
Common Ground: Healing Our Soil, Feeding the Future

Friday, October 18, 2024

(sponsored by Common Ground / Big Picture Ranch) 

Common Ground is an award-winning documentary film, a movement to support soil health and regenerative agriculture, and now a k-12 curriculum! 


This webinar will feature an introduction from the film directors followed by a panel conversation with several protagonists featured in Common Ground. Webinar participants will then be introduced to the free NGSS-aligned documentary-based materials. We will also reserve time to hear from the curriculum developer and a veteran soil educator who will share their perspectives on incorporating and inspiring students through a narrative-based approach to units on soil, regeneration, and climate. 


About the Film: Common Ground (2023) is the sequel to, Kiss the Ground (2020) which touched over 1 billion people globally and inspired the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to put $20 billion toward soil health. Common Ground unveils a dark web of money, power, and politics behind our broken food system. The film reveals how unjust practices forged our current farm system in which farmers of all colors are literally dying to feed us. The film profiles a hopeful and uplifting movement of white, Black, and indigenous farmers who are using alternative “regenerative” models of agriculture that could balance the climate, save our health, and stabilize America’s economy. Educators will have full access to the free 45-min educational cut for this webinar.


Speaker Line-Up:

  • Josh and Rebecca Tickell, directors of Common Ground at Big Picture Ranch
  • Fran Sterling, Curriculum Developer at Blueshift Education
  • Miss Holzer, Science Standards Specialist at Great Minds PBCTM 


Geospatial Technology in NRCS: From the data to the field

Thursday, November 14, 2024

In this free webinar, Britney Allen, a soil scientist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), will discuss her work in soil conservation, the use of technology in soil mapping, and dynamic soil properties.

AGI's Early Career Professionals in Mapping Webinar Series features early career geoscience professionals who share their work related to mapping, especially geologic mapping, and experiences entering the geoscience community.

This webinar series is geared towards high school students and the general public. There will be time for live questions from the audience. The webinars will be recorded and posted on AGI's website and YouTube channel.

This webinar series is generously supported by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.

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Becoming an Alaskan Soil Scientist

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

In this free webinar, Claire Benton, a soil scientist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), will discuss her work with soil classification and mapping in Alaska.

AGI's Early Career Professionals in Mapping Webinar Series features early career geoscience professionals who share their work related to mapping, especially geologic mapping, and experiences entering the geoscience community.

This webinar series is geared towards high school students and the general public. There will be time for live questions from the audience. The webinars will be recorded and posted on AGI's website and YouTube channel.

This webinar series is generously supported by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.

YouTube download icon  View all webinars in this series on YouTube

Soil Mapping with the NRCS

Thursday, September 5, 2024

In this free webinar, Sydney Lance, a soil scientist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), will discuss her background and work related to soil mapping techniques.

AGI's Early Career Professionals in Mapping Webinar Series features early career geoscience professionals who share their work related to mapping, especially geologic mapping, and experiences entering the geoscience community.

This webinar series is geared towards high school students and the general public.

The webinar has been recorded and posted on AGI's website and YouTube channel.

This webinar series is generously supported by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.

YouTube download icon  View all webinars in this series on YouTube

House Agricultural Committee approves farm bill package

Hawaiian flower

The House Committee on Agriculture voted 26-20 to advance the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (H.R.2), commonly referred to as the “farm bill,” which was introduced by Committee Chairman Michael Conaway (R-TX-11). With authorization of the Agricultural Act of 2014 lapsing at the end of September, the massive farm bill package approved by the committee authorizes programs across the USDA including sections on commodities and trade, loans and insurance, conservation and forestry, research, nutrition, and rural development.

SSSA Asks the Ever-Important Question: When Does a Rock Become #Soil? #Geoscience

Soil scientists dig holes to investigate soils in various regions. Looking at the flat face of that hole is called a “soil profile.” Here, you can see the distinct yellow area under the top, browner, layers.

Geoscience is an inherently interdisciplinary field of study. Where one geoscientists' research transitions from one field to another is a hard line to draw, and that is why so many organizations are part of the AGI Federation, including organizations like the Soil Science Society of America!

When Does a Rock Become Soil? SSSA Shares! #soil

Measuring soil color.
Soils and rocks are inextricably related, and geoscientists study both. The Soil Science Society of America answers one VERY important question in their Soils Matter blog, and that is, "When does a rock become soil?" Learn the recipe for making soils, and breakdown when a soil becomes a rock (pun intended) in their latest post!




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