35th IGC Sessions

35th International Geological Congress Sessions

Paper Number Titlesort ascending Presenting Author Session Abstract
2368 Aggradational and Erosional records of Cloud Burst: An example from 2010 Leh Cloud Burst, Ladakh Himalaya, India Dr. Dhananjay Meshram T8.P4 - Geohazards PDF icon 2368.pdf
452 Agglutinated Foraminifer Community within Central Andaman Trough of Andaman Sea: An approach to understand the effect of spreading axis channel way on fauna Mr. Danish Anwar T40.12 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography PDF icon 452.pdf
3431 Ages of hydrothermal overprints in the Kiruna iron oxide-apatite ores as recorded in secondary monazite and xenotime Dr. Ulf B. Andersson T18.P5 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3431.pdf
2830 Age of folding and relationships of Pai-Hoi–Novaya Zemlya and Urals orogenic belts. Dr. Mikhal Shishkin T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology PDF icon 2830.pdf
2448 Age constraints on Paleoproterozoic glacials and oxygenation from South Africa Dr. Stefan Schroeder T33.P5 - The Proterozoic Earth PDF icon 2448.pdf
3203 Age and source of the Hanson Formation—unlocking the Early Jurassic history of the paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana Mr. Demian Nelson T41.17 - Antarctic Earth Science / Precambrian Geology of Antarctica PDF icon 3203.pdf
3991 Age and depositional environment for the Ediacaran Doushantuo phosphorites at Weng’an, South China: Constraints from Re-Os isotopes Prof. Shao-Yong Jiang T18.P4 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3991.pdf
5204 Africa’s megafans and their tectonic habitat Dr. Justin Wilkinson T28.16 - Megafans PDF icon 5204.pdf
815 African Copper Prof. Murray HItzman T26.1 - Understanding the Mineral Life Cycle PDF icon 815.pdf
3041 African Cenozoic Sedimentary Flux from Modelling of Drainage Networks Mr. Simon Stephenson T42.11 - Regolith, paleoweathering and continental surface dynamics: from landscape to the global perspective PDF icon 3041.pdf
5323 Africa: A natural laboratory for medical geology investigations Professor Hassina Mouri T11.9 - Medical Geology / Medical Geology - case studies from Africa PDF icon 5323.pdf
5555 Africa, humans and the global climate Robert Scholes Plenary Session 4 PDF icon 5555.pdf
4364 Africa Alive Corridors—a 3,5 billion year geological, biological & cultural biography of Africa Dr. John Malcolm Anderson Plenary Session 8 PDF icon 4364.pdf
4059 Advances to the Modelling of Variably Saturated Fracture Flow using the Geotechnical Centrifuge in South Africa Mr. Brendon Ronald Jones T15.9 - Laboratory and field testing - innovations and new methods of interpretation PDF icon 4059.pdf
3040 Advanced Mineral Identification and Characterisation by µ-XRF Mr. Samuel Scheller T23.14 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy: Technology PDF icon 3040.pdf
3823 Advance of Triassic prograding clinoforms in the Barents Sea from the Norwegian mainland to Kvitøya in the Svalbard Archipelago Mr. Tore Hoy T41.14 - Geological and tectonic evolution of the Arctic PDF icon 3823.pdf
1807 Advance in Cretaceous bennettitalean trunk from China Dr. Yeming Cheng T44.P1 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology PDF icon 1807.pdf
3686 Adsorption of pharmaceuticals onto clay minerals and their organoclay derivaties Dr. Regis Guegan T14.7 - Coast and Society PDF icon 3686.pdf
1564 Adaptation of RDM for karst groundwater management in Southwest China Ms. LICHAO YANG T5.P2 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 1564.pdf
820 Active Lineament Mapping within Karonga Area; Northern Malawi: Using Automatic Lineament Extraction Methods Mr. Hassan Steven Mdala T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 820.pdf
1446 Active coastal thrusting and folding, and uplift rate of the Sahel Anticline and Zemmouri earthquake area (Tell Atlas, Algeria) Dr. Said Maouche T29.7 - Coastal tectonics and sea level change PDF icon 1446.pdf
4579 Acid mine drainage nuisance: case studies in abundant collieries in Witbank Coalfields Hon. Zuko Mankayi T8.14 - Geohazards: Prevention, risk reduction, early warning and preparedness PDF icon 4579.pdf
1775 Accumulation of Potentially Harmful Elements in Vegetables from Two Geological Settings in Zimbabwe Dr. Maideyi Meck T14.8 - Geological controls on the quantitative risk assessment of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater (human health and eco-toxicology); the importance of a good conceptual site model prior to remediation PDF icon 1775.pdf
5057 Accretionary tectonic architecture inferred from offset magmatic age signatures between terranes of the Beishan orogenic collage in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China Prof. Shoufa Lin T30.14 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 5057.pdf
5151 Accommodation of Penetrative Strain during Deformation above a Ductile Decollement Ms. Bailey Lathrop T29.P2 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 5151.pdf
5117 Academic Treasure from Industry Trash - Unconventional Imaging with Large N Seismic Exploration Datasets. Prof. Larry Brown T31.13 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 5117.pdf
