The AGU Heads and Chairs program and the American Geosciences Institute are pleased to be offering a free online webinar and discussion about the latest results from the ongoing Geoscience COVID-19 Impacts study as it pertains to changes in instructional activities, academic department operations, and the changes that faculty and students have navigated since early 2020. AGI staff will examine the impacts and resilience within academia as departments, faculty, and students have adapted to changing instructional and operational environments over the past three years. This will be an open discussion about the survey results and about insights from attendees on how their departments, faculty, and students have weathered the COVID-19 pandemic.
Funding for this project is provided by the National Science Foundation (Award #2029570). The results and interpretation of the survey are the views of the American Geosciences Institute and not those of the National Science Foundation.
Please join the AGU Heads and Chairs program and the American Geosciences Institute as we discuss the results of the 2020-21 Recent Graduate Surveys and consider emerging trends. This webinar serves as a refresh and expansion on the November 2021 Heads and Chairs discussion, and takes a look at the final results of the 2020-21 Recent Graduate Surveys as well as associated employment trend data from the COVID-19 impacts on the geosciences to examine what last year’s graduates experienced. In addition, we will discuss some emerging trends in workforce, including the rapid contraction in not only the overall U.S. workforce, but also of undergraduate students and what that may or may not portend for the geosciences, with an intent to have a group conversation about current department experiences in this changing human capital environment.
The American Geosciences Institute was able to resume its Geoscience Student Exit Survey for the 2020-21 academic year. Not only does this year’s survey look at long standing parameters, but it also is aligning with the recommendations provided in the Vision and Change report, thus being a first benchmark for the community on progress forward by geoscience programs. The pandemic added new wrinkles to the students’ experiences, but also insights into the current trends our new graduates are experiencing. The presentation by AGI's Christopher Keane will lead into a discussion among participants about what they are seeing for their recent graduates and what that means for the next couple years.
The AGU Heads and Chairs program and the American Geosciences Institute are pleased to be offering a free online webinar and discussion about efforts in curricular reform in undergraduate geoscience programs, and their successes and failures. Please join Aley El-Shazly (Marshall University) as he shares his program's experiences with curricular reform and to join a community discussion of how curricular reform efforts have progressed in light of the recent Vision and Change document.
The department of Geology embarked on a series of curricular revisions in 2015 that were subsequently implemented in 2016. These changes encompassed both introductory level as well as upper division classes, while maintaining the total number of hours needed for graduation at 120. This brief presentation will discuss the driving force behind the curricular changes, the challenges involved in implementing them, and their overall outcomes. Student and faculty attitudes towards these changes will be discussed, and data on enrollment, recruitment, and retention will be presented. It is hoped that this presentation will encourage discussions that will help small and large Geology programs grow and thrive.
The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce the publication of Vision and Change in the Geosciences – The Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education report. Vision and Change is the culmination of summits, workshops, and surveys over the last six years, incorporating the inputs from more than 1,000 members of the geoscience community to develop a consensus on the future needs and approaches for educating future geoscientists.
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) unanimously approved a Code of Ethics statement at its Annual Business Meeting in July. It will serve as guide for students, faculty, and administrators as they pursue undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities.
The application period for the Geoscience Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (GeoCUR) Undergraduate Research Mentor Award is now open. The award was established by the division in order to highlight the importance of mentoring undergraduate research activities. The successful applicant will receive $500 and a year-long membership to the Council on Undergraduate Research.
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is seeking input following the release of President Trump's budget - one which CUR has already publicly opposed. Members are being asked to identify where the budget cuts will affect them, and their labs, the most. Addtionally, members are encouraged to highlight success stories of undergraduate research. Submit comments to cur[at], and include "2018 Federal Budget Impacts" in the subject line.