35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Titlesort descending Presenting Author Session Abstract
2595 Destruction of the Mozambique Ocean: evidence from the Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica for accretion as a precursor to Gondwana assembly Dr. Ravikant Vadlamani T38.1 - Tectono-thermal evolution of Gondwana: suturing of a supercontinent PDF icon 2595.pdf
727 Detachment faulting at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Dr. Catherine Mevel T30.2b - Ophiolite Record of Oceanic Lithosphere Formation Through Time PDF icon 727.pdf
463 Detailed Gravity Analysis of the Erebus Volcano, Antarctica Dr. Kevin Mickus T41.P5 - Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience PDF icon 463.pdf
2861 Detailed litho-stratigraphy and sedimentary environment of upper part of Kokumoto Formation with the L-M Pleistocene boundary Dr. Osamu Kazaoka T47.13 - The Quaternary System: precision and reliability in global correlation PDF icon 2861.pdf
3621 Details of the gabbro-to-eclogite transition determined from microtextures and calculated chemical potential relationships Mr. Simon Schorn T38.12 - Microscale is the key: microstructural and microchemical studies of metamorphic processes to unravel compositional and geodynamic evolution of the Earth PDF icon 3621.pdf
3931 Detection of Fractures Acting as Hydrothermal Fluid Path by Lineament Analysis and Radon Gas Measurement Prof. Katsuaki Koike T22.P3 - Energy in a Carbon Constrained World PDF icon 3931.pdf
5283 Detection of landslides in early phases using SAR interferometry Phd Mateja Jemec Auflic Professor Marko Komac T8.4 - Subaerial and submarine landslide processes and hazards PDF icon 5283.pdf
4506 Determination and delineation of hydraulic parameters of the Ohangwena Groundwater System, Cubango Megafan, Northern Namibia Mr. Christoph Lohe T5.P3 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 4506.pdf
125 Determination of Cu mineralized zones utilizing number-size (N-S) fractal modeling in Takht-e-Gonbad porphyry deposit (SE Iran) Mr. Mohammad Eskandarnejad Tehrani T16.11 - Advanced Quantitative Studies and Non Linear Methods in Geosciences PDF icon 125.pdf
4654 Determination of groundwater sustainable yield using numerical modelling approach Dr. Lixiang Lin T5.P2 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 4654.pdf
4557 Determination of Hematite and Magnetite Attenuation Coefficients for the Optimisation of X-ray Computed Tomography Scanning Resolution Mr. Lunga Bam T45.5 - Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based technologies for geology and Earth sciences / Applications of X-ray computed tomography in the Earth Sciences PDF icon 4557.pdf
417 Determination of Lanthanides and trace elements in geological samples using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS) Technique. Dr. Manik Chandra Saha T45.P3 - Instrumental, experimental and laboratory-based developments in the Geosciences PDF icon 417.pdf
990 Determination of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic basic volcanic rocks of the former Paleo-proterozoic Xiong’er group on the southwestern margin of the North China Craton and its geological significance Prof. Jinhai Luo T28.P4 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern PDF icon 990.pdf
607 Determination of the early Paleozoic granite in Zhifang area, East Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China and its geological implications Dr. Qinqin Xu T30.7 - Geodynamic and metallogenic processes in the Tianshan orogen and adjacent areas, Central Asia PDF icon 607.pdf
3650 Determining elemental associations by multivariate analysis of regional-scale geochemical data Dr Jennifer McKinley T16.11 - Advanced Quantitative Studies and Non Linear Methods in Geosciences PDF icon 3650.pdf
3511 Determining hydrothermal fluid source for gold deposits through geochemistry of monazite and xenotime crystals Dr. Ryan Taylor T27.15 - Geology of Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) / Geochemistry of Lode Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) PDF icon 3511.pdf
3260 Detrital pyrite: a revised classification scheme and application to placer gold deposits Ms Giuliana Costa T32.P5 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth PDF icon 3260.pdf
5126 Detrital record of tectonic and climate interactions during Gondwanide orogenesis from the lower Ecca Group, Karoo basin, South Africa Dr. Amy Weislogel T28.13 - Detrital Zircons in Basin Analysis: Provenance Reconstruction, Chronostratigraphy, Sediment Routing PDF icon 5126.pdf
1871 Detrital zircon age population study from rocks of the Karoo Supergroup, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Ms. Laura Bowden T47.5 - Permian global events and correlations PDF icon 1871.pdf
4308 Detrital zircon ages of Ediacaran and Early Cambrian successions at the edge of the Río de la Plata Craton (Uruguay) reveal contrasting geotectonic settings Dr. Claudio Gaucher T30.16B - The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana IGCP 628 PDF icon 4308.pdf
3993 Detrital zircon micro-geochronology across the Main Central Thrust (MCT), Uttarakhand Himalaya: Implications for Lesser Himalaya and Higher Himalayan terrane characterization. Pulok K Mukherjee T30.1 - Geology and Tectonics Of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt PDF icon 3993.pdf
5355 Detrital zircon provenances and geodynamic evolution of the Congo Basin Dr. Bastien Linol T29.16 - New insights into the evolution of the East African and Arabian rift systems from multidisciplinary data and numerical models / Unravelling the history of cratonic sedimentary basins PDF icon 5355.pdf
2295 Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic data from the Idermeg terrane, Eastern Mongolia: Constrains on depositional age, sedimentary provenance and tectonic setting Dr. Tserendash Narantsetseg T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth PDF icon 2295.pdf
