2595 |
Destruction of the Mozambique Ocean: evidence from the Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica for accretion as a precursor to Gondwana assembly |
Dr. Ravikant Vadlamani |
T38.1 - Tectono-thermal evolution of Gondwana: suturing of a supercontinent |
2595.pdf |
727 |
Detachment faulting at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge |
Dr. Catherine Mevel |
T30.2b - Ophiolite Record of Oceanic Lithosphere Formation Through Time |
727.pdf |
463 |
Detailed Gravity Analysis of the Erebus Volcano, Antarctica |
Dr. Kevin Mickus |
T41.P5 - Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience |
463.pdf |
2861 |
Detailed litho-stratigraphy and sedimentary environment of upper part of Kokumoto Formation with the L-M Pleistocene boundary |
Dr. Osamu Kazaoka |
T47.13 - The Quaternary System: precision and reliability in global correlation |
2861.pdf |
3621 |
Details of the gabbro-to-eclogite transition determined from
microtextures and calculated chemical potential relationships |
Mr. Simon Schorn |
T38.12 - Microscale is the key: microstructural and microchemical studies of metamorphic processes to unravel compositional and geodynamic evolution of the Earth |
3621.pdf |
3931 |
Detection of Fractures Acting as Hydrothermal Fluid Path by Lineament Analysis and Radon Gas Measurement |
Prof. Katsuaki Koike |
T22.P3 - Energy in a Carbon Constrained World |
3931.pdf |
5283 |
Detection of landslides in early phases using SAR interferometry |
Phd Mateja Jemec Auflic
Professor Marko Komac |
T8.4 - Subaerial and submarine landslide processes and hazards |
5283.pdf |
4506 |
Determination and delineation of hydraulic parameters of the Ohangwena Groundwater System, Cubango Megafan, Northern Namibia |
Mr. Christoph Lohe |
T5.P3 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology |
4506.pdf |
125 |
Determination of Cu mineralized zones utilizing number-size (N-S) fractal modeling in Takht-e-Gonbad porphyry deposit (SE Iran) |
Mr. Mohammad Eskandarnejad Tehrani |
T16.11 - Advanced Quantitative Studies and Non Linear Methods in Geosciences |
125.pdf |
4654 |
Determination of groundwater sustainable yield using numerical modelling approach |
Dr. Lixiang Lin |
T5.P2 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology |
4654.pdf |
4557 |
Determination of Hematite and Magnetite Attenuation Coefficients for the Optimisation of X-ray Computed Tomography Scanning Resolution |
Mr. Lunga Bam |
T45.5 - Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based technologies for geology and Earth sciences / Applications of X-ray computed tomography in the Earth Sciences |
4557.pdf |
417 |
Determination of Lanthanides and trace elements in geological samples using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS) Technique. |
Dr. Manik Chandra Saha |
T45.P3 - Instrumental, experimental and laboratory-based developments in the Geosciences |
417.pdf |
990 |
Determination of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic basic volcanic rocks of the former Paleo-proterozoic Xiong’er group on the southwestern margin of the North China Craton and its geological significance |
Prof. Jinhai Luo |
T28.P4 - Sedimentary Processes - ancient to modern |
990.pdf |
607 |
Determination of the early Paleozoic granite in Zhifang area, East Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China and its geological implications |
Dr. Qinqin Xu |
T30.7 - Geodynamic and metallogenic processes in the Tianshan orogen and adjacent areas, Central Asia |
607.pdf |
3650 |
Determining elemental associations by multivariate analysis of regional-scale geochemical data |
Dr Jennifer McKinley |
T16.11 - Advanced Quantitative Studies and Non Linear Methods in Geosciences |
3650.pdf |
3511 |
Determining hydrothermal fluid source for gold deposits through geochemistry of monazite and xenotime crystals |
Dr. Ryan Taylor |
