5174 |
Evidences of a Middle Pleistocene rock avalanche in L’Aquila Basin (central Apennines, Italy) |
Dr. Gabriele Scarascia-Mugnozza |
T8.P5 - Geohazards |
5174.pdf |
1182 |
The History of the Geological Survey of Namibia |
Dr. Gabriele Schneider |
T10.3 - History of Geology in Africa |
1182.pdf |
1184 |
The role of African Geological Surveys in attracting mineral investment into Africa |
Dr. Gabriele Schneider |
T26.3 - Understanding The Mineral Life Cycle / Criticality and Possible Resource Limits |
1184.pdf |
1041 |
16th Century mining in Europe and a Shipwreck on the Namibian Coast |
Dr. Gabriele Schneider |
T1.2 - Geoheritage and Geoparks |
1041.pdf |
1042 |
The History of Diamond Mining in Namibia |
Dr. Gabriele Schneider |
T10.4 - History of mineral and water resources |
1042.pdf |
759 |
The Mozambique Ridge: a product of long lasting magmatic activity |
Dr. Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben |
T40.12 - Marine Geosciences and Oceanography |
759.pdf |
655 |
Drilling the Agulhas Plateau and Transkei Basin to reconstruct the Cretaceous - Paleocene Tectonic and Climatic evolution of the Southern Ocean Basin |
Dr. Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben |
T40.7 - Achievements and perspectives in scientific ocean drilling |
655.pdf |
342 |
Contourite drifts as indicators of Cenozoic bottom water intensity in the eastern Agulhas Ridge area, South Atlantic |
Dr. Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben |
T40.10 - Uncovering the great unknown – mapping the Earth’s ocean floor |
342.pdf |
346 |
Transition from the Cretaceous ocean to Cenozoic circulation in the western South Atlantic - a twofold reconstruction |
Dr. Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben |
T40.8 - Deep-water circulation: processes & products |
346.pdf |
347 |
Evolution of the northern Argentine margin during the Cenozoic controlled by bottom current dynamics and gravitational processes |
Dr. Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben |
T40.8 - Deep-water circulation: processes & products |
347.pdf |
3004 |
Assessment of impact on the groundwater quality due to solid waste disposal site southeast of Pune City, Maharashtra, India |
Dr. Gajanan Wagh |
T5.6 - Hydro-geochemistry and contamination of groundwater [A YES NETWORK INITIATIVE] |
3004.pdf |
200 |
Heavy metal Contamination in Industrial Area in and around Hyderabad City; Hydrogeolgical and Hydrogeochemical Studies of the Chinnaeru River basin, Sub - Basin of Musi River in the Northern Parts of Nalgonda District, Telangana State, India. |
Dr. Ganaboina Machender |
T30.15a - Geo-hazards and Sustainable Development under climate change scenario |
200.pdf |
4829 |
Shallow and Upper Crustal Amplification of Seismic Waves |
Dr. Ganesh W. Rathod |
T8.17 - Challenges in Identifying and Characterising Seismogenic Faults in Non-Plate Boundary Settings |
4829.pdf |
1528 |
The dispersal of Pearl River sediments on the northwest South China Sea Shelf, constrained by mineral chemistry and elemental geochemistry |
Dr. Gang Li |
T28.11 - Clastic Marine Depositional Systems / Climatic controls on sedimentary systems and processes |
1528.pdf |
5165 |
An Introduction to Innovation Terminology for Mining/Geology Professionals |
Dr. Gargi Mishra |
T2.12 - Geoscience Education and Public Communication |
5165.pdf |
4858 |
Geochronology and Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic compositions of Early Cretaceous intrusions and associated porphyry Cu deposits in eastern Alaska |
Dr. Garth Graham |
T17.6 - From Ore Deposits to Global Metallogeny: implications for exploration success (Sponsored by IAGOD) |
4858.pdf |
3000 |
