35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort descending Session Abstract
5664 Women In Geoscience Presentation - Sponsored by South32 T17.12 - Quantitative geoscience data analysis for mineral exploration targeting
5526 Exploring the contrasts between fast and slow rifting A De Montserrat T29.1 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution PDF icon 5526.pdf
5551 New chronology for the southern Kalahari Group sediments with implications for sediment-cycle dynamics and early hominin occupation A Matmon T34.3 - African Geochronology PDF icon 5551.pdf
5540 Application of acoustic stratum inversion for predicting lithophysical rock properties of complex oil and gas prospective objects A.B Krivitski T17.P3 - Mineral Exploration PDF icon 5540.pdf
624 Ravines in Angola. Causes and restraint methods. A.B Pinho T8.P3 - Geohazards PDF icon 624.pdf
3720 A Late Cretaceous mixed-drift system on the Uruguayan Margin: sedimentary and paleoceanographic significance Adam Creaser T40.10 - Uncovering the great unknown – mapping the Earth’s ocean floor PDF icon 3720.pdf
5523 Petroleum Prospectivity and Geological Challenges of the Offshore East African Margin Andrea Degli Alessandrini T20.3 - Off-shore petroleum systems of eastern Africa (convened by ENI S.p.A.) / Petroleum systems of the Atlantic margin of Africa (convened by BP Plc) PDF icon 5523.pdf
5543 The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheet contribution to global sea level rise Andrew Shepherd T41.10 - Mineral and energy resources of the Arctic / Advances in Remote Sensing in the Cryosphere for the Polar Regions PDF icon 5543.pdf
5509 Promoting RFG in conjunction with China’s “the Belt and the Road” initiative Anjian Wang T26.2 - Understanding the Mineral Life Cycle PDF icon 5509.pdf
1217 Geochemical analysis of the European Kupferschiefer – from method development to data assessment Anne Rahfeld T23.12 - Strategic & Base Metals & Industrial Minerals PDF icon 1217.pdf
4899 Study of frozen ground conditions in Byers Peninsula of Livingston Island (Maritime Antarctica) based on electrical and geomorphological data Antonio Correia T41.P5 - Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience PDF icon 4899.pdf
3169 Marine geological data as a basis for sustainable growth, an example from the Gulf of Bothnia, Finland Anu M. Kaskela T40.P4 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography PDF icon 3169.pdf
3170 Seabed substrate and sedimentation rate data from Europe’s Seas, EMODnet Geology Anu M. Kaskela T40.11 - Uncovering the great unknown – mapping the Earth’s ocean floor PDF icon 3170.pdf
2060 Weathering rate of ancient limestone inscription in Beixiangtang Temple Grottoes,China Assoc.Prof. Lihui Li T15.14 - Karst problems - identification and remediation PDF icon 2060.pdf
3992 Phosphate nodules from early Cambrian black shale sequence on Yangtze Platform, South China: A geochemical and isotopic investigation and implication for diagenetic fluid evolution Associate Prof. Jing-Hong Yang T18.13a - Phosphate deposits: state of the art and further potential / Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3992.pdf
5102 Liquefaction-Fluidization induced land subsidence: Impact of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake on man-made strata around Tokyo bay area, Japan Atsushi Kagawa T14.12 - Environmental GeosciencesGeosciences in Strategic Environmental Management / Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 5102.pdf
4117 The use of GRASS QGIS in detailed mapping of slopes in the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa B.D.O Odhiambo T8.2 - Geohazards and societal benefits: coping with reality / Risk evaluation and management in the 21st Century PDF icon 4117.pdf
5610 Earth Observations and the Importance of Broad, Open Data Sharing Policies Barbara Ryan T7.5 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 5610.pdf
3688 The Lake Albert Rift (Uganda, East African Rift System): Deformation, basin and relief evolution since 17 Ma Brendan Simon T29.15 - New insights into the evolution of the East African and Arabian rift systems from multidisciplinary data and numerical models PDF icon 3688.pdf
5490 Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution in Porphyry-Type Ore Deposits: Evidence from fluid inclusions, cathodoluminescence, and trace elements in quartz Brian Rusk T18.11a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 5490.pdf
2884 Influence of the Environmental Conditions on Surficial Mapping Using LANDSAT-5 TM and RADARSAT-2 Polarimetric SAR Images Brigitte Leblon T9.13 - Analyzing Geohazards and Risk Using Remotely Sensed Derived Datasets / Use of radar remote sensing in geological applications PDF icon 2884.pdf
2116 Heat flow and a rough estimation of gas hydrate in sediments at the Patagonian active continental margin offshore Chile Bsc. LUCIA VILLAR MUÑOZ Dr. IVAN VARGAS-CORDERO T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 2116.pdf
2638 The Parasitic Zircon of Mafic Dikes in the Xidaming Mountain of Guangxi Province of China and its Significance Changhao Xiao T18.P2 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 2638.pdf
3262 Meteorites from Morocco: an important implication in Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences improvement Chennaoui Aoudjehane, H. T48.4 - Meteorite Impacts and Meteorite studies PDF icon 3262.pdf
