficiency improvement of mineral resources development Mr. Egor Yuon T7.11 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 3368.pdf
3998 Standardising Geoscience Data Ms. Marcia van Aswegen T7.11 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 3998.pdf
3537 1:200 000 Geological Maps of CIS Countries in the OneGeology international project Mr. Grigory Brekhov T7.11 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 3537.pdf
3878 Technical standards developments in global Geoscience: OneGeology WWW interoperability 8 years on Dr. Tim Duffy T7.11 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 3878.pdf
1730 ASEAN Mineral Database and Information System (AMDIS) Dr. Yasukuni Okubo T7.11 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 1730.pdf
3172 (Inter)Continental hydrogeological mapping at BGR for societal impact Dr. Stefan Broda T7.11 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 3172.pdf
2926 Towards geoscientific data integration: Challenges, Approaches and Implementation Mrs. Magda Roos T7.1 - Geoscience Information and Data in Africa PDF icon 2926.pdf
5597 Towards geospatial information partnerships within the Southern African Customs Union Mr. Lopang Maphale T7.1 - Geoscience Information and Data in Africa PDF icon 5597.pdf
5598 Geoscience Data in Africa – Lesotho Mr. Ishmael Hareteke Khalema T7.1 - Geoscience Information and Data in Africa PDF icon 5598.pdf
5368 Sustainable Geoscience Information In Africa - The GIRAF Network And Its Future Development Dr. Kristine Asch T7.1 - Geoscience Information and Data in Africa PDF icon 5368.pdf
5398 Contribution of Geological Data to the Namibian National Spatial Data Infrastructure Mrs. Anna-Karren Nguno T7.1 - Geoscience Information and Data in Africa PDF icon 5398.pdf
5458 Harmonization of Geoscience data in Africa to enhance geoscientists interaction for knowledge transfer and exchange of experience Mr. Mesfin Wubeshet Gebremichael T7.1 - Geoscience Information and Data in Africa PDF icon 5458.pdf
1224 Forensic Geosciences applied to the presence or absence of a corpse Dr. Rosa Maria Di Maggio T6.P2 - Soil Science PDF icon 1224.pdf
2729 Possibility of describing sand grain morphology by image analysis Dr. Ritsuko Sugita T6.P2 - Soil Science PDF icon 2729.pdf
1226 Geoforensics in Italy: Education and Research Standards Dr. Rosa Maria Di Maggio T6.P2 - Soil Science PDF icon 1226.pdf
4101 Novel use of monochromatic light mineral separation techniques to enhance agromineral concentration for plant nutrient release from mesocratic and leucocratic fractions of Pelotas monzogranite, RS, Brazil Mr. Matheus Grecco T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 4101.pdf
5315 Comparison of ginseng planting field soil to solve a murder case Ms. Hongling Guo T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 5315.pdf
4910 Preliminary results of a geoelectrical survey in a vineyard in Estremoz, Portugal Prof. Antonio Correia T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 4910.pdf
4014 Forensic Geophysics: ground penetrating radar application in archaeological research in Tekoha Jevy village, Parana, Brazil. Mr. Fábio Salvador T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 4014.pdf
2429 Development of Chernozem – Luvisol toposequence in the North-east Namibia Dr. Vit Penizek T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 2429.pdf
4744 Estimation of Volumetric Oil Content in Unsaturated Soils using Thermo-TDR Techniques Mr. Shinsuke Aoki T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 4744.pdf
3874 Prairie Mound Morphology and Age in the Arkansas River Valley, south-central United States Dr. Brad Lee T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 3874.pdf
4951 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Enhance Plant Drought Stress Tolerance: Physicochemical and Hydrological Changes in Rhizospheric Soil Prof. Yan Jin T6.4 - Soil Science PDF icon 4951.pdf
3421 Ecological services and biophysical functioning of agriecological soils of Burkina Faso Prof. Mikael Motelica-Heino T6.4 - Soil Science PDF icon 3421.pdf
324 Hydrochemical Characterisation And Quality Appraisal Of Soil In The Foothills Of Himalaya In Parts Of Uttarakhand, India Mrs. RESMI SATHIKUMAR T6.4 - Soil Science PDF icon 324.pdf
3485 Environmental magnetic studies of soil profiles from tropical Southern India: A window to pedogenic processes and sediment-source linkage Dr. Rajasekhariah Shankar T6.4 - Soil Science PDF icon 3485.pdf
