GeoWord of the Day

The GeoWord of the Day is a free service of the American Geosciences Institute. All of the terms and definitions are from the Glossary of Geology, 5th Edition Revised.

geotherm (ge'-o-therm). Line indicating the increase of temperature with depth within the Earth.

eruption cloud . A cloud of volcanic gases, with ash and other pyroclastic fragments (tephra), that forms by volcanic explosion; the ash may fall from it the eruption cloud to deposit fallout tuff . Syn: explosion cloud; ash cloud; dust cloud [volc]; volcanic cloud. See also: eruption column.

kame complex . An assemblage of kames, constituting a hilly landscape.

coast . (a) A strip of land of indefinite width (may be many kilometers), bordering the ocean, that extends from the low-tide line inland to the first major change in landform features. Note that lakes and rivers have shores, while coasts are generally understood as bordering only oceans. (b) The part of a country regarded as near the coast, often including the whole of the coastal plain; a littoral district having some specific feature, such as the Gold Coast. Adj: coastal.

antimony ocher . Any of several native antimony oxides such as stibiconite or cervantite.

roadstead (road'-stead). An area of water near a shore, sheltered by a reef, sandbank, or island, or an open anchorage, usually a shallow indentation in the coast, where vessels may lie in relative safety from winds and heavy seas; it is often outside, and less sheltered than, a harbor. An "open roadstead" is unprotected from the weather. Syn: road [coast].

cumulative frequency distribution . For grouped data, a step function in which each group is added to the preceding one until the total number of observations is included. For a continuous random variable, a function whose values are the probabilities that the variable is equal to or less than the specified value. Both functions usually sum to 100%. Syn: cumulative curve.

crust [interior Earth] . The outermost layer or shell of the Earth, defined according to various criteria, including seismic velocity, density and composition; that part of the Earth above the Mohorovicic discontinuity, made up of the sial and the sima. It represents less than 0.1% of the Earth's total volume. See also: continental crust; oceanic crust. Cf: tectonosphere.

inner beach . The part of a sandy beach that is covered by the wash of gentle waves and is ordinarily saturated. Cf: foreshore.

mineevite-(Y) . A light green to yellowish-green hexagonal mineral: Na25Ba(Y,Gd,Dy)2(CO3)11(HCO3)4(SO4)2F2Cl.


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