5633 IAMG Award Ceremony Christien Thiart T16.1 - IAMG Plenary Session
2119 Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics at AGU – The Role for a Large Scientific Society in Addressing Harassment and Work Climate Issues. Christine McEntee T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 2119.pdf
5615 Discussion Topic 2: Harassment, Bullying and Exclusion (all types - all unaccepable) (Panel discussion) Christine McEntee T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
1045 STXM-NEXAFS: applying a new technique which helps to unravel the mystery of rock varnish D.S. Macholdt T45.7 - Instrumental, experimental and laboratory-based developments in the Geosciences PDF icon 1045.pdf
2783 Geo-hazard assessment, remote sensing and European Cultural Heritage: the PROTHEGO project. Daniele Spizzichino T8.2a - Geohazards
5346 Eccentricity Scale Conodont Oxygen and Strontium Isotopic Trends During Carboniferous Climate Transitions Dillon Osleger T47.P2 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale PDF icon 5346.pdf
2067 The 2650 Ma to 2600 Ma Magmatic Event and its Economic Importance for the Archean LCT Pegmatite Budget Dipl.-Geol Thomas Dittrich T18.2 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 2067.pdf
2059 New Geochronological, Isotopic and Fluid Inclusion Study Constraints on the Formation of the World-class Bikita LCT Pegmatite Deposit Dipl.-Geol. Thomas Dittrich T18.P4 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 2059.pdf
862 Numerical simulation of gas hydrate exploitation from subsea reservoirs Dipl.-Ing. Georg Janicki T21.17 - Gas hydrates - a major unconventional energy resource: when will they be produced? PDF icon 862.pdf
5497 Deep stratigraphic borehole for shale gas geo-environmental baseline research in the Karoo Dr Luc Chevallier T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 5497.pdf
4897 On the structure of Fennoscandian AR-PT High Conductive Suture Zones on the Example of Ladoga-Bothnian Anomaly Dr Abdulkhai Zhamaletdinov T17.10 - Geoelectrics (geoelectromagnetic methods) for geotectonics PDF icon 4897.pdf
779 Late Mesozoic Intracontinental orogeny of the Qinling orogen, central China and its implication Dr Anlin Guo T30.11 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 779.pdf
421 Raman spectroscopic signature of shock features in chondritic meteorites and its cosmogenic implications DR ARINDAM DUTTA T48.4 - Meteorite Impacts and Meteorite studies PDF icon 421.pdf
3364 Heritage stones as part of the Global Geoheritage Dr Björn Schouenborg T15.2 - Dimension stone and building materials (sponsored by IAEG C-10, HSTG and IGCP 637)
1609 TravelingGeologist: an online platform for disseminating Earth Science research and inspiring the next generation of field geologists Dr Christopher Spencer T2.16 - Place-based and culturally informed geoscience education / Communicating Geoscience to the Public: Promises and Pitfalls / Field-Based Geoscience Education: A YES Network Comparisonn PDF icon 1609.pdf
1606 Melting sediment and subducting bacteria: exploring the connection between the Great Oxidation Event and the rise of d18O in zircon Dr Christopher Spencer T30.15c - Secular change in Earth evolution PDF icon 1606.pdf
3893 Two Melts in the Sudbury Igneous Complex Dr CM Lesher T18.9 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3893.pdf
4717 SIMS dating of the Neoarchean to Eoarchean Saglek block, Labrador Dr Daniel Dunkley T32.14 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics PDF icon 4717.pdf
1455 Alleviation of slagging in a pf boiler through selective mining and coal blending: a case study from Leigh Creek, South Australia Dr David French T19.5 - Coal PDF icon 1455.pdf
3593 Quebrada de la Mina, a new porphyry Au deposit (31º 29' S, 70º 32' W) in the Andean Main Cordillera of San Juan, Argentina: a petrogenetic analysis Dr David Lentz T18.11a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3593.pdf
5369 Towards better understanding of Porphyry Copper and IOCG systems through magnetic forward modelling of variable 3D geology-property scenarios Dr Desmond FitzGerald T17.9 - New theories and methods in resources exploration PDF icon 5369.pdf
3732 Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility, Palaeomagnetism and Rock magnetic studies on mafic intrusives from Kaddam Fault: Implications to Godavari rift related magmatism Dr Dhananjay Meshram T29.P1 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 3732.pdf
2365 Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility, Palaeomagnetism and Rock magnetic studies on the mafic intrusives along Kaddam Fault: Implications to Godavari rift related magmatism Dr Dhananjay Meshram T30.P4 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 2365.pdf
3942 Natural radioactivity in Spanish granites: observations on different slab finishes. Dr Dolores Pereira T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 3942.pdf
3362 Protection and valorisation of industrial heritage related to Global Heritage Stone Resources in Belgium Dr Dolores Pereira T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 3362.pdf
3559 Cenozoic surface dynamics of West Africa: Drainage, hot spot swell growth, erosion budget and offshore sedimentary record Dr Dominique CHARDON T30.17 - Dynamic Africa: integrating constraints on the post-Gondwana topographic evolution of Africa and adjacent continents from the core mantle boundary PDF icon 3559.pdf
