35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort descending Abstract
1518 Russian mineral base of gold: Current situation and future views Dr. Anatoly Ivanov T16.12 - Mineral Economics for Geologists PDF icon 1518.pdf
2452 Resource and Risk Evaluation of two Coal Seams at Kriel Colliery Mr. Luan Nel T16.12 - Mineral Economics for Geologists PDF icon 2452.pdf
5143 Singularity Theories and Methods for Quantitative Assessment of Concealed Mineral Resources in Covered Areas Prof. Qiuming Cheng T16.12 - Mineral Economics for Geologists PDF icon 5143.pdf
5570 KRUMBEIN LECTURE: The stochastic modelling and simulation of fractures in rock masses Prof. Peter Dowd T16.2 - IAMG Plenary Session PDF icon 5570.pdf
5557 GRIFFITS AWARD: From constant sum constraint to association of compositional variables Dr. Juan Jose Egozcue T16.2 - IAMG Plenary Session PDF icon 5557.pdf
5518 Grade Control Efficiencies using XRF and Spectral Techniques in gold deposits N.H.S Oliver T16.6 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 5518.pdf
4869 Sequential Gaussian Simulation in the Gangjiang Copper-polymetallic Deposit of Nimu, Tibet, China Prof. JIANGUO CHEN T16.6 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 4869.pdf
817 Integrated cause-effect analysis of geological and geophysical maps in mineral resource assessment Dr. susanna Sirotinskaya T16.6 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 817.pdf
3415 A review of current Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) practices in the mining industry Mr. Mark Burnett T16.6 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 3415.pdf
4813 Creaming and the likelihood of discovering additional giant petroleum fields Prof. Richard Sinding-Larsen Prof Richard Sinding-Larsen T16.6 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 4813.pdf
5322 Using Simulation to Quantify Uncertainty in Ultimate Pit Limits and Inform Infrastructure Placement Mr. Mhlonipheki Brilliance Mabhena T16.6 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 5322.pdf
5144 What are Mathematical Geosciences? Are Mathematical Geoscientists at the Earth Science Frontiers? Prof. Qiuming Cheng T16.6 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 5144.pdf
812 High dimensional data visualization helps data mining from well log data Dr. Shaoqun Dong T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 812.pdf
251 Drilling strategies when evaluating the Merensky and UG2 Reefs Mr. Dave Young T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling
4650 Practical Application of Gy Sampling Theory in Mining: An Example from Mogalakwena Open Pit Pt Mine Mr. Trust Muzondo T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 4650.pdf
2695 Dealing with outliers within the Kriging Framework Mr. Leon Tolmay T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 2695.pdf
4445 Optimal sampling for variogram estimation in order to determine sample line spacing for a Marine Diamond deposit . Prof. Christien Thiart T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 4445.pdf
705 Identification and visualization of anomalous areas by using the cause-effect analysis of spatial data Dr. susanna Sirotinskaya T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 705.pdf
2999 Multiple Reef packages and its impact on estimation techniques applications Mr. Leon Tolmay T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 2999.pdf
212 Modelling long-term transportation of ore-sourced geochemical elements in the vertical profile of the loess cover Prof. DEYI XU T16.7 - Geostatistics for Geological Resources Modeling PDF icon 212.pdf
780 The ore body model and reserves estimation of the Tiegelongnan deposit ,northern Tibet Dr. Yong Song T16.8 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 780.pdf
4489 Resource identification and commercial evaluation of Dimension stone Granite deposits of Pudukottai district, Tamil Nadu, India Dr. Jayabalan Kaliyaperumal T16.8 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 4489.pdf
4223 Constructing 3D Geological model with modified multiple-point statistics algorithm Dr. Weisheng Hou T16.8 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 4223.pdf
921 A favourable topographical characteristics for locating Fe deposits in Fujian Province of China Prof. Renguang Zuo T16.8 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 921.pdf
1122 Characterization of primary geochemical haloes associated with Sn-Zn mineralization at the Dulong deposit, China Dr. Zhao Jiangnan T16.8 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 1122.pdf
3551 Finding the Optimal Dynamic Anisotropy Resolution for Grade Estimation Improvement at Driefontein Gold Mine, South Africa Ms. Senzeni Mandava T16.8 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 3551.pdf
