professional development

Professional Development materials, for teachers and geoscientists

NASA Triad: Workshop Troubleshooting

Despite meticulous planning, workshops don't always run as smoothly as we'd like. In the attached document, we describe situations that have all occurred in past workshops. Take some time, read these over, and reflect on how you would handle similar situations in workshops you might lead. Feel free to share your thoughts on these situations with us via the secure wiki. If you are not currently registered for the Triad wiki, please send an email to Laura Middaugh Rios at llm [at] agiweb [dot] org. Thanks!

NASA Triad: Workshop Tools

This section will provide you with step-by-step advice for how to plan appropriate and worthwhile experiences for NASA STEM teachers, and carry these out in the classroom. Use the navigation bar on the left to navigate your way through the different sections of this guide.

NASA Triad: Advisory Board

Meet the Advisory Committee

Michael Gallagher, Science Consultant, Oakland Schools, Michigan.

Paul Hickman, American Association of Physics Teachers.

Cheryl Mosier, Earth Science Teacher, Columbine High School, Littleton, CO.

Jaclyn Reeves-Pepin, Associate Executive Director, National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT).


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