1998-1999 AGI Fellow David Wunsch

David Wunsch spent his year on Capitol Hill working for the House Resources Committee's Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, chaired by Rep. Barbara Cubin (R-WY). During the fellowship, Wunsch worked on a range of issues including abandoned mine lands reclamation. Wunsch came to the fellowship from the Kentucky Geological Survey, where he was a senior hydrologist and served as an adjunct professor of geology at the University of Kentucky. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky. Wunsch became the New Hampshire State Geologist in 2000 and transitioned to the Director of Science and Technology at the National Ground Water Association in 2010. In November 2011, Wunsch became the Director and State Geologist of the Delaware Geological Survey.
Dr. David Wunsch wrote the following columns in Geotimes:

Josh Chamot

Josh Chamot, a senior geology major at William and Mary, recently joined GAP for a week as a "shadow" to see what working in public policy is like. During his week, he attended several Congressional hearings, one of which he wrote summarized for the AGI website.

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