4294 Abrupt productivity shift recorded during early-middle Holocene, in the NE Arabian Sea Mr. Syed Azharuddin T4.16 - Understanding Tropical Climate Change from geological perspectives through multi-dimensional approach PDF icon 4294.pdf
5255 About the presence of non-reported zeolites related to Karroo basalts at South Mozambique, a possible new commodity to use for enviroment protection. Dr. Gerardo Antonio Orozco T37.P1 - Mineralogy PDF icon 5255.pdf
4416 About geomagnetic field over the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean Dr. Oleg Levchenko T40.P4 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography PDF icon 4416.pdf
5032 A “brief” history of Aegean subduction: P-T-t evolution of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit, Sifnos, Greece Dr. Besim Dragovic T38.P5 - Metamorphic Processes PDF icon 5032.pdf
4868 A ~3 Ga record of mafic dyke and sill swarms across the Kaapvaal Craton: Further structural and geochemical clues for six Large Igneous Provinces Dr. Martin Klausen T36.2 - Large Igneous Provinces PDF icon 4868.pdf
3603 A volcanic plateau origin of the Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrain Prof. Martin Van Kranendonk T32.13 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics PDF icon 3603.pdf
1709 A visual aid for interpreting and filtering down-hole gamma logs Dr. June Hill T7.7 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures PDF icon 1709.pdf
4753 A Triassic–Jurassic Carbonate record from the Paleoequator: Chemostratigraphy and Sedimentology of Three Boundary Sections in the Ghalilah Formation Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. Dr. Aisha Al Suwaidi T47.9 - Tethys birth to demise: Stratigraphy, Palaeogeography and Tectonic Evolution / The Jurassic System: Timing and causes of major transitions in climate, ecology and biogeochemical cycles on land and in the oceans PDF icon 4753.pdf
3865 A Transition from Stagnant to Mobile Lid Tectonics Between 4.0 and 2.55 Ga Is Recorded in Continental Crust of the Wyoming Craton, USA Dr. David Mogk T32.14 - Crust formation and recycling from the Hadean to the late Archaean: The transition to plate tectonics PDF icon 3865.pdf
1249 A tectonostratigraphic comparison of the eastern and western parts of the Gamtoos Basin, South Africa Ms. Chantell Van Bloemenstein T29.P1 - Basin Formation and Continental Margins PDF icon 1249.pdf
778 A Synthetic Study of Unconventional HC Potential Reservoir in Taiwan Dr. Louis Loung-Yie Tsai T21.13 - Shale gas basins of the southern hemisphere: stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, climate history, tectonics, and structural evolution PDF icon 778.pdf
3956 A Study on Quaternary Geological Characteristics and Land Subsidence Life Process in the Lower Yangtze Delta Area of China Prof. Hongtao Jiang T15.P1 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 3956.pdf
204 A Study of the Vulnerability of a South African Coastal Plain Aquifer to Seawater Intrusion Using the GALDIT Index Method Dr. Molla Demlie T14.2 - Environmental Management of Water Resources / Environmental Aspects in the Mining Industry PDF icon 204.pdf
186 A stratiform (Cu-Zn±Pb) massive sulphide and gold deposit in the Kwademen birimian system (Burkina Faso, West Africa). Dr. Hermann Ilboudo T13.P4 - Geosciences for Benefitting Low-income Countries PDF icon 186.pdf
3052 A step forward in understanding 3D magmatic structures and ore deposits Dr. Emma J. Hunt T18.4 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 3052.pdf
5274 A spatial model of groundwater chemical composition in Slovenia in GIS environment prof. Marko Komac T5.P3 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 5274.pdf
3407 A site specific geological risk assessment of the proposed location of South Africa’s second nuclear power plant, Thyspunt, Eastern Cape Mrs. Debbie Claassen T8.P1 - Geohazards PDF icon 3407.pdf
3739 A significant vanadiferous, titano-magnetite deposit in the Tete Suite, Mozambique Dr. Hendrik F J Theart T18.14 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3739.pdf
764 A signal matching algorithm based on Dynamic Time Warping Dr. Sergey Kotov T14.7 - Coast and Society PDF icon 764.pdf
1721 A Revised Calibration of the New Zealand Geological Timescale: NZGT2015 James Ian Raine T47.P2 - Phanerozoic Earth History, Stratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale PDF icon 1721.pdf
4292 A review of the volcanology and sedimentation of the Mid Permian southern Sydney Basin; with reference to convergence and subduction along the Gondwanan Panthallassan margin Dr. Glen Bann T28.8 - Climatic controls on sedimentary systems and processes PDF icon 4292.pdf
2314 A review of the tectonic history of the Amazonian Craton Dr. Umberto Cordani T30.15b - The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana IGCP 628 PDF icon 2314.pdf
638 A review of the history and geology of the Knysna (Millwood) goldfields, Western Cape Province, South Africa. An opportunity missed? Mr. Christopher Bargmann T18.17 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 638.pdf
