International Raw Materials Observatory Becomes Earth Science Week 2020 Global Sponsor

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ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce that the International Raw Materials Observatory (Intraw) has become the lead Global Sponsor of AGI's Earth Science Week program, the largest international public-awareness campaign for the geoscience community.

Earth Science Week Global Sponsorship supports the development, collaboration, and public projection of awareness of the role of earth materials in society. With its designation as Global Sponsor, Intraw — a not-for-profit independent, honest broker, providing authoritative specialized support on raw materials cooperation, diplomacy and foresight in the raw materials arena — joins the ranks of major sponsors of Earth Science Week, including NASA, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation.

The designation of Global Sponsor of Earth Science Week entitles the sponsor to have its logo and/or name featured prominently on all major AGI-produced Earth Science Week materials for the 2020 theme year, including the program website, poster, educator kit packaging, and newsletter, in addition to license to use the Global Sponsor 2020 digital badge as the organization promotes awareness of raw materials through its own activities.

Earth Science Week reaches more than 50 million people every year with information, events, and educational resources dealing with the geosciences. Intraw's participation as a Global Sponsor of Earth Science Week 2020 will strengthen and inform the event, as the current year's theme is "Earth Materials in Our Lives." In 2020, educators, students, and the public will engage in activities promoting understanding of the many ways that raw materials impact society — and the ways human activity impacts these materials — in the 21st century.

About Intraw

The International Raw Materials Observatory, a global consortia nonprofit, works to promote international cooperation on mineral raw materials research and innovation, education and outreach, industry and trade, recycling, management, and substitution of strategic raw materials; provide to policymakers independent comprehensive analysis of raw materials that is authoritative, confidential, and objective; expand raw materials diplomacy and disseminate best practice on mineral raw materials supply; and help organizations along the minerals value chain improving their sustainability. Learn more at

About AGI

The American Geosciences Institute is a nonprofit federation of more than 50 scientific and professional associations that represents over a quarter-million geoscientists. Founded in 1948, AGI provides information services to geoscientists, serves as a voice of shared interests in the profession, plays a major role in strengthening geoscience education, and strives to increase public awareness of the vital role the geosciences play in society's use of resources, resiliency to natural hazards, and interaction with the environment. Learn more at

The American Geosciences Institute represents and serves the geoscience community by providing collaborative leadership and information to connect Earth, science, and people.
AGI Contact:
Geoff Camphire, Communications