roy award

Apply Soon for Prestigious K-8 Earth Science Teaching Award

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Recognizing the important role of today's science teachers in shaping tomorrow's geoscience professionals and leaders, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) invites eligible science educators to apply for the 2025 Edward C. Roy Jr. Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching. The award is given in honor of Dr. Edward C. Roy Jr., a dedicated supporter of Earth science education.

Apply Soon for AGI Award for K-8 Earth Science Teaching

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Because teachers play a vital role in preparing the next generation of geoscience professionals and leaders, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) invites qualified science educators to enter its competition for the 2024 Edward C. Roy Jr. Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching. The award is given in honor of Dr. Edward C. Roy Jr., a strong and dedicated supporter of Earth science education.

Train and Goldner Receive AGI's Roy Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Teachers Marcia Train and Mark Goldner have been named the 2023 recipients of the American Geosciences Institute's (AGI) Edward C. Roy Jr. Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching. To celebrate AGI's 75th anniversary, the Institute is giving two awards this year — one at the elementary-school level and one at the middle-school level — rather than the traditional single award.

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