press release

AGI Announces Winners of Earth Science Week 2005 Contests

The American Geological Institute (AGI) is proud to announce the 2005 Earth Science Week contest winners. The contests encourage the public to participate in this annual celebration, which recognizes the importance of the earth sciences in our lives. Selecting from among more than 500 entries, AGI is pleased to name the three winners.

Fifth Edition of the Glossary of Geology Published

The American Geological Institute (AGI) announces the publication of the fifth edition of the Glossary of Geology. This book has served as an important resource to geoscientists in all fields. The fifth edition, edited by Klaus K.E. Neuendorf, James P. Mehl, Jr. and Julia A. Jackson, reflects advances in scientific thought and changes in word usage.

AGI Relaunches GeoSpectrum

The American Geological Institute (AGI) announces the relaunch of GeoSpectrum. Formerly a newsletter about the activities of the Institute, GeoSpectrum now has been revamped into a quarterly electronic magazine (e-zine) with a new design, new medium and new purpose - to cover news and information about the geoscience profession.

Earthquake Briefing on Capitol Hill

About 75 million Americans in 39 states face a significant risk from a strong earthquake. Because of this significant risk, the Congressional Hazards Caucus Coalition will sponsor an earthquake hazards briefing Tuesday, September 20 at 3:00 pm, in room 2325 of the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill.

Hurricane Information and Educational Tools Available

The American Geological Institute (AGI), as an active member of the Congressional Hazards Caucus Coalition, helps to provide resources on the mitigation and response to natural hazards. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, AGI would like to remind the public of the availability of information and educational tools related to understanding the causes and effects of hurricanes as well as preparing for and responding these events.


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