35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Numbersort ascending Title Presenting Author Session Abstract
5306 Heterogeneous zircon inheritance in Late Jurassic granitic plutons within the Jiuling composite batholith, South China Dr. Di Wang T36.8 - Granites PDF icon 5306.pdf
5305 Amphibole-dehydration melting for Hadean protocrust Prof. Xiaolei Wang T32.12 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth PDF icon 5305.pdf
5302 Volcanic source-to-sink: stratigraphy and chronology of lahar deposits in a volcanic fan-delta-lake system, Adatara and Bandai volcanoes, NE Japan Dr. Kyoko Kataoka T46.P5 - Volcanology PDF icon 5302.pdf
5300 From 2D maps to 3D modelling: much more than “just one more dimension” Dr. Gabriel Courrioux T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 5300.pdf
5298 Derivation of influencing natural and anthropogenic factors on groundwater level fluctuation using regression and principal component analysis. Mrs. Bhagyashri Maggirwar T13.12 - AGID Sub Theme : 1: Ground Water Development for Food Security & Rural Health PDF icon 5298.pdf
5296 The missing ethics of mining: The case study of Odisha, India Prof. Madhumita Das T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 5296.pdf
5295 Palaeozoic to Archaean zircons in rocks derived from the Galapagos mantle hotspot: where do they come from? Dr. Yamirka Rojas-agramonte T35.6 - Isotope Geoscience PDF icon 5295.pdf
5294 Chronology of the oldest supracrustal sequences in the Palaeoarchaean Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa and Swaziland Prof. Alfred Kroener T32.15 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics / The Barberton drilling project PDF icon 5294.pdf
5292 Links between porphyry and IOCG deposits Prof. Jeremy P. Richards T18.1 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 5292.pdf
5291 Recognizing spatial heterogeneity in aquifer distributions and characterizing groundwater dynamics in NW India Prof. Rajiv Sinha T5.3 - Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of arid and semi-arid Africa: a tribute to W. M. Edmunds / Non-Darcian flows in soil and geological porous media / Hydrochemistry and recharge of karst and other systems / Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 5291.pdf
5290 Multi-proxies study of the Hanon paleo-maar sediment, Jeju Island, Korea: implications for paleoclimate variability over the last 35 kyrs Dr. Sangmin Hyun T4.7 - Palaeosols, palaeoweathering profiles and polygenetic soils indicators of climate change PDF icon 5290.pdf
5288 Introducing INFOMAR, Irelands national seabed mapping programme Mr Koen Verbruggen T40.11 - Uncovering the great unknown – mapping the Earth’s ocean floor PDF icon 5288.pdf
5287 The industrial approach to metal recycling - opportunities and challenges to close the loop for technology metals Dr. Christian Hagelueken T26.4 - The Urban Mine PDF icon 5287.pdf
5286 The European Geological Data Infrastructure - EGDI François ROBIDA T7.5 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 5286.pdf
5285 Building geological services for the EPOS European Research Infrastructure Mr. François Robida T7.6 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 5285.pdf
5283 Detection of landslides in early phases using SAR interferometry Phd Mateja Jemec Auflic Professor Marko Komac T8.4 - Subaerial and submarine landslide processes and hazards PDF icon 5283.pdf
5281 Changes in carbon dioxide concentrations across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary revealed by first Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand) stomatal proxy-based pCO2 reconstruction Prof. Vivi Vajda T44.1 - IGCP 632 Continental Crises of the Jurassic: Major extinction events and environmental changes PDF icon 5281.pdf
5280 Landslide susceptibility modelling process – A generic methodology appliable at the municipal scale Professor Marko Komac T13.14 - AGID Sub Theme : 3: Geo Parks, Geo Heritage & Geo Tourism: Role of Women Geoscientists / AGID Sub Theme : 4: Geo-hazards: Creating Social Awareness, Preparedness and Capacity Building for mitigating Geohazards PDF icon 5280.pdf
5279 Tetrapod biocorrelation of Pangea: the Permo-Triassic terrestrial vertebrate faunas of South Africa and Russia Dr. Fernando Abdala T44.4 - Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Ecosystems of Gondwana PDF icon 5279.pdf
5278 Land-ocean linkages of environmental change in the late Quaternary Bering Sea Prof. Dr. Bernhard Diekmann T28.8 - Climatic controls on sedimentary systems and processes PDF icon 5278.pdf
5277 Groundwater Baseline Monitoring at Underground Coal Gasification Sites in South Africa Dr. Jennifer Pretorius T14.10 - Geoscience at the nexus of industry, water and social impacts of the extractive and power industries PDF icon 5277.pdf
5276 Understanding the progression of leaching in microwave treated particles using X-ray Computed tomography (XCT) analysis Dr. Edson Charikinya T23.P4 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy PDF icon 5276.pdf
5275 Monetized Leakage Risk of Geologic CO2 Storage and the Role of Secondary Trapping in Intervening Stratigraphic Layers Prof. Jeffrey Bielicki T22.8 - Carbon capture and storage – From reservoir through the full value chain
