Earth Science Week 2024 Theme Announced: 'Earth Science Everywhere'

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ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce that the theme of Earth Science Week 2024 will be "Earth Science Everywhere." The event, to be held October 13-19, 2024, will explore the many ways that earth science is conducted — by various types of people and professions in interconnected disciplines — to help solve problems for communities and the planet.
Geoscience knowledge and applications can be found in all parts of our lives. The buildings we live in, the products we use, the roads we drive on, the vehicles that get us from place to place, and much more all depend on geoscience in multiple ways. Geoscience helps us understand Earth's materials and the rapid or long-term environmental changes that can affect many aspects of our lives and communities.
"By encouraging recognition of the roles the geosciences play across a variety of settings and circumstances, the Earth Science Week 2024 theme of 'Earth Science Everywhere' will highlight connections across disciplines in STEM subjects, the humanities, the economy, and other areas," AGI Executive Director Jonathan Arthur said on making the announcement. "These connections can be used to help all people understand the impact of geosciences on their lives, their communities, and their futures."
Raising awareness of the geosciences nationally and around the globe, AGI leads Earth Science Week in cooperation with its sponsors and the geoscience community as a service to the public. Each October, community groups, educators, and interested citizens organize celebratory events. Earth Science Week offers opportunities to discover the earth sciences and engage in responsible stewardship of the Earth.
Learn more about the event at And if your organization would like to become a sponsor or provide educational materials for the Earth Science Week 2024 Toolkit, please contact AGI's director of education and outreach, Ed Robeck (
Earth Science Week is supported by many organizations, including the U.S. Geological Survey; American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation; NASA; National Park Service; ExxonMobil; Natural Resources Conservation Service; Geological Society of America; AmericaView; American Geophysical Union; Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (Minerals Education Coalition); Society of Exploration Geophysicists; CLEAN (Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network); American Meteorological Society; and others. AGI welcomes additional partners that share AGI's mission of building Earth science awareness. Please contact us if your organization would like to explore becoming a program partner.
About AGI
The American Geosciences Institute (AGI), a federation of scientific and professional associations representing over a quarter-million geoscientists, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to serving the geoscience community and addressing the geoscience needs of society. AGI headquarters are in Alexandria, Virginia.
Geoff Camphire, Communications