5506 Detrital Zircons as a Next-Generation Tool in Source-to-Sink Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Analysis Dr. Mike Blum T28.12 - Detrital Zircons in Basin Analysis: Provenance Reconstruction, Chronostratigraphy, Sediment Routing PDF icon 5506.pdf
3815 Developing a low cost crystallography workshop for learners Dr. Tanja Reinhardt T2.13 - Geoscience Education: technology & training the next generation of geoscientists PDF icon 3815.pdf
5178 Developing a regional geological framework for the Horn of Africa Dr. John Fisher T20.2 - Petroleum systems of the On-shore basins of Africa (convened by Tullow Oil Ltd) PDF icon 5178.pdf
1200 Developing an ethical framework for Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures: the experience in the ENVRIplus project Dr. Silvia Peppoloni T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1200.pdf
187 Developing capacity of groundwater and environmental protection in Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Nikita Latyshev T5.P3 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 187.pdf
2896 Developing sustainable palaeotourism in South Africa. The Kitching Fossil Exploration Centre, in the Eastern Cape as a case study. Dr. Ian McKay T1.5 - Geoheritage and Conservation PDF icon 2896.pdf
4565 Developing through the Hex River Fault at 16 Shaft, Impala Platinum Mrs. Jacolene De Klerk Mr. Bongani Nkabinde T18.14 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4565.pdf
4344 Development and experiments of hole-bottom freezing drilling tool for gas-hydrate-bearing sediments sampling Dr. Wang Yuan T31.P3 - The Deep Earth PDF icon 4344.pdf
3988 Development of a novel approach for integration of fundamental geological parameters with rock strength. Case Study : Los Bronces, Chile. Malcolm Powell Dee Bradshaw T23.11 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy / Strategic & Base Metals & Industrial Minerals PDF icon 3988.pdf
4990 Development of an e-waste implementation toolkit (EWIT) to support the recycling and secondary raw material recovery strategies in metropolitan areas in Africa. Ms. Mariekie Gericke T26.5 - The Urban Mine & RFG Panel Discussion PDF icon 4990.pdf
2078 Development of an Environmental Risk Management and Sustainability Model Using Chemistry, Geology, Human Activity, and Response Inputs Mr. Daniel Rogers T14.10 - Geoscience at the nexus of industry, water and social impacts of the extractive and power industries PDF icon 2078.pdf
5253 Development of assisted road navigation by the drainage network Dr. talnan jean honore COULIBALY Dr Naga COULIBALY Prof Jean Paul DEROIN T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 5253.pdf
2429 Development of Chernozem – Luvisol toposequence in the North-east Namibia Dr. Vit Penizek T6.P1 - Soil Science PDF icon 2429.pdf
3706 Development of geological and geophysical cartography in Poland (XVIII – XXI cent.) Prof. Piotr Krzywiec T10.1 - General contributuions on the history of geology PDF icon 3706.pdf
1717 Development of Interactive Web Applications for Geoscience Education Prof. Takashi Sawaguchi T2.13 - Geoscience Education: technology & training the next generation of geoscientists PDF icon 1717.pdf
5157 Development of surficial, environmentally low-impact exploration methods for the sub-arctic environment Dr. Vesa Nykänen T17.P3 - Mineral Exploration PDF icon 5157.pdf
4265 Development of Technology for Directional Drilling - Results of Drilling and Survey in the Borehole - Dr. Kenzo Kiho T15.10 - Laboratory and field testing - innovations and new methods of interpretation PDF icon 4265.pdf
3615 Development of Technology for Directional Drilling – Long-term Monitoring and Automatic Data Acquisition System - Mr. Akira Shidai T15.P3 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics PDF icon 3615.pdf
5223 Development of the depleted mantle reservoir and growth of the continental crust begins at ~ 3.8 Ga. Prof. Jeff Vervoort T32.12 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth PDF icon 5223.pdf
798 Development of the groundwater theme of the interactive vulnerability map for unconventional oil and gas in South Africa Mrs. Surina Esterhuyse T21.14 - Shale gas basins of the southern hemisphere: stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, climate history, tectonics, and structural evolution PDF icon 798.pdf
2385 Development of the northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea since the Late Miocene: sequence architecture, depositional evolution and sea-level changes Ms. Jing Jiang T40.P5 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography PDF icon 2385.pdf
4371 Development, properties and drilling test of high performance F147mm aluminum alloy drill pipe Dr. Baochang Liu T31.10 - Scientific Drilling on Continents and Oceans PDF icon 4371.pdf
2107 Developments and trends in the availability of high-tech metals with a special focus on the German situation Dr. Volker Steinbach T25.7 - Critical Metals in Intracontinental Geodynamic Settings PDF icon 2107.pdf
4179 Devonian accretion south of Chilenia Dr. Francisco Hervé T30.16B - The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana IGCP 628 PDF icon 4179.pdf
762 Diagenesis and its Impact on the Reservoir Quality of Chang 7 Tight Sandstones in Ordos Basin, China Mr. Wenchao Dou T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels PDF icon 762.pdf
1816 Diagenetic, thermal and provenance histories of the Permian lower Ecca Group based on two newly drilled boreholes in the western and eastern main Karoo Basin, South Africa Ms. Claire Geel T21.14 - Shale gas basins of the southern hemisphere: stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, climate history, tectonics, and structural evolution PDF icon 1816.pdf
1716 Diamond Tectonics and Geotectonics - How do they intersect in the Archean Dr. Herwart Helmstaedt T30.7B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time PDF icon 1716.pdf
