35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Titlesort descending Presenting Author Session Abstract
2173 Diamond-bearing Ophiolites and Their Geological Occurrence Prof. Jingsui Yang T31.15 - Diamonds and Crustal Recycling into Deep Mantle PDF icon 2173.pdf
3994 Diamondiferous trend of the kimberlites in the Lunda region (?ngola) Dr. Joao Tunga Felix T18.16a - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 3994.pdf
2123 Diatoms as a proxy in reconstructing Late Holocene environmental changes in SE Baltic Sea - a case study of the Gulf of Gdansk sediments Dr. Malgorzata Witak T14.P3 - Environmental Geosciences PDF icon 2123.pdf
3123 Dictionema Shales and Obolus Sandstone (Phosphorite) of the Baltic Sedimentary Basin: New Type of Complex Ore for Renium and Uranium, Platinoids and Rare-Earth Metals Dr. Vladimir Vyalov T18.3 - Ore-forming processes associated with hypabyssal magmatic and related volcanic systems (Sponsored by IAGOD) PDF icon 3123.pdf
3463 Did early eukaryotes thrive in ancient lakes? New evidence from the Torridonian Supergroup, NW Scotland Dr. Eva Stüeken T44.P3 - Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology PDF icon 3463.pdf
1891 Did the dioritic intrusions of the Vredefort Dome in South Africa form during the Bushveld event? Mr. Willem Kruger T36.2 - Large Igneous Provinces PDF icon 1891.pdf
840 Diel cycling, flux, and fate of HCO3- in a typical karst spring-fed stream of southwestern China Prof. Cheng Zhang T5.3 - Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of arid and semi-arid Africa: a tribute to W. M. Edmunds / Non-Darcian flows in soil and geological porous media / Hydrochemistry and recharge of karst and other systems / Groundwater and Hydrogeology PDF icon 840.pdf
911 Differences in geological hazards from liquefaction–fluidization and ground waves in the areas facing Tokyo Bay and San Francisco Bay Prof. Hisashi Nirei T8.6a - Challenges in Identifying and Characterising Seismogenic Faults in Non-Plate Boundary Settings / Geohazards and societal benefits: coping with reality PDF icon 911.pdf
5312 Differential Degassing of H2 Causes Redox Changes Affecting Multivalent Element Partitioning During Volatile Phase Saturation of Crystallizing Magmas Prof. David Lentz T18.P4 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 5312.pdf
3513 Differential uplift and incision of the Yakima River terraces, central Washington State, USA Dr Paul Bierman T8.P1 - Geohazards PDF icon 3513.pdf
2721 Differentiation models of Ceres: Delayed water separation and thick crust Dr. Wladimir O. Neumann T48.2 - Planetary Geoscience PDF icon 2721.pdf
2730 Differentiation of planetesimals and Hf-W model ages of iron meteorites Dr. Wladimir Neumann T48.4 - Meteorite Impacts and Meteorite studies PDF icon 2730.pdf
1808 Differentiation of the Altai accretionary wedge: implications for the stabilization of continental crust in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt Dr. YINGDE JIANG T30.12 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 1808.pdf
4567 Digital Macroscopy in Earth Sciences Mr. Michael Doppler T45.7 - Instrumental, experimental and laboratory-based developments in the Geosciences PDF icon 4567.pdf
4188 Dilemmas in Promoting Growth in the Geoscience Discipline Dr. Christopher Keane T12.2 - Geoethics and Geoscience Organizations PDF icon 4188.pdf
1992 Dillemmas and problems of raw materials strategy in Poland Professor Barbara Radwanek-Bak T14.11 - Geoscience for environmental management PDF icon 1992.pdf
2714 Direct and indirect evidence for the composition of REE-mineralising fluids Dr. Sam Broom-Fendley T25.6 - Critical Metals in Intracontinental Geodynamic Settings PDF icon 2714.pdf
5468 Disassembling petroleum systems with Re-Os isotope geochemistry Dr. Judith L Hannah T34.1 - Geochronology PDF icon 5468.pdf
5188 Discordant Bodies within the Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: Overview and Effect on Mining and Exploration Dr. Roger Scoon T18.13 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) PDF icon 5188.pdf
1071 Discovery of a new phosphorite ore-bearing strata and stromatolite phosphorites of Dengying Formation of Late Ediacaran in Guizhou Province, SW China Dr. Haili Ren T39.P3 - Evolution of the Biosphere and Biogeoscience PDF icon 1071.pdf
3762 Discovery of Komatiite Dr. Richard Pieter Viljoen T10.3 - History of Geology in Africa PDF icon 3762.pdf
168 Discovery of Middle-Late Triassic Conodonts within accessory complexes of South Qiangtang in the region of Tibetan Marigangri (China) and its tectonic significance Prof. Gen-Hou Wang T30.5 - Geology and Tectonics Of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt PDF icon 168.pdf
4891 Discovery of PGE in the Neoproterozoic sediment-hosted stratabound Cu-Ag deposit in the Kalahari Copperbelt, NW Botswana Prof. Adam Piestrzynski T18.P3 - Mineral Deposits and Ore Forming Processes PDF icon 4891.pdf
