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The Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) continues its eight year effort to look to train its scientists to be more effective communicators with the public and with each other. They will continue to host Los Angeles-based actor and Improv coach Brian Palermo their annual meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii in February to get the Hollywood perspective on storytelling – because that’s really what research is.
Scientists are invited to participate at the “Make Your Science Communication More Effective,” workshop. Using lessons from improv comedy to improve science communication, participants will play theater games to practice communication techniques because something as simple as a presenter’s facial expression can set the tone of a presentation. The “Interdisciplinary Presentations” workshop will highlight strategies, like incorporating human elements or playing with storyboarding, to maximize presentation impact. Scientists learn to say action and explore what its like to create video elements of their research and scientific experience. The third workshop, “Science Videos that Engage” will explore utilizing videos as a way tool to propel research and science to a broader audience.
Even if you can’t make it to Honolulu this year there are videos that provide background information and other helpful resources on the ASLO Website.