GeoWord of the Day

The GeoWord of the Day is a free service of the American Geosciences Institute. All of the terms and definitions are from the Glossary of Geology, 5th Edition Revised.

quartz schist . A schist whose foliation is due mainly to streaks and lenticles of nongranular quartz. Mica is present but in lesser quantities than in mica schist. A syn. of "schistose quartzite" of some petrologists.

Histels . Gelisols with large amounts of organic carbon that commonly accumulate under anaerobic conditions or the organic matter at least partially fills voids in fragmental, cindery, or pumicious materials. Cold temperatures contribute to the accumulation of organic matter. A suborder of the U.S. system of soil taxonomy.

synmorph (syn'-morph). A smooth trough-shaped part of an undulatory thrust fault. It does not reflect warping or deformation of a once-planar fault surface. It is typically covered by erosional remnants of the upper plate (Kopf, 1982). Cf: antimorph.

total dissolved solids . A syn. of dissolved solids. Abbrev: TDS.

sardius (sar'-di-us). Original name for sard.

pocket [eco geol] . (a) A small, discontinuous occurrence or patch of ore, e.g. a mineralized cavity or crevice. (b) A localized enrichment of an ore deposit. Syn: belly.

ascopore (as'-co-pore). A median frontal pore that serves as the inlet of the ascus in some ascophoran cheilostomes (bryozoans).

ruby sand . A red-colored beach sand containing garnets, as at Nome, Alaska.

steam vent . A type of hot spring from which superheated steam is rapidly and violently expelled.

river flat . An alluvial flat adjacent to a river; a bottom.


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