congressional briefing

Energy from the Earth: Series Launch

Power lines. Image Credit: U.S. Department of Energy

Energy, water, and land are fundamental, interrelated natural resources critical to the health, economic growth, and security of the nation. The connections and feedbacks among these three resources have impacts on human, environmental, and infrastructure systems. Although the U.S. is endowed with many options for supplying energy to meet national demands, different energy sources have different water and land-use requirements that have implications for local and regional water and land resources.

Energy from the Earth: Hydropower

Boulder Dam, Hoover Dam

Hydropower is the largest renewable energy resource in the United States and provided about 6 percent of total U.S. energy generation in 2014, according to the Energy Information Administration*. Washington, Oregon, New York, and California are a few of the top hydropower producing states but nearly all states generate at least some hydroelectric power. Research is helping to expand the variety of hydropower technologies, which are being deployed at a range of scales.

Energy from the Earth: Geothermal Energy

The Geysers field in northern California boasts the largest geothermal complex in the world and the first successful demonstration of EGS technologies in the United States.

Geothermal energy is a relatively untapped resource that could be a significant source of clean power for the United States in the future. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, heat from the Earth’s interior could fuel more than 10 percent of the nation’s current electrical generating capacity. The United States is already the world leader in geothermal energy production, accounting for 28 percent of the global installed geothermal capacity.

Wildfires: Policy, Science, Mitigation, and Response

Gregory Bald Wildfire 1992

The National Fire Protection Association, the University of California at Riverside and San Diego, and the Western Governors’ Association in conjunction with the Hazards Caucus Alliance are pleased to host a briefing on the challenges to the nation that wildfires pose. Experts will discuss advances in the science and understanding of wildfires, the impact of federal and state policies, mitigation strategies for communities, and new technologies for first responders.


Expanding Natural Gas Production: Opportunities and Constraints

Natural gas pump


  • Adam Brandt, Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
  • John Browning, Senior Research Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin
  • Chris McGill, Vice President, Policy Analysis, American Gas Association, and Member of the Potential Gas Committee
  • Tom Temples, Past President of AAPG Division of Environmental Geosciences, and Technical Director of Geoscience and Petrophysics, PetroSkills

Oil and Gas Development: How Geoscience Makes a Difference

Oil rig


  • Scott Tinker, Professor and State Geologist of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Rex Buchanan, Senior Policy Advisor, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Scott Anderson, Interim Director, Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas
  • Nick Tew, State Geologist and Oil and Gas Supervisor, Geological Survey of Alabama and State Oil and Gas Board of Alabama

In this briefing, the speakers will address key questions that the geosciences help to address:

Exploring Earthquakes: Analyzing the Past to Protect Lives and Property Today

Fissuring of an earthquake, Peru 1970

In March 1964, the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America struck Alaska, shaking Anchorage and an area larger than the state of California for more than 4 minutes and causing landslides and tsunamis that took lives in Alaska, Oregon, and California. In the 50 years since, earthquakes in the United States and worldwide have cost billions of dollars of economic loss in addition to countless lives.  Advances in science and engineering have made people safer – but the job is not done.


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