1449 Interpretable principal balances for compositional data in geochemistry Dr. Josep-Antoni Martin-Fernandez T16.9 - Statistical analysis of compositional data. Theory and applications to Earth Sciences PDF icon 1449.pdf
1923 Spatial hazard assessment using simplicial indicator kriging Dr. JJ Egozcue T16.9 - Statistical analysis of compositional data. Theory and applications to Earth Sciences PDF icon 1923.pdf
1055 Mapping gold pathfinder metal ratios – A methodological approach based on compositional analysis of spatially distributed multivariate data Dr. Luis Braga T16.9 - Statistical analysis of compositional data. Theory and applications to Earth Sciences PDF icon 1055.pdf
1437 Latent endmember identification by means of Gaussian anamorphosis Dr. Raimon Tolosana-Delgado T16.9 - Statistical analysis of compositional data. Theory and applications to Earth Sciences PDF icon 1437.pdf
1341 Surface Roughness and Micromorphology of Carbonates Dissolved in Three Different Acids by Multifractal Analysis Mr. Mohai Zhang T16.9 - Statistical analysis of compositional data. Theory and applications to Earth Sciences PDF icon 1341.pdf
3606 Geostatistical Modelling of Log-derived Petrophysical Data for Quantifying Uncertainties in “AMESERE” Field, Niger Delta. Mr. Abayomi Osotuyi T16.P3 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 3606.pdf
2170 Three-dimensional modeling of Fracture-cavity reservoirs Dr. Jiagen Hou T16.P3 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 2170.pdf
3753 Prediction Theory and Technique of China National Mineral Resource Potentiality Dr. Shuwen Xing T16.P3 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 3753.pdf
2877 The statistical distribution pattern of zinc concentrations at Belousovskoye deposit (Rudny Altai) Katerina Petrich T16.P3 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 2877.pdf
4622 Assessment of Mineral Resources Potential by combining Monte Carlo and Weights of Evidence Models Dr. Luping Pu T16.P3 - Mineral Resources Evaluation, Geostatistics and Mathematical Geoscience PDF icon 4622.pdf
3478 The importance of Dwyka Group glaciation with regards to alluvial diamond transportation, concentration and entrapment in South Africa. Mr. Pieter Bosch T17.1 - Mineral deposit footprints PDF icon 3478.pdf
433 Fluid inclusion microthermometry and sulphur isotopic studies of the base metal mineralization in Minjhari area, Western Bastar Craton, India Dr. Velayutham Kumaravel T17.1 - Mineral deposit footprints PDF icon 433.pdf
1507 Carbonate alteration as identified by staining as a vector to orogenic gold mineralization Dr. Johannes Henckel T17.1 - Mineral deposit footprints PDF icon 1507.pdf
5179 Brownfield Exploration as a Strategic Initiative to Reviving Non-Operational Mines in the Central Rand Mr. Manie Swart T17.1 - Mineral deposit footprints PDF icon 5179.pdf
230 Implications of New Geophysical and Lead Isotopic Data on Localization of Giant Zinc Sulphide Body at Agucha in Western India Dr. PRAKASH RAMCHAND GOLANI T17.1 - Mineral deposit footprints PDF icon 230.pdf
1411 Using geophysical data to create a 3D conceptual geological model for the Maremane Dome, Northern Cape, South Africa Mr. Adam Wooldridge T17.10 - Geoelectrics (geoelectromagnetic methods) for geotectonics PDF icon 1411.pdf
73 Seismic beam-forming method with Cosine amplitude distribution Prof. Tao Jiang T17.10 - Geoelectrics (geoelectromagnetic methods) for geotectonics PDF icon 73.pdf
1060 Geodynamic Model of the Earth Crust Structure from the Control Source Electromagnetic Soundings CSEMS and the Super Deep Drilling Data Dr. Abdulkhai Zhamaletdinov T17.10 - Geoelectrics (geoelectromagnetic methods) for geotectonics PDF icon 1060.pdf
4897 On the structure of Fennoscandian AR-PT High Conductive Suture Zones on the Example of Ladoga-Bothnian Anomaly Dr Abdulkhai Zhamaletdinov T17.10 - Geoelectrics (geoelectromagnetic methods) for geotectonics PDF icon 4897.pdf
3100 Structural control on supergene nickel deposits explored by heliborne electromagnetic surveys in New Caledonia Ms. Marion Iseppi T17.10 - Geoelectrics (geoelectromagnetic methods) for geotectonics PDF icon 3100.pdf
3379 The Largest in the World Conductive Zones as Indicators of the Earth’s Crust Structure and Evolution. Dr. Abdulkhai Zhamaletdinov T17.10 - Geoelectrics (geoelectromagnetic methods) for geotectonics PDF icon 3379.pdf
1084 Application of the pattern recognition technique to locate subsurface magnetic anomaly Mr. John Stephen Kayode T17.11 - Quantitative geoscience data analysis for mineral exploration targeting PDF icon 1084.pdf
3652 Potential mapping with interpolated covariables Mr. Helmut Schaeben T17.11 - Quantitative geoscience data analysis for mineral exploration targeting PDF icon 3652.pdf
