Resources for Future Generations 2018 abstract submission deadline extended to February 12.

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RFG 2018 abstract deadline has been extended

Resources for Future Generations 2018 is a collaborative, ambitious event that seeks to highlight business, science, and policy. The event will bring together attendees from industry, government, and academia as well as Indigenous peoples, and local communities to discuss some of the most pressing challenges concerning resources and related sustainability issues. The conference will cover many aspects of earth science that underpin our understanding of resources, focused sessions on critical aspects of energy, minerals and water, and a broad program covering societal, policy, Indigenous, community and educational topics.  
This is a unique opportunity to participate in a conference focused on a sustainable future. The response to the Call for Abstracts has been excellent, but given conflicts with the holiday season, we have decided to extend the Abstract submission deadline and maximize the opportunity for you to share your research and ideas by submitting an abstract to one of our six themes:  Energy, Minerals, Water, the Earth, Resources and Society, and Education.
Your voice is important to us. Submit an abstract.
