35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort descending Abstract
3848 Building thematic and integrated services for European solid Earth sciences: the EPOS integrated approach Mr. Matthew Harrison T7.6 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 3848.pdf
5285 Building geological services for the EPOS European Research Infrastructure Mr. François Robida T7.6 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 5285.pdf
3864 Upgrading a National Data Repository to a Key Register Mr. Stephan Gruijters T7.6 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 3864.pdf
4035 20 Years of Introducing Geoscientific Information Management Systems – an Experience Report Dr. Andreas Barth T7.6 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 4035.pdf
1708 Lumping geology units in drill holes for simplified 3D modelling Dr. June Hill T7.7 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 1708.pdf
1709 A visual aid for interpreting and filtering down-hole gamma logs Dr. June Hill T7.7 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 1709.pdf
4302 Local Probability Density-based 3D Edge Detection Applied to an Electromagnetic Inversion of the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, Finland Mr. Tom Horrocks T7.7 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 4302.pdf
327 Application and validation of artificial neural network model to groundwater productivity-potential mapping Dr. Saro Lee T7.7 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 327.pdf
3660 Analysis of geological features with artificial neural networks – methodology and examples Dr. Andreas Barth T7.7 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 3660.pdf
3092 On the importance of the geological architecture in 3D modelling Dr. Philippe Calcagno T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 3092.pdf
4729 Modeling the Dutch subsurface: From paper product towards dissemination of a 3D-digital model Dr. Johan Ten Veen T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 4729.pdf
5300 From 2D maps to 3D modelling: much more than “just one more dimension” Dr. Gabriel Courrioux T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 5300.pdf
5261 Storing and delivering numerical geological models on demand for everyday Earth Sciences applications Dr. Christelle Loiselet T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 5261.pdf
1691 From GeoMol to EGDI – towards the integration of regional 3D geological datasets into the European Geological Data Infrastructure Dr. Gerold W. Diepolder T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 1691.pdf
1286 Mapping of Au anomalies in drainage sediments by multifractal modeling Mr. Behnam Sadeghi T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 1286.pdf
737 GeoSciML version 4.0 - a coming of age Ollie Raymond T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 737.pdf
3517 EarthResourceML - the CGI-IUGS Data Standard to Deliver Mineral Resource Data Dr. Jouni Vuollo T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 3517.pdf
1256 International standardisation of geoscience terminology via CGI-IUGS vocabularies Dr. Mark Rattenbury T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 1256.pdf
3477 The use of GeoSciML harmonised layers in geological applications Dr. Carlo Cipolloni T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 3477.pdf
1944 Submission and dissemination of geological data for the territory of the Russian Federation using the CGI standards to ensure international data exchange Mr. Leonid Chesalov T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 1944.pdf
1852 Geo3DML: a public 3D geological model data exchange format Prof. Honggang Qu T7.9 - Information Management - Interoperability and Standards PDF icon 1852.pdf
3245 100 years of Antarctic tectonic cartography Dr. German Leitchenkov T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 3245.pdf
2374 The Structural Map of the South China Sea ; Highlighting the Main Tertiary Events Dr. Manuel Pubellier T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 2374.pdf
3935 A new geological map of the SE Fennoscandian Shield as a basis for the study of the evolution of the early earth crust Dr. Aleksandr Slabunov T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 3935.pdf
5253 Development of assisted road navigation by the drainage network Dr. talnan jean honore COULIBALY Dr Naga COULIBALY Prof Jean Paul DEROIN T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 5253.pdf
3091 3D GeoModelling: a collaborative platform for multidisciplinary interpretation Dr. Philippe Calcagno T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 3091.pdf
4005 Identification of lithological differences and similarities in the East Anatolian Fault Zone by using the remote sensing methods Dr. Önder Gürsoy T7.P2 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 4005.pdf
4594 Bayesian hierarchical approach combined with geostatistics for temperature modeling using a well-logging dataset Mr. Lei Lu T7.P2 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 4594.pdf
5563 Multi-source three-dimension geological complex structural modelling Prof. Mao Pan T7.P2 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 5563.pdf
4019 Case Study: A Data Warehouse for a National Institute of Geological Environment Monitoring Dr. Zhenhua Li T7.P2 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 4019.pdf
2628 Application of BEMD in Extraction of Gravity Anomaly Implying Geological Structures and Granites at Different Depths within the Bozhushan-the Laojunshan W-Sn-Ag-Zn-Cu Ore Concentration Area of Southestern Yunnan, South China Dr. Yongqing Chen T7.P2 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 2628.pdf
4458 Specialized GIS-technology for identifying ore-bearing objects, areas and expected reserves evaluation Dr. Abish Sharapatov T7.P2 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 4458.pdf
958 Spatially Weighted Principal Component Analysis to Identify Geochemical Anomalies Associated with Orogenic Gold Deposits in Northeast Jiangxi, South China Dr. Chengbin Wang T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 958.pdf
5442 GIS-Based Fuzzy Logic Mineral Prospectivity Modelling of Surficial Uranium Systems in Namaqualand region, South Africa Mr. Abdul Osman Kenan T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 5442.pdf
1605 Relationship between geochemical zoning and mineralization in Qinling Mountains area, China Dr. Zhao Jiangnan T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1605.pdf
4448 Local Singularity Based on Gradient for Mapping Geochemical Anomalies in Gejiu, Yunnan, China Dr. Shengyuan Zhang Dr. Wenlei Wang T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 4448.pdf
496 Application of Multithematic GIS Modelling techniques for Mineral potential mapping along the Khodana-Narnaul area as a part of the North-East extension of Khetri Copper Belt. Mrs. Moumita Mitra Sinha Mrs. Babita Yadav T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 496.pdf
1038 Mineral mapping based on spectral angle mapper and spectral distance classification with zero-crossing wavelet method Ms. Qing Qi T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1038.pdf
1287 Discrimination and mapping of REEs litho-geochemical anomalies by multi-fractal modeling Mr. Behnam Sadeghi T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1287.pdf
2498 Multispectral Landsat 7 ETM+ enhancement images and airborne geophysics data processing for geological mapping of the Ahnet terrane (Western Hoggar, Algeria). Prof. Safouane Djemai T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 2498.pdf
3042 Interactive 3D potential field modelling and visualization of complex geological structures Dr. Hans-Juergen Goetze T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 3042.pdf
1156 Strategy for the construction of KIGAM geoscience data repository system Dr. JongGyu Han T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1156.pdf
2165 WebGIS-based Geoinformation Sharing System for East and Southeast Asia Dr. Joel Bandibas T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 2165.pdf
1811 A mobile app for geological/geochemical field data acquisition Dr. Nathan Reid T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1811.pdf
1866 The Continued Evolution of the Open Source PYGMI Project Mr. Patrick Cole T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1866.pdf
1821 New computer technology for geological problems solving Mrs. Evgenia Cheremisina T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1821.pdf
2494 Remote sensing and airborne geophysics for geological mapping of the Tefedest terrane (Central Hoggar, Algeria). Prof. Safouane Djemai T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 2494.pdf
5593 Geoscience Information and Data in the Moroccan Geological Survey Mr. Zoubir SKALANTE T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 5593.pdf
5415 Crustal Seismic Anisotropy of North-West Himalaya Ms. Avanie Jain T7.P4 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 5415.pdf
4597 Radon and seismotectonics in parts of Shillong Plateau Dr. DEVESH WALIA T8.1 - Geohazards PDF icon 4597.pdf
