
An Integrated Model for Improving Undergraduate Geoscience Workforce Readiness

Friday, December 1, 2017

Within STEM fields, employers are reporting a widening gap in the workforce readiness of new graduates. As departments continue to be squeezed with new requirements, chasing the latest technologies and scientific developments and constrained budgets, formal undergraduate programs struggle to fully prepare students for the workforce. One major mechanisms to address gaps within formal education is in life-long learning. Most technical and professional fields have life-long learning requirements, but it is not common in the geosciences, as licensing requirements remain limited.

Geoscience Policy Internships and Fellowships: Pathways to Science Policy Careers

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Student and early-career geoscientists commonly seek professions with high societal impact, but pathways to alternative geoscience careers can be difficult to navigate, particularly in science policy and outreach. Many geoscience policy leaders enter the profession through the gateway of policy internships and fellowships. These opportunities crafted for those interested but inexperienced in science policy provide training in government processes, tangible experience in policy analysis, and integration into robust networks of professionals.

Bridging the Gap: Tailor-made Information Products for Decision Makers

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is launching a new information platform designed to link decision makers with information generated by geoscientific research. Decision makers, especially those at the state and local level, frequently need scientific information but do not always have easy access to it, while scientists create new knowledge but often lack opportunities to communicate this knowledge more broadly to the people who need it the most. Major differences in communication styles and language can also hinder the use of scientific information by decision makers.

Navigating the boundary of science for decision making at the state and local level

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Scientific information should play a vital role in many decision making processes, yet issues incorporating geoscience information often arise due to inherent differences between how scientists and decision makers operate. Decision makers and scientists have different priorities, produce work at different rates, and often lack an understanding of each others institutional constraints.

Connecting Geoscience and Decision Makers Through a Common Interface

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Geoscientists and decision makers often use different words to describe the same thing. The American Geosciences Institute has developed a consistent definition for the geosciences (Wilson, 2014); however this definition often varies from how decision maker groups at the national, state, local, and regional levels often categorize geoscience topics. Where geoscientists may to refer to geoscience, decision makers may use terms like energy, environment, and natural resources.

How Do You Define an Internship?

Friday, December 1, 2017

According to the American Geosciences Institutes Geoscience Student Exit Survey, internship participation rates over the past four years have been low, particularly among bachelors and doctoral graduates. In 2016, 65% of bachelors graduates, 44% of masters graduates, and 57% of doctoral graduates did not participate in an internship while working on their degree. When asked if they submitted applications for internship opportunities, 42% of bachelors graduates, 23% of masters graduates, and 46% of doctoral graduates claimed to not submit any applications.

The Transition into the Workforce by Early-Career Geoscientists, a Preliminary Investigation

Friday, December 1, 2017

The American Geosciences Institutes Geoscience Student Exit Survey asks recent graduates about their immediate plans after graduation. Though some respondents indicate their employment or continuing education intention, many of the respondents are still in the process of looking for a job in the geosciences. Recent discussions about geoscience workforce development have focused on the critical technical and professional skills that graduates need to be successful in the workforce, but there is little data about employment success and skills development as early-career geoscientists.

What Next? Translating AGIs 2015 Guidelines for Ethical Professional Conduct into Practice

Thursday, December 1, 2016

In 2015, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) published a revised version of the 1999 Guidelines for Ethical Professional Conduct, an aspirational document outlining ethical principles that should inform the professional behavior of all geoscientists. The revised Guidelines reflect a consensus of opinion among AGIs 51 member societies and show an evolution in thinking about geoscience ethics. The Guidelines also represent a foundational document to support the expansion of ethical guidelines by individual societies and organizations.

Examining the Professional Development Experiences and Non-Technical Skills Desired for Geoscience Employment

Monday, December 1, 2014

Professional development experiences, such as internships, research presentations and professional network building, are becoming increasingly important to enhance students’ employability post-graduation. The practical, non-technical skills that are important for succeeding during these professional development experiences, such as public speaking, project management, ethical practices and writing, transition well and are imperative to the workplace. Thereby, graduates who have honed these skills are more competitive candidates for geoscience employment.


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