T27.15 - Geology of Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) / Geochemistry of Lode Gold Deposits (sponsored by SGA and SEG) |
3511.pdf |
3260 |
Detrital pyrite: a revised classification scheme and application to placer gold deposits |
Ms Giuliana Costa |
T32.P5 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth |
3260.pdf |
5126 |
Detrital record of tectonic and climate interactions during Gondwanide orogenesis from the lower Ecca Group, Karoo basin, South Africa |
Dr. Amy Weislogel |
T28.13 - Detrital Zircons in Basin Analysis: Provenance Reconstruction, Chronostratigraphy, Sediment Routing |
5126.pdf |
1871 |
Detrital zircon age population study from rocks of the Karoo Supergroup, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa |
Ms. Laura Bowden |
T47.5 - Permian global events and correlations |
1871.pdf |
4308 |
Detrital zircon ages of Ediacaran and Early Cambrian successions at the edge of the Río de la Plata Craton (Uruguay) reveal contrasting geotectonic settings |
Dr. Claudio Gaucher |
T30.16B - The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana IGCP 628 |
4308.pdf |
3993 |
Detrital zircon micro-geochronology across the Main Central Thrust (MCT), Uttarakhand Himalaya: Implications for Lesser Himalaya and Higher Himalayan terrane characterization. |
Pulok K Mukherjee |
T30.1 - Geology and Tectonics Of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt |
3993.pdf |
5355 |
Detrital zircon provenances and geodynamic evolution of the Congo Basin |
Dr. Bastien Linol |
T29.16 - New insights into the evolution of the East African and Arabian rift systems from multidisciplinary data and numerical models / Unravelling the history of cratonic sedimentary basins |
5355.pdf |
2295 |
Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic data from the Idermeg terrane, Eastern Mongolia: Constrains on depositional age, sedimentary provenance and tectonic setting |
Dr. Tserendash Narantsetseg |
T30.P3 - A Dynamic Earth |
2295.pdf |
5506 |
Detrital Zircons as a Next-Generation Tool in Source-to-Sink Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Analysis |
Dr. Mike Blum |
T28.12 - Detrital Zircons in Basin Analysis: Provenance Reconstruction, Chronostratigraphy, Sediment Routing |
5506.pdf |
3815 |
Developing a low cost crystallography workshop for learners |
Dr. Tanja Reinhardt |
T2.13 - Geoscience Education: technology & training the next generation of geoscientists |
3815.pdf |
5178 |
Developing a regional geological framework for the Horn of Africa |
Dr. John Fisher |
T20.2 - Petroleum systems of the On-shore basins of Africa (convened by Tullow Oil Ltd) |
5178.pdf |
1200 |
Developing an ethical framework for Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures: the experience in the ENVRIplus project |
Dr. Silvia Peppoloni |
T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics |
1200.pdf |
187 |
Developing capacity of groundwater and environmental protection in Kyrgyz Republic |
Mr. Nikita Latyshev |
T5.P3 - Groundwater and Hydrogeology |
187.pdf |
2896 |
Developing sustainable palaeotourism in South Africa. The Kitching Fossil Exploration Centre, in the Eastern Cape as a case study. |
Dr. Ian McKay |
T1.5 - Geoheritage and Conservation |
2896.pdf |
4565 |
Developing through the Hex River Fault at 16 Shaft, Impala Platinum |
Mrs. Jacolene De Klerk
Mr. Bongani Nkabinde |
T18.14 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes |
4565.pdf |
4344 |
Development and experiments of hole-bottom freezing drilling tool for gas-hydrate-bearing sediments sampling |
Dr. Wang Yuan |
T31.P3 - The Deep Earth |
4344.pdf |
3988 |
Development of a novel approach for integration of fundamental geological parameters with rock strength. Case Study : Los Bronces, Chile. |
Malcolm Powell Dee Bradshaw |
T23.11 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy / Strategic & Base Metals & Industrial Minerals |
3988.pdf |
4990 |
