The U.S. Energy Information Administration provides an interactive map showing the major tight oil and shale gas plays in the lower 48 states.
Tight oil and shale gas are two of the main types of "unconventional" oil and gas resources, and played an important role in the early-21st-century resurgence in domestic production of oil (beginning around 2009) and natural gas (beginning around 2006).
Happy New Year? The Geological Society of London (GSL, @geolsoc) has designated 2017 as "The Year of Risk," following two successful themed years. In addition to geohazards, GSL will explore the increasingly complex risks associated with growing demand for resources like water, minerals and energy.
On Thursday and Friday, December 1-2, the National Academies' Roundtable on Unconventional Hydrocarbons held a workshop on Unconventional Hydrocarbon Development: Legacy Issues, Induced Seismicity, and Innovations in Managing Risk. The meeting brought together experts from industry, academia, state and federal agencies, and environmental organizations to assess recent and potential future developments in understanding, monitoring, and mitigating the risks associated with oil and gas production.
Click “Read More” for a summary of some key takeaways.
The American Associaition of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Learn Blog published an interivew with Noble Energy's Geology and Exploration Manager, Henry Pettingill. With many noteworthy deepwater discoveries in the Levant and Leviathan fields in the Mediterranean, AAPG asked Pettingill to share what has led to these successes.
We have a brand new update on last year's webinar, Induced Seismicity in the Midcontinent. One of our speakers, Rex Buchanan, former State Geologist of Kansas, has returned to provide us with an update on seismic activity in Kansas. You can watch the short video on YouTube here:
On Monday November 14, the National Academies' Committee on Earth Resources held a meeting on Mineral and Energy Resource Issues for the Coming Decade. The meeting covered a wide range of issues and focused on the scientific and technical advances and challenges that will affect mineral and energy resources in the near future. Click "Read More" for some key takeaways:
Five federal agencies are working to increase consumers’ awareness of the benefits of switching to water- and energy-efficient fixtures and building codes.