35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Title Presenting Authorsort ascending Session Abstract
1631 Fluoride Incidence in Groundwater: An Insight from Rural Parts of Central India Prof. Deepak Malpe T14.9 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 1631.pdf
4551 Characterising flotation performance for geometallurgy - where are we at? Prof. Dee Bradshaw T23.11 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy / Strategic & Base Metals & Industrial Minerals PDF icon 4551.pdf
401 Cold-water coral mounds and contourite drifts: two chapters of the palaeoceanographic log-book? Prof. David Van Rooij T40.9 - Deep-water circulation: processes & products PDF icon 401.pdf
3139 New records of southern hemisphere Quaternary dune system development derived from Accumulation Intensity analysis Prof. David S.G. Thomas T42.13 - Evolution of sand seas: past, present...and future? PDF icon 3139.pdf
4439 Magmatic reaction and replacement phenomena associated with iron-rich melts migrating through the Upper Critical Zone, Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex Prof. David Reid T18.5 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 4439.pdf
3352 The Richtersveld: an ancient desert mountainland Prof. David Reid T1.3 - Geoheritage and Conservation PDF icon 3352.pdf
4546 Carbon capture in man made strata Prof. David Manning T4.7 - Palaeosols, palaeoweathering profiles and polygenetic soils indicators of climate change PDF icon 4546.pdf
3121 Innovative uses of geological materials as crop nutrients Prof. David Manning T26.1 - Understanding the Mineral Life Cycle PDF icon 3121.pdf
5312 Differential Degassing of H2 Causes Redox Changes Affecting Multivalent Element Partitioning During Volatile Phase Saturation of Crystallizing Magmas Prof. David Lentz T18.P4 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 5312.pdf
3850 Microdiamonds in the Scandinavian Caledonides related to Ordovician continent-arc and Siluro-Devonian continent-continent collision Prof. David G Gee T31.16 - Deep Imaging of the Crust and Lithosphere beneath the Continent and its geodynamics PDF icon 3850.pdf
4526 Precise zircon dating reveals the threefold evolution of the Sinclair Supergoup of Namibia. Prof. David Cornell T33.12 - Geodynamics and metallogenesis of the West African Craton PDF icon 4526.pdf
370 Exploring for Vertebrate Fossils in the Riversleigh Area of Queensland using Field-Portable XRF Prof. David Cohen T44.P2 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology PDF icon 370.pdf
829 Separating natural from anthropogenic trace element patterns in soils of Lefkosia (Nicosia), Cyprus Prof. David Cohen T3.8 - Geoscience for environmental management PDF icon 829.pdf
628 Depositional changes and sea-level fluctuation from Holocene Nakdong River deltaic sediments, South Korea Prof. Daekyo Cheong T28.P3 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 628.pdf
1450 Quantitative Inorganic Profiling of Coal Seams Using Core-Scanning and Hand-held X-ray Fluorescence Techniques Prof. Colin Ward T19.3 - Coal PDF icon 1450.pdf
1453 Mineralogical Reactions in Low and High Ash South African Coals during Pulverised-fuel Combustion Prof. Colin Ward T19.5 - Coal PDF icon 1453.pdf
5437 Volcaniclastic-epiclastic rocks related to the Paraná continental flood volcanism: the Early Cretaceous Volta Alegre Formation, Jacuí Basin, southern Brazil Prof. Claudio Riccomini T30.P4 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 5437.pdf
1451 Long-term, deep-mantle support of the Ethiopia-Yemen Plateau: implication for mantle dynamics Prof. Claudio Faccenna T30.16 - Dynamic Africa: integrating constraints on the post-Gondwana topographic evolution of Africa and adjacent continents from the core mantle boundary PDF icon 1451.pdf
903 Phase Equilibria in High- and Ultrahigh-pressure Eclogites Prof. Chunjing Wei T38.15 - HP-UHP metamorphism and tectonic evolution of orogenic belts PDF icon 903.pdf
910 The Noearchean Granulite Facies Metamorphism in the East Hebei, North China Craton Prof. Chunjing Wei T38.4 - Metamorphic processes in early Earth evolution PDF icon 910.pdf
1141 Recent Surface Deformation in western Himalaya: Uttarakhand state of India Prof. Chung-Pai Chang T9.P4 - Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies PDF icon 1141.pdf
4445 Optimal sampling for variogram estimation in order to determine sample line spacing for a Marine Diamond deposit . Prof. Christien Thiart T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 4445.pdf
4852 Review of Criteria for the Identification of Impact Structures on Earth Prof. Christian Koeberl T48.3 - Meteorite Impacts and Meteorite studies PDF icon 4852.pdf
891 Earthlearningidea: a global web-based resource of geoscience teaching ideas - an analysis Prof. Chris King T2.9 - Geoscience Education at school level PDF icon 891.pdf
895 Our ‘International year of Earth science educator stories’ project Prof. Chris King T2.11 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication PDF icon 895.pdf
897 Launch of the ‘Sand on a sill’ international collaborative research project Prof. Chris King T2.8 - Geoscience Education at school level PDF icon 897.pdf
4253 Small-scale petroliferous basins in China: Characteristics of type and hydrocarbon occurrence Prof. Chiyang Liu T29.P3 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 4253.pdf