5274 A spatial model of groundwater chemical composition in Slovenia in GIS environment prof. Marko Komac T5.P3 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 5274.pdf
5271 3D Geophysical modelling of the Bethlehem Sub-Basin, Free State, South Africa Ms. Ansuya Naidoo T17.P4 - Mineral Exploration PDF icon 5271.pdf
5269 Mineralogy of TiO2-ilmenite heavy mineral sand deposit of Nataka Mr. Silvio Jose Elias T23.12 - Strategic & Base Metals & Industrial Minerals PDF icon 5269.pdf
5268 Critical Metals and Materials, an African perspective. Prof. Paul Nex T25.5 - General / Critical Metals in Intracontinental Geodynamic Settings PDF icon 5268.pdf
5267 Integrated geophysical interpretation over Uheib farm, south-east of Namibia Mr. Ismael Zaaruka Mr. Simeon Shilamba T3.P3 - Public Sector Geoscience and Geological Surveys PDF icon 5267.pdf
5265 Geoparks in the Nepal Himalaya Dr. Ranjan Kumar Dahal T1.7 - Heritage, conservation and management / Geoheritage and Geoparks PDF icon 5265.pdf
5264 Timing of exhumation and deformation across the Taimyr fold and thrust belt from apatite fission track dating and balanced cross-sections Dr. Victoria Pease T41.P4 - Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience PDF icon 5264.pdf
5262 Rio Tinto Exploration - Our African Evolution Mr. Nevan Pillay T17.6 - From Ore Deposits to Global Metallogeny: implications for exploration success (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 5262.pdf
5261 Storing and delivering numerical geological models on demand for everyday Earth Sciences applications Dr. Christelle Loiselet T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 5261.pdf
5260 In-situ multiple-trace element analyses as a tool for investigating the petrogenesis of phoscorite-carbonatite associations, as exemplified by the Phalaborwa Complex, South Africa Dr Lorenzo Milani T36.P1 - Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes PDF icon 5260.pdf
5258 Coupled S and Pb isotopic systematics of the ~2.06 Ga Phalaborwa phoscorite-carbonatite complex: sulphur sources and age of sulphide mineralization Dr Robert Bolhar T36.3 - LIPs/Alkali Complexes PDF icon 5258.pdf
5257 The deterioration of building stones by salt crystallization Dr. Maria Heloisa Barros De Oliveira Frascá T15.1 - Dimension stone and building materials (sponsored by IAEG C-10, HSTG and IGCP 637) PDF icon 5257.pdf
5256 The Earth at 4.1 billion years Prof. Mark Harrison T32.14 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics PDF icon 5256.pdf
5255 About the presence of non-reported zeolites related to Karroo basalts at South Mozambique, a possible new commodity to use for enviroment protection. Dr. Gerardo Antonio Orozco T37.P1 - Mineralogy PDF icon 5255.pdf
5253 Development of assisted road navigation by the drainage network Dr. talnan jean honore COULIBALY Dr Naga COULIBALY Prof Jean Paul DEROIN T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 5253.pdf
5252 The molybdenum isotope composition of modern and ancient stromatolites Ms. Marie Thoby T39.P3 - Evolution of the Biosphere and Biogeoscience PDF icon 5252.pdf
5250 The Origin and Formation of the Albitite Marker, Otjikoto Gold Mine, Central Namibia Mr. Lisias Negonga T26.P4 - Resourcing Future Generations PDF icon 5250.pdf
5248 Mantle flow under the Seismogenic Zone of the Eastern Carpathians? Evidences from complementary geophysical and satellite investigations Prof. Victor Mocanu T8.P4 - Geohazards PDF icon 5248.pdf
5247 Carbonaceous cherts of the Daitari Greenstone Belt, Singhbhum Craton, India: A well preserved record of early life. Mr. Jaganmoy Jodder T32.15 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics / The Barberton drilling project PDF icon 5247.pdf
5246 Geochemical Comparisons of Natural Gas in Inclusions and Reservoirs of the XuJiaHe Formation, Sichuan Basin, China Prof. Zhiyong Chen T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 5246.pdf
5243 Structural Map of the Caribbean Dr. Philippe Bouysse Dr. Carlos Schobbenhaus T7.4 - CGMW: International Geoscience Maps in the 21st Century PDF icon 5243.pdf
5241 Tectonic map of Alaska: A record of deformation before, during, and after assembly of the northwest promontory of North America Dr. Thomas Moore T41.14 - Geological and tectonic evolution of the Arctic PDF icon 5241.pdf
5239 SmartLab – a new concept of global geological laboratory service Dr. Ferenc Fedor T45.10 - Instrumental, experimental and laboratory-based developments in the Geosciences PDF icon 5239.pdf
5238 Tin in Africa Prof. Judith Kinnaird T18.11 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 5238.pdf
5237 Uranium in Africa Prof. Judith Kinnaird T18.11 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 5237.pdf
5236 The critical role of the Bushveld magmatic event for a modern society Prof. Judith Kinnaird T25.5 - General / Critical Metals in Intracontinental Geodynamic Settings PDF icon 5236.pdf
5234 The world’s first platinum underground mine in the Limpopo Province, South Africa Prof. Marian Tredoux T1.7 - Heritage, conservation and management / Geoheritage and Geoparks
