The Center facilitates constructive communication among members of the geoscience community and members of other professional communities through thematic forums, summit meetings, receptions, and webinars. This promotes individual and collective action based on sound geoscience information.
The Center is continuing its partnership with the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) to support implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards in Earth and Space Science through webinars, town hall meetings, workshops, and facilitating a “Working Group” of geoscience educators.
The Center has initiated “Earth Science Week Stakeholder Receptions” in selected cities to bring together stakeholders in local communities to develop partnerships and activities to promote geoscience awareness. In 2016 the focus community will be Richmond, VA.
Critical Issues Forums bring together leading experts from academia, government, industry, and other groups to discuss topics at the intersection of Earth science and public policy. The Forums highlight the essential role that geoscience information plays in policy decisions at all levels from the global to the local. These events, started in 2014, showcase the societal relevance of the geosciences to a broad audience while also providing opportunities for dialog and networking between geoscientists and decision makers at all levels.