
Dennis Trombatore to Receive the William B. Heroy Jr. Award for Distinguished Service to AGI

Dennis Trombatore, long-time member and Chair of the GeoRef Advisory Committee, has been named the 2012 winner of the William B. Heroy Award for Distinguished Service to the American Geosciences Institute. Trombatore will be honored for his illustrious service at the AGI Past President's Dinner held during the Geological Society of America (GSA) meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina on November 4, 2012.

Ian D. MacGregor receives William B. Heroy Jr. Award for Distinguished Service to AGI

The American Geological Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce Dr. Ian D. MacGregor as the 2011 recipient of the William B. Heroy Jr. Award for Distinguished Service to AGI. The Distinguished Service Award is presented in honor of William B. Heroy, Jr., who advanced the use of geophysics in petroleum exploration and in geologic research worldwide. Recipients of this award are measured against his exemplary career and in recognition of outstanding service to the Institute and to the geoscience profession.

Dr. M. Ray Thomasson to Receive the 2006 William B. Heroy Jr. Award for Distinguished Service to AGI

The American Geological Institute (AGI) announces Dr. M. Ray Thomasson as the 2006 William B. Heroy, Jr. Award for Distinguished Service to AGI recipient. This annual award is given in recognition of exceptional long-term service and support of AGI programs and activities.


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