For Geoscience Professionals
This handbook, developed cooperatively by AGI and AAPG, offers ideas and resources for geoscience professionals who want to visit classrooms or lead student field trips.
The Center generates innovative and integrative projects to enhance geoscience awareness across all sectors of society.
The latest news and information from across the geoscience community.
Improve your career prospects or lane-shift to a new industry, examine the opportunities to strengthen your professional qualifications.
The definitive bibliographic research tool in the geosciences.
Find information on federal policy that impacts the geosciences.
The definitive reference for all terms in the geosciences. Now available as a book, e-book, app, or online subscription.
Learn more about recent developments in federal geoscience policy through our monthly digest of news briefs.
The Critical Issues Research Database aggregates geoscience information products to aid decision makers as they address issues at the intersection of the geosciences and society.