earth system evolution

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Climate Change and Your Community Activity 1

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students identify factors of the physical environment; us a topographic map to gather data about evaluation and latitude, and physical features; interpret data from a climate data table; compare and contrast climate information from two different parts of the United States; Understand how physical features can influence the climate of an area.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Astronomy and Your Community Activity 7

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students understand the place of our solar system in the Milky Way galaxy; study stellar structure and the stellar evolution (the life histories of stars); understand the relationship between the brightness of an object (it's luminosity) and its magnitude; estimate the chances of another star affecting the Earth in some way.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Astronomy and Your Community Activity 6

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students explain electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of wavelength, speed, and energy; investigate the different instruments astronomers use to detect different wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum; understand that the atoms of each of the chemical elements have a unique spectral fingerprint; explain how electromagnetic radiation reveals the temperature and chemical makeup of objects like stars; understand that some forms of electromagnetic radiation are essential and beneficial to us on Earth, and others are harmful.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Astronomy and Your Community Activity 5

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students explore the structure of the Sun and describe the flow of solar energy in terms of reflection, absorption and scattering; understand that the Sun emits charged particles called the solar wind, and how this wind affects "space weather."; explain the effect of solar wind on people and communities; understand sunspots, solar flares, and other kinds of solar activities and their effects on Earth; learn to estimate the chances for solar activity to affect your community.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Astronomy and Your Community Activity 4

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students investigate the mechanics of an impact event and make scale drawings of an impact crater, calculate the energy (in Joules) released when an asteroid collides with Earth; compare natural and man-made disasters to the impact of an asteroid; understand the consequences to your community should an impact event occur; investigate the chances for an asteroid or comet collision.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Astronomy and Your Community Activity 3

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students measure the major axis and distance between the foci of an ellipse; understand the relationship between the distance between the foci and eccentricity of an ellipse; calculate the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit; draw the Earth's changing orbit in relation to the sun, explain how the Earth's changing orbit and its rotation rate could affect its climate; draw the orbits of a comet and an asteroid in relation to the Earth and the Sun.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Astronomy and Your Community Activity 2

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students investigate lunar phases using a model and observations in your community; investigate the general idea of tidal forces; understand the role of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun in creating tides on Earth; Understand the Earth-Moon system and the Moon's likely origin; Compare the appearance of the Moon to other solar-system bodies.

EarthComm Earth System Evolution: Astronomy and Your Community Activity 1

Here you will find resources to help educators and their students produce a scale model of the solar system; identify some strengths and limitations of scale models; calculate distances to objects in the solar system in astronomical units (AU), light years, and parsecs; explain, in your own words, the nebular theory of the formation of the solar system; explain the formation of the universe.


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