2684 Discovery of the Jurassic oil under the coverage of volcanic rocks, Tuquan Basin, NE China Dr. Chen Shuwang T20.7 - Petroleum Systems of Eurasia PDF icon 2684.pdf
5418 Discrepancies under Water: Marine Geological Information and Semantic Harmonisation for the EMODnet II Project Dr. Kristine Asch T40.10 - Uncovering the great unknown – mapping the Earth’s ocean floor PDF icon 5418.pdf
1287 Discrimination and mapping of REEs litho-geochemical anomalies by multi-fractal modeling Mr. Behnam Sadeghi T7.P3 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems PDF icon 1287.pdf
1423 Discrimination of danburite from different deposits by chemical components: a femtosecond LA-ICP-MS study Dr. Le Huong T45.6 - Applications of X-ray computed tomography in the Earth Sciences PDF icon 1423.pdf
1750 Discussion on Cenozoic tectonic evolution and tectonic dynamics of the Huanghua depression Dr. Min Dong T30.3a - Interrelationship between Deformation and Metamorphism during Orogenesis PDF icon 1750.pdf
5617 Discussion Topic 1: Diversity adds value - beyond just gender diversity (Panel discussion) Ms. Lindsay Steele T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5603 Discussion topic 1: Lights and shadows of geoethics (Panel discussion) Dr. Silvia Peppoloni T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5620 Discussion Topic 1: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5615 Discussion Topic 2: Harassment, Bullying and Exclusion (all types - all unaccepable) (Panel discussion) Christine McEntee T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5621 Discussion Topic 2: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5604 Discussion topic 2: Teaching geoethics: A Great Challange (Panel Discussion) Dr. David Mogk T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5616 Discussion Topic 3: Getting the balance right - field assignment leaves of absence, work-life balance, career retention (Panel discussion) Marie Fleming T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5605 Discussion topic 3: Professionalism: how to practice geosciences in an ethical way (Panel discussion) Ms. Ruth Allington T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5622 Discussion Topic 3: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5606 Discussion topic 4: (Geo)ethical dilemmas in geosciences: what to do (Panel discussion) Dr. Christopher Keane T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5618 Discussion Topic 4: Role Models, Leaders and Mentors - they all count (Panel discussion) Ms. Marie Fleming T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5623 Discussion Topic 4: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5619 Discussion Topic 5: Disabilities and Challenges - our duty to accommodate (Panel discussion) Mr. Edmund Nickless T12.12 - Panel Discussion - What is wrong with our work environment?
5607 Discussion Topic 5: Geoethics for society: is it possible? (Panel discussion) Mr. Nic Bilham T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5624 Discussion Topic 5: TBC (drawn from earlier Geoethics and Professionalism sessions of the conference) (Panel discussion) Ruth Allington T12.13 - Panel Discussion - Can the public trust Geoscientists?
5564 Discussions and their role in the development of geological sciences Prof. Gennadiy Trifonov T10.2 - General contributuions on the history of geology PDF icon 5564.pdf
1487 Discussions on the Neoproterozoic strata–tectonic–magmatic event sequence of the eastern Jiangnan Orogen, southeast China Prof. Xinqi Yu T33.P5 - The Proterozoic Earth PDF icon 1487.pdf
4486 Disequilibrium melting of plagioclase during the generation of s-type granite magma Ms. Nonkuselo Madlakana T38.13 - Microscale is the key: microstructural and microchemical studies of metamorphic processes to unravel compositional and geodynamic evolution of the Earth PDF icon 4486.pdf
2485 Disequilibrium Petrographic Textures and their Genesis: Evidences from Shield-forming Lavas of Tianchi volcano between China and North Korea Dr. yongshun liu T46.14 - Volcanology - Igneous Petrology and Geochemistry PDF icon 2485.pdf
2424 Distinct structural evolution of two contrasting litho-tectonic domains in the Chinese Altai: unravelling a complicated accretionary process of the western Central Asia Orogenic Belt Prof. Jian Zhang T30.13 - Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea PDF icon 2424.pdf
4566 Distinguishing multiple sulphide zones in the Platreef within a single core from the Turfspruit Farm prospect, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. Ms. Eva Marquis T18.6 - Processes governing ore formation in the Bushveld Complex and other mafic and ultramafic magmatic systems (IAGOD-CODMUR sponsored) PDF icon 4566.pdf