11 Landslide volume estimation by landslide area-frequency distribution Prof. Chien-Yuan Chen T8.5 - Subaerial and submarine landslide processes and hazards / Crustal deformation and seismotectonics in Africa: Active faulting and earthquake hazard assessment PDF icon 11.pdf
2533 Terrestrial climate and carbon cycle of East Asia in the Late Cretaceous: Records from the Continental Scientific Drilling of the Songliao Basin Prof. Chengshan Wang T47.11 - Cretaceous time scale and sea-level changes, and Cretaceous Asia-Pacific Ecosystems (IGCP 609, IGCP 608, ICDP Songliao basin) - Part 1 PDF icon 2533.pdf
1744 Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of Ordos block basement, North China Craton: evidence from detrital zircon U–Pb age and Hf-isotopes of Mesoproterozoic sandstones Prof. Chengli Zhang T32.P4 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth PDF icon 1744.pdf
840 Diel cycling, flux, and fate of HCO3- in a typical karst spring-fed stream of southwestern China Prof. Cheng Zhang T5.3 - Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of arid and semi-arid Africa: a tribute to W. M. Edmunds / Non-Darcian flows in soil and geological porous media / Hydrochemistry and recharge of karst and other systems / Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 840.pdf
3114 Permian Conodont Biostratigraphy Prof. Charles Henderson T47.4 - Permian global events and correlations PDF icon 3114.pdf
2580 Is the South China Block an accretionary orogeny? Insights from recent geological and geochronological evidence Prof. Changqing Yin T30.14 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 2580.pdf
5124 Global Hydrocarbon Exploration and Monitoring: Current Possibilities and Projections for the Near Future and Beyond Prof. Carlos Souza Filho T9.14 - Use of radar remote sensing in geological applications / Challenges and opportunities in achieving global remote sensing of surface minerals PDF icon 5124.pdf
884 Graviquakes and elastoquakes Prof. Carlo Doglioni T8.11 - Geohazards: Prevention, risk reduction, early warning and preparedness PDF icon 884.pdf
3803 The tectonic evolution of the main gold-producing region of the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa Prof. Carl Anhaeusser T32.16 - The Barberton drilling project / Early Earth Mineral Systems PDF icon 3803.pdf
3807 Archaean volcano-sedimentary cyclicity in komatiite flow sequences at Schapenburg, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa Prof. Carl Anhaeusser T32.15 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics / The Barberton drilling project PDF icon 3807.pdf
3735 Tapinocephalid dinocephalians, the first large terrestrial tetrapods – Potential for refined Middle Permian Biostratigraphy? Prof. Bruce Rubidge T44.4 - Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Ecosystems of Gondwana PDF icon 3735.pdf
2052 The role of Southern Africa in understanding Human origins Prof. Brigitte SENUT T10.5 - Early man and early Geological ideas PDF icon 2052.pdf
2985 Crustal and tectonic evolution of accretionary orogens in NE Asia: evidence from geochronological and geochemical study of granitoids and comparison with the Central Asian Orogenic Belt Prof. Bor-ming Jahn T36.5 - Granite Keynotes PDF icon 2985.pdf
1228 Research on the definition of rainfall event for the debris flow triggered by a runoff-induced mechanism Prof. Bin Yu T8.11 - Geohazards: Prevention, risk reduction, early warning and preparedness PDF icon 1228.pdf
3798 Land Subsidence Monitoring and its Countermeasures in the Lower Yangtze Delta Area of China Prof. Bin Shi T8.17 - Challenges in Identifying and Characterising Seismogenic Faults in Non-Plate Boundary Settings PDF icon 3798.pdf
3265 Geostatistical Modelling for Coal and CBM Resource Estimation: Case from a Gondwana Coalfield, India Prof. Bhabesh Chandra Sarkar T19.4 - Quantitative characterization of coal resources and hazards PDF icon 3265.pdf
5410 Metal transfer ratios from soil to plants and the risk they pose to human and livestock: An example of the Berg Aukas and Tsumeb mining districts, Namibia. Prof. Benjamin Mapani T11.9 - Medical Geology / Medical Geology - case studies from Africa PDF icon 5410.pdf
3672 The impact of mine dump pollution on vegetation in the Tsumeb area, central Namibia Prof. Benjamin Mapani T14.3 - Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 3672.pdf
237 Spectral Characteristics of Plants Growing On Chromite Mineralization In West Pokot District, Kenya Prof. Beneah D. Odhiambo T9.10 - Geological Mapping & Mineral Exploration: Case studies from Africa / Spectral Geology in Exploration (minerals, hydrocarbon, geothermal) and Production PDF icon 237.pdf
2118 Resourcing Future Generations: Economic Impacts from Construction of a Raw Water Pipeline Prof. Becky Johnson T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 2118.pdf
25 Tectonothermal evolution of Southeastern Nigerian basement complex Prof. Barth Ekwueme T38.1 - Tectono-thermal evolution of Gondwana: suturing of a supercontinent PDF icon 25.pdf
32 Heavy Metals Pollution of Streams and River Sediments in parts of Akpabuyo Local Government Area, Nigeria and its Implication for Agricultural Practices and Environmental Protection Prof. Barth Ekwueme T14.2 - Environmental Management of Water Resources / Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 32.pdf
