35th IGC Symposia

35th International Geological Congress Symposia

Paper Number Title Presenting Author Sessionsort descending Abstract
165 A Framework for Society-Earth-Centric Narrative Dr. Martin Bohle T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 165.pdf
3505 Incorporation of Geoethics in Undergraduate Science and Geoscience Curricula: Some Examples Professor John Geissman T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 3505.pdf
3708 Geology for Society – engaging geoscientists, policy-makers and the public in meeting our future resource needs sustainably Mr. Nic Bilham T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 3708.pdf
4901 Ethical Dimensions of Transdisciplinary Approaches in Seismic Risk Communication Professor I. S. Stewart T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 4901.pdf
4162 Geoethics: Good Teaching, Good Science Dr. David Mogk T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 4162.pdf
3885 Who speaks for Geoscience? The Irish example of national & cross-border engagement. Ms. Marie Fleming T12.3 - Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication PDF icon 3885.pdf
4213 Impacts of ports along the Pilbara Coast, Western Australia –a coastline of global geoheritage significance that services a mineral-rich hinterland Dr. Margaret Brocx T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 4213.pdf
1101 Geo-Ethics: What to do when Approval Authority Decisions contradict Sound Science? Mr. Mark Priddle T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 1101.pdf
4517 Geoethic issues in North African and South American paleontology Dr. Artur Sá T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 4517.pdf
1271 GeoEthics in Hollywood: Is the Hollywood fault active, or is that just another illusion we have created? Eldon Gath T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 1271.pdf
2702 Soil: an indispensable component of Nepalese Culture Dr. Shree Prasad Vista T12.4 - Geoethics - Case Studies PDF icon 2702.pdf
5603 Discussion topic 1: Lights and shadows of geoethics (Panel discussion) Dr. Silvia Peppoloni T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5604 Discussion topic 2: Teaching geoethics: A Great Challange (Panel Discussion) Dr. David Mogk T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5605 Discussion topic 3: Professionalism: how to practice geosciences in an ethical way (Panel discussion) Ms. Ruth Allington T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5606 Discussion topic 4: (Geo)ethical dilemmas in geosciences: what to do (Panel discussion) Dr. Christopher Keane T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
5607 Discussion Topic 5: Geoethics for society: is it possible? (Panel discussion) Mr. Nic Bilham T12.5 - Panel discussion - What's the point of Geoethics
3701 Preparing Future Geoscientists for Professional Registration Ms. Lindsay Steele T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 3701.pdf
3179 Canadian National Professional Practice Examination for Geoscientists: Its Evolution and Future Directions Including International Applicability Mr Robert Stewart T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 3179.pdf
2142 The development of Canada’s Competency Profile for Professional Geoscientists at Entry to Practice Mr. Oliver Bonham T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 2142.pdf
629 Improving competency and professionalism in the Australian Institute of Geoscientists Mr. Wayne Spilsbury T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 629.pdf
24 Professionalism in the Geosciences as practiced in South Africa Mr. Edward Swindell T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 24.pdf
1472 Critical Competencies for Successful New Geoscientists and Approaches for Equipping the Next Generation Dr. Christopher Keane T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 1472.pdf
3876 EurGeol as Competent Person Dr. Isabel Manuela Fernandez Fuentes T12.6 - Professional Competencies PDF icon 3876.pdf
3021 Professionalism and Ethics in Resource Development in Canada: Cooperation among Regulators and Academia—Missed Opportunities and Needed Changes Mr. George Eynon T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 3021.pdf
3022 Innovation in Establishing the Standard of Care in a Self-Regulated Profession Ms. Lindsay Steele T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 3022.pdf
1541 The development of the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO) and the International Reporting Template Mr. Roger Dixon T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 1541.pdf
3177 Professional Geoscientist Self-Regulation In Small Jurisdictions: Lessons Learned by Geoscientists Nova Scotia and Applicability for International Start-ups. Mr Robert Stewart T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 3177.pdf
155 The International Mineral Reporting Codes – The importance of the Competent Person Mr. Ken Lomberg T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 155.pdf
508 Geology, the regulated discipline in Europe - A historical review and a vision Dr. Tamas Hamor T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 508.pdf
2120 The future of professional regulation: business as usual or a growing proactive role? Examples from the Ordre des géologues du Québec. Mr. Alain Liard T12.7 - Roles of Professional bodies and International Standards PDF icon 2120.pdf
4970 Externalities of Fossil Fuel Combustion: An Ethical Reassessment of Liability Dr. George Stone T12.8 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 1 PDF icon 4970.pdf
3068 Finland’s Green Mining concept aims to promote sustainable and acceptable mining Professor Pekka Nurmi T12.8 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 1 PDF icon 3068.pdf
4406 Delivering Sustainable Development Goals: the need for a new Social Contract for mining Mr. Edmund Nickless T12.8 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 1 PDF icon 4406.pdf
4700 Need for a European Geological Service responding to societal challenges on Energy, Mineral and Groundwater resources Mr. Serge Van Gessel T12.8 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 1 PDF icon 4700.pdf
69 Deep Seabed Mining, Geo-ethics and Pacific Small Island Developing States Dr. Jane Verbitsky T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 69.pdf
5296 The missing ethics of mining: The case study of Odisha, India Prof. Madhumita Das T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 5296.pdf
5083 Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals: A “For Northerners, By Northerners” approach to indigenous engagement activities Dr. Daniel Lebel T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 5083.pdf
1310 Managing geo-environment information in the extractive sector and performance in Nigeria: Some empirical results from the field. Mr. Abbas AbdulRafiu T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 1310.pdf
5136 The nature and articulation of ethical codes on tailings management in South Africa Mr. Tobius Poswa T12.9 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 2 PDF icon 5136.pdf
1200 Developing an ethical framework for Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures: the experience in the ENVRIplus project Dr. Silvia Peppoloni T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1200.pdf
4589 Promoting Geoethics in Peru: the activities of the IAPG Peruvian Section Dr. Giuseppe Di Capua T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 4589.pdf
1546 The relationship between the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO) and the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC 2009) Mr. Roger Dixon T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1546.pdf
5580 The IUGS Task Group on Global Geoscience Professionalism – the forum of exchange on professionalism and ethics for all of the world’s geoscience communities. Mr. Oliver Bonham T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 5580.pdf
1063 International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG): from Brisbane to beyond Cape Town Dr. Giuseppe Di Capua T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1063.pdf
4569 Geosciences and Multiple Facets of Geoethics Dr. DEVESH WALIA T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 4569.pdf
851 The Young Scientist Club of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics – Promoting geoethics among the young geoscientists community Ms. Ndivhuwo Cecilia Mukosi T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 851.pdf
3149 Culture Impact On The Term Geoethics In Egypt Dr. Kholoud Abdel Maksoud T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 3149.pdf
3434 Legal, social, scientific and ethical responsibility of geoscientists Dr. Niichi Nishiwaki T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 3434.pdf
1889 Geoethical Problems of Developing Mineral Resources of Natural Celestial Bodies Dr. Nataliya Nikitina T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 1889.pdf
3489 The woman in the artisanal mine: From crusher craft to motorized grinder. The case of Matili-Shabunda mining site, South Kivu, DR Congo. Jr. Thierry MUNGA T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics PDF icon 3489.pdf
