
Interactive map of mineral resources and mines across the United States

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Resources Data System catalogs information about mineral resources around the United States and the world. Using the map tool, users can zoom in to obtain reports and data on past and present mines, mine prospects, and processing plants.

All of the data can be downloaded for further use and analysis.

Map of geothermal power generation in each state

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) map of current and planned geothermal power production by state shows the nameplate capacity, the maximum manufacturer-rated output of a generator in megawatts, for geothermal energy in each state as of February 2015 (for more detailed and up-to-date information on geothermal energy development in the U.S., visit NREL's Geothermal Prospector web app). The numbers in white show the current installed capacity, while the numbers in yellow show the planned additions.

Map of potential geothermal resources across the United States

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) map of potential geothermal resources across the U.S. shows the potential for development of deep enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), as well as identified hydrothermal resources. Color shading shows the potential for deep enhanced geothermal systems, or systems which use technology that is currently being developed to extract energy from dry rocks deep below the surface.

EARTH Magazine: Old photos help scientists relocate 1906 San Francisco quake rupture point

Alexandria, VA – Geoscientists using every resource available to them — from bare-earth LIDAR technology to knowledge of turn-of-the-century fashion — have helped correct a 100-year-old mistake about where the San Andreas Fault rupture point was for the historic 1906 earthquake.

EARTH: Travels in Geology: Lassen Volcanic National Park

For breathtaking volcanic scenery, few places have the variety found in Lassen Volcanic National Park in the Cascade Range of Northern California. The park boasts five varieties of volcanoes plus a vast volcanic landscape, with devastated areas, bubbling hot springs, boiling mud pots and fumaroles. The park also hosts multiple hiking trails.

AGI Honored by California State Mining and Geology Board

The California State Mining and Geology Board has recognized the American Geological Institute (AGI) for its role in promoting earth science education and outreach in the state of California. AGI was officially honored at the December 14, 2006 State Mining and Geology Board meeting in Riverside, California, which included the presentation of a plaque citing the Mining and Geology Board's appreciation for providing the tools and resources necessary to accomplish both the Board's and AGI's common goals of promoting earth science education.


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