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Groundwater and Soil Contamination Database

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The Groundwater and Soil Contamination (GSC) database is available as an annual subscription or as a day pass through the AGI website. This database is searchable on the web using keywords, authors, titles, or publication dates. The GSC database is produced by the same staff, and the indexing and format follow the same conventions used in production of the GeoRef database.

The GSC database includes more than 186,782 bibliographic references to the worldwide literature on this subject. Coverage is worldwide, with emphasis on the United States. Journal articles, books, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations are included. Also covered are all relevant reports of the U.S. Geological Survey, and reports of the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, Health and Human Services, and the Interior, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The GSC database is updated on a weekly basis.

References contain complete bibliographic information and URLs for documents published on the web. Thorough indexing, based on the controlled vocabulary found in the GeoRef Thesaurus, is included. Specific geographic locations are listed as place names and, for principal locations, latitude and longitude coordinates are provided. Entries include ISSNs as well as information about publishers and the availability of the documents cited.

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Documents cited in the GSC database are primarily related to geology, hydrology, and the environment. In addition, documents on economics, chemistry, civil engineering, and health effects are also included. Topics covered include:

unsaturated zones

Geographic locations: 
place names 
latitude & longitude

radioactive isotopes 
heavy metals 
waste disposal 
organic compounds 
petroleum hydrocarbons 
trace metals 
solute transport 

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The top 20 serial titles, in order of number of references in the GSC database are:

Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union
Open-File Report - U. S. Geological Survey
Water-Resources Investigations - U. S. Geological Survey
Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union
Ground Water, National Ground Water Association
IAHS-AISH Publication, International Association of Hydrological Sciences
Environmental Science & Technology, ES & T, American Chemical Society
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Elsevier Scientific Publishers
Journal of Environmental Quality
Water, Air and Soil Pollution
Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier Scientific Publishers
Environmental Geology (Berlin)
Chemosphere (Oxford)
Contaminated Soil...International TNO/BMFT Conference on Contaminated Soil
Soil Science Society of America Journal
Ground Water Management
Water Science and Technology
AAPG Bulletin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists

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Over 2,500 journals, proceedings, and report series from over 100 countries are covered in the GSC database. The countries of publication are:

Country No. Serials
USA 950
Germany 241
International 142
United Kingdom 137
France 103
Canada 93
Netherlands 74
China 69
India 58
Japan 57
Others 616

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The Groundwater and Soil Contamination database is available through two options: Day Pass and Annual Subscription

Annual Subscription
The cost of an annual subscription to the GSC database is as follows:
Individuals (Consultants) $65 US
Institutions $195 US

If you would like to subscribe, please print out the order form / license agreement (available in Word document or PDF format below), fill out the form completely, and return to Monika Long at the American Geosciences Institute. Please note: Subscriber access is secured through either user name/password login or through IP address validation on our server.

Subscription Forms
Order form / License Agreement:
pdf download icon Groundwater and Soil Contamination Order Form (pdf) | pdf download icon Groundwater and Soil Contamination Order Form (Word)

Click on the document type desired, and if the associated application software is available on your computer, the document will open and you may print it immediately or save it to your local computer drive for later printing. If the form does not open immediately, you will be prompted to save the file to your local computer drive.

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For more information contact:
American Geosciences Institute
ATTN: GSC database
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302-1502
(703) 379-2480


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