Julia is a 2018 graduate from University of Florida with a dual degree in Environmental Geosciences and Sustainability Studies, as well as certificates in Geospatial Information Analysis and Meteorology and Climatology. Throughout her undergraduate career, Julia conducted research pertaining to flooding, climate change and natural disaster management in Hopkins, Belize as part of an NSF funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, and studied the effects of plantation forestry on soil nutrient cycling at Stanford University as part of Stanford’s Summer Undergraduate Research in Geoscience and Engineering Program. She also served as General Manager for Conservation Initiative for the Asian Elephant, a nonprofit whose mission is to ensure the sustainability of the Asian elephant and the peoples sharing its habitat.
During her time at AGI, Julia wrote geoscience policy updates for AGI’s Monthly Review, maintained AGI’s social media presence, attended Congressional hearings and briefings pertinent to the geosciences, wrote an article on the The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Interim Hazards report, and attended geoscience coalition meetings on behalf of AGI. After her internship at AGI, Julia moved on to a Talent Pool internship at the American Geophysical Union.