Origin of Pseudotachylyte: A case study from the fault zone between the Mangalwar and Sand Mata plutons, central Rajasthan, India |
Dr. Gautam Deb |
T43.P4 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology |
3000.pdf |
3389 |
Global Resource Assessments of Primary Metals: An Optimistic Reality Check |
Dr. Gavin Mudd |
T26.3 - Understanding The Mineral Life Cycle / Criticality and Possible Resource Limits |
3389.pdf |
2068 |
By-product recovery of critical elements from ores and concentrates using deep eutectic solvent ionic liquids: BRIO |
Dr. Gawen Jenkin |
T23.P4 - Applied Mineralogy and Geometallurgy |
2068.pdf |
3866 |
New tectonic and Metallogenic Maps of North, Central, East Asia and Adjacent Areas |
Dr. Gennadiy Babin |
T31.11 - The Deep Earth |
3866.pdf |
195 |
Comparison of Sr-Nd isotope data from southern Africa and Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. |
Dr. Geoffrey Grantham |
T41.16 - Precambrian Geology of Antarctica |
195.pdf |
5364 |
Ar40/Ar39 data from Sverdrupfjella and Kirwanweggan, Maud Province, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: possible implications for Gondwana amalgamation. |
Dr. Geoffrey Grantham |
T41.P5 - Arctic and Antarctic Geoscience |
5364.pdf |
3354 |
A review of the Birimian Supergroup- and Tarkwaian Group-hosted gold deposits of Ghana |
Dr. George Henry |
T18.12 - Major Mineral Deposits of Africa (sponsored by Vale) |
3354.pdf |
3908 |
Basin inversion as a driver of fluid flow and Pb-Zn mineralization in the Paleoproterozoic-earliest Mesoproterozoic Mount Isa mineral province: evidence from deep seismic reflection profiling and gravity modelling |
Dr. George M. Gibson |
T18.7a - Sediment-hosted ore deposits |
3908.pdf |
4970 |
Externalities of Fossil Fuel Combustion: An Ethical Reassessment of Liability |
Dr. George Stone |
T12.8 - Geoethics and Resouces Needs for Future Generations - 1 |
4970.pdf |
4429 |
Looking for hydrocarbon occurrences by the airborne transient soundings |
Dr. George Trigubovich |
T20.10a - New Technology & Techniques in Exploration & Production |
4429.pdf |
5255 |
About the presence of non-reported zeolites related to Karroo basalts at South Mozambique, a possible new commodity to use for enviroment protection. |
Dr. Gerardo Antonio Orozco |
T37.P1 - Mineralogy |
5255.pdf |
4828 |
Foreshock activity as a component of the seismic early warning |
Dr. Gerasimos Papadopoulos |
T8.1a - Geohazards: Prevention, risk reduction, early warning and preparedness |
4828.pdf |
982 |
Tectonic Provinces of East Antarctica |
Dr. German Leitchenkov |
T30.15b - The Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana IGCP 628 |
982.pdf |
3783 |
Revised model of the break-up and early sea-floor spreading between India and Antarctica |
Dr. German Leitchenkov |
T29.4 - Rift basins and rifted margins: architecture and evolution |
3245 |
100 years of Antarctic tectonic cartography |
Dr. German Leitchenkov |
T7.P1 - Geoscience Data and Information Systems |
3245.pdf |
1691 |
From GeoMol to EGDI – towards the integration of regional 3D geological datasets into the European Geological Data Infrastructure |
Dr. Gerold W. Diepolder |
T7.8 - Geoscience Spatial Data Infrastructures |
1691.pdf |
2862 |
Stress rotation, scale invariance and the locked in stress |
Dr. Gerrie van Aswegen |
T43.15 - Rock Deformation and Structural Geology |
2862.pdf |
797 |
Geochronology on rocks from Rwanda: deposition, magmatism and mineralization |
Dr. Gerrit de Kock |
T3.3 - Geological mapping of Africa – a key for sustainable use of earth resources |
797.pdf |
1016 |
The Mgazini sheet in S Tanzania: the extent of the Ubendian, Irumide and Mozambique orogenic belts. |