Development of an e-waste implementation toolkit (EWIT) to support the recycling and secondary raw material recovery strategies in metropolitan areas in Africa. |
Ms. Mariekie Gericke |
T26.5 - The Urban Mine & RFG Panel Discussion |
4990.pdf |
2078 |
Development of an Environmental Risk Management and Sustainability Model Using Chemistry, Geology, Human Activity, and Response Inputs |
Mr. Daniel Rogers |
T14.10 - Geoscience at the nexus of industry, water and social impacts of the extractive and power industries |
2078.pdf |
5253 |
Development of assisted road navigation by the drainage network |
Dr. talnan jean honore COULIBALY
Prof Jean Paul DEROIN |
T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems |
5253.pdf |
2429 |
Development of Chernozem – Luvisol toposequence in the North-east Namibia |
Dr. Vit Penizek |
T6.P1 - Soil Science |
2429.pdf |
3706 |
Development of geological and geophysical cartography in Poland (XVIII – XXI cent.) |
Prof. Piotr Krzywiec |
T10.1 - General contributuions on the history of geology |
3706.pdf |
1717 |
Development of Interactive Web Applications for Geoscience Education |
Prof. Takashi Sawaguchi |
T2.13 - Geoscience Education: technology & training the next generation of geoscientists |
1717.pdf |
5157 |
Development of surficial, environmentally low-impact exploration methods for the sub-arctic environment |
Dr. Vesa Nykänen |
T17.P3 - Mineral Exploration |
5157.pdf |
4265 |
Development of Technology for Directional Drilling
- Results of Drilling and Survey in the Borehole - |
Dr. Kenzo Kiho |
T15.10 - Laboratory and field testing - innovations and new methods of interpretation |
4265.pdf |
3615 |
Development of Technology for Directional Drilling – Long-term Monitoring and Automatic Data Acquisition System - |
Mr. Akira Shidai |
T15.P3 - Engineering Geology and Geomechanics |
3615.pdf |
5223 |
Development of the depleted mantle reservoir and growth of the continental crust begins at ~ 3.8 Ga. |
Prof. Jeff Vervoort |
T32.12 - The Hadean and Archaean Earth |
5223.pdf |
798 |
Development of the groundwater theme of the interactive vulnerability map for unconventional oil and gas in South Africa |
Mrs. Surina Esterhuyse |
T21.14 - Shale gas basins of the southern hemisphere: stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, climate history, tectonics, and structural evolution |
798.pdf |
2385 |
Development of the northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea since the Late Miocene: sequence architecture, depositional evolution and sea-level changes |
Ms. Jing Jiang |
T40.P5 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography |
2385.pdf |
4371 |
Development, properties and drilling test of high performance F147mm aluminum alloy drill pipe |
Dr. Baochang Liu |
T31.10 - Scientific Drilling on Continents and Oceans |
4371.pdf |
2107 |
Developments and trends in the availability of high-tech metals with a special focus on the German situation |
Dr. Volker Steinbach |
T25.7 - Critical Metals in Intracontinental Geodynamic Settings |
2107.pdf |
4179 |
Devonian accretion south of Chilenia |
Dr. Francisco Hervé |
T30.16B - The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana IGCP 628 |
4179.pdf |
762 |
Diagenesis and its Impact on the Reservoir Quality of Chang 7 Tight Sandstones in Ordos Basin, China |
Mr. Wenchao Dou |
T21.P5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels |
762.pdf |
1816 |
Diagenetic, thermal and provenance histories of the Permian lower Ecca Group based on two newly drilled boreholes in the western and eastern main Karoo Basin, South Africa |
Ms. Claire Geel |
T21.14 - Shale gas basins of the southern hemisphere: stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, climate history, tectonics, and structural evolution |
1816.pdf |
1716 |
Diamond Tectonics and Geotectonics - How do they intersect in the Archean |
Dr. Herwart Helmstaedt |
T30.7B - The dynamic Earth and its Kimberlite, Cratonic Mantle and Diamond record through time |
1716.pdf |