Educational Resources

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Education GeoSource

The geoscience education resources on this site come from a variety of providers. The site provides visitors with the widest possible collection of curricula, classroom activities, teacher professional development opportunities, science education standards, virtual field trips, teaching ancillaries, and much more.

Gold Panning
Beth Stettner, USGS

AAPG/AGI Visiting Geoscientists Handbook

This handbook, developed cooperatively by AGI and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), offers ideas and resources for geoscience professionals visiting classrooms, leading student field trips, and involving student research.

Big Ideas in Earth Science logo

Big Ideas in Earth Science

Big Ideas videos bring to life the "big ideas" of Earth science—the nine core concepts that everyone should know. Teachers can use the videos in many ways.

Earth Science Week logo

Earth Science Week

Discover the resources offered through this international event, organized by AGI each October to promote better understanding and appreciation of Earth science and encourage stewardship of the planet.

Mount Saint Helens
Topinka, USGS/CVO Source: ESWIB

Earth Science World Image Bank

You'll find many images categorized by geoscience areas.

EarthandYou DVD

Created by the American Geosciences Institute, this DVD-based package is an amazing resource for elementary school Earth system science. Aligned to the National Science Educational Standards, EarthandYou brings planet Earth and its systems right into the classroom through stunning high-definition footage and Hollywood-style animations.

Books and Apple

Informational Text Strategies

Here you will find strategies to help students understand informational texts. Informational text provides factual information about the world to readers.

K-5 Resources

If you are involved in elementary science education in any way, this Web site is for you. The site has a rich store of content, activities, services and links for you to explore, but this is only the beginning.


NASA Triad

An online professional development guide for lead teachers to use in conducting workshops for peers using NASA’s extensive collection of geoscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics resources.

Indicators of K-12 Geoscience Education

Here you will find two reports; one at the elementary level (grades K-5) and another at the secondary level (grades 6-12) that synthesize information about the status of K-12 Earth Science Education across the U.S. Additionally, geosciences education data are available at the individual state level.


Watt's Up? The Lowdown on Energy

Here you'll find information and activities on coal, oil, natural gas, hydoelectric, nuclear, geothermal, solar, wind, and biofuel energy.

Why Earth Science?

Download an English pdf version of Why Earth Science? (1.71 MB) or a Spanish pdf version (1.66 MB)

The Why Earth Science? brochure explains in clear, everyday language the importance of Earth science education for success in school, careers, informed decision making, and civic engagement.View Why Earth Science? onYouTube | TeacherTube