Dr. Gerrit de Kock |
T3.7 - Regional Geological Mapping |
1016.pdf |
3472 |
Dating rocks from the Central Zone, Damara belt, Namibia: Time constraints on orogenic events |
Dr. Gerrit de Kock |
T30.1b - Mechanisms and timescale of West Gondwana amalgamation |
3472.pdf |
4497 |
The Aheimir Volcanic Suite (AVS) a bimodal Ediacaran Sequence from the northernmost Arabian Nubian Shield, Wadi Araba, SW Jordan: Age, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis. |
Dr. Ghaleb Jarrar |
T36.10 - Magmatism - Palaeovolcanism in subduction and collisional zones / Magmatism - Settings, Compositions and Processes |
4497.pdf |
1469 |
Borehole breakout analysis from borehole image logs in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea: preliminary results for interpretation of in situ stress state |
Dr. Gil Young Kim |
T21.P4 - Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Emerging Fuels |
1469.pdf |
3190 |
Microbialite development in Quaternary reefs : the nature of the problem |
Dr. Gilbert Camoin |
T39.P3 - Evolution of the Biosphere and Biogeoscience |
3190.pdf |
1536 |
European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) in the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) : new opportunities in scientific drilling |
Dr. Gilbert CAMOIN |
T40.5 - IODP |
1536.pdf |
2020 |
The importance of Marine Spatial Planning and high resolution mapping for deep-water areas: A case study from the southwest of Ireland’s Exclusive Economic Zone |
Dr. Gill Scott |
T40.11 - Uncovering the great unknown – mapping the Earth’s ocean floor |
2020.pdf |
357 |
Fluid Inclusion studies of high grade granulite terrain of Sivasamudram - Satnur area, Southern Karnataka, India |
Dr. Girish Kumar Mayachar |
T37.P2 - Mineralogy |
357.pdf |
359 |
Nature of fluids and timing of metamorphism of the regional high grade granulite terrain of Biligirirangan hill, Dharwar craton, Southern India |
Dr. Girish Kumar Mayachar |
T38.4 - Metamorphic processes in early Earth evolution |
359.pdf |
381 |
Fluid inclusion characteristics of Agargaon Tungsten deposits in the Sakoli fold belt, Nagpur District, Maharashtra, India |
Dr. Girish Kumar Mayachar |
T37.2 - Fluid and melt inclusion in Minerals |
381.pdf |
912 |
Estimating Groundwater Availability at Catchment Scale using Streamflow Recession and Instream Flow Requirements of Rivers in South Africa |
Dr. Girma Yimer Ebrahim |
T5.4 - Integrated geo-hydrological approaches to secure groundwater resources |
912.pdf |
914 |
Modeling Groundwater Flow and Dynamics of the Dendron Area, Limpopo River Basin, South Africa |
Dr. Girma Yimer Ebrahim |
T5.3 - Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of arid and semi-arid Africa: a tribute to W. M. Edmunds / Non-Darcian flows in soil and geological porous media / Hydrochemistry and recharge of karst and other systems / Groundwater and Hydrogeology |
914.pdf |
1063 |
International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG): from Brisbane to beyond Cape Town |
Dr. Giuseppe Di Capua |
T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics |
1063.pdf |
4589 |
Promoting Geoethics in Peru: the activities of the IAPG Peruvian Section |
Dr. Giuseppe Di Capua |
T12.P2 - Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics |
4589.pdf |
4596 |
New investigations on Zn-clays from Skorpion (Namibia) |
Dr. Giuseppina Balassone |
T37.P1 - Mineralogy |
4596.pdf |
4292 |
A review of the volcanology and sedimentation of the Mid Permian southern Sydney Basin; with reference to convergence and subduction along the Gondwanan Panthallassan margin |
Dr. Glen Bann |
T28.8 - Climatic controls on sedimentary systems and processes |
4292.pdf |