Pre-College Geoscientists Recognized at Intel ISEF 2019

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ALEXANDRIA, Va. (May 20, 2019) - The Geological Society of America (GSA) and the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) are pleased to recognize outstanding science projects by pre-college students honored recently at this year's Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF).
Intel ISEF unites young scientists from more than 75 countries, showcasing their talents on an international stage, where professional scientists review and judge their work. As part of an ongoing partnership with Intel ISEF, GSA and AGI jointly sponsor a set of awards, facilitate the review of geoscience-related entries, and offer three awards to recognize outstanding projects.
This year's award recipients showcased a broad range of exciting geoscience topics including geochemical analysis, sinkhole detection, and Earth's mantle. The winners are listed below:
First Award of $2,000
Jenna Marie Salvat, Coronado High School, Colorado Springs, CO
A Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis of Metamorphic Lithologies Proximal to the Cripple Creek and Victor Alkaline Diatreme Complex
Second Award of $1,500
Sophia Joy Wang, Amity Regional High School, Woodbridge, CT
Real-Time Sinkhole Detection Using Civil Engineering Techniques, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence
Third Award of $750
Tal Blonder, Midrashiya Hartman, ISRL, Israel
A New Experimental Approach for Study Metasomatism of Peridotite in the Earth's Mantle
Ethan Jacob Sontarp, Commack High School, East Northport, NY
U-Pb Geochronology of Fluid Flow Events in the Barstow Formation, California
Awards were presented at Intel ISEF on May 16, 2019, in Phoenix, Arizona.

About AGI
The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is a nonprofit federation of more than 50 scientific and professional associations that represents over a quarter-million geoscientists. Founded in 1948, AGI provides information services to geoscientists, serves as a voice of shared interests in the profession, plays a major role in strengthening geoscience education, and strives to increase public awareness of the vital role the geosciences play in society's use of resources, resiliency to natural hazards, and interaction with the environment.

AGI is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to serving the geoscience community and addressing the needs of society. AGI headquarters are in Alexandria, Virginia.

The American Geosciences Institute represents and serves the geoscience community by providing collaborative leadership and information to connect Earth, science, and people.

AGI Contact:
Geoff Camphire, Associate Director of Communications
