
Water as One Resource: How interactions between groundwater and surface water impact water availability

Monday, July 13, 2015

Overarching questions addressed in this webinar include:

  • How do surface water and ground water interact and what implications do these interactions have for sustainable water management?
  • Are there new tools/resources/partnerships that can be used to better manage surface water and groundwater as connected resources?
  • What policy limitations exist for managing water as one resource?
  • Are there best practices that water management organizations can implement?

Our speakers include:

  • Ken Bradbury, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey | pdf download iconSlides YouTube download icon Video
  • William M. Alley, National Ground Water Association | pdf download icon Slides YouTube download icon Video
  • Thomas Harter, University of California, Davis | Slides YouTube download icon Video

Webinar Co-Sponsors:
National Ground Water Association, Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey, Association of American State Geologists

CEU Credits

To earn CEU credits, please complete the associated on-demand GOLI course that was developed from this webinar with a grade of 70% or higher and then submit your application for CEUs. CEUs are awarded from the American Institute of Professional Geologists. To view the full list of on-demand GOLI courses, please browse the GOLI course catalog.

Resources to learn more:

Search the Geological Surveys Database for reports and factsheets on water resources.

Water As One Resource: How Groundwater Interacts with Lakes and Streams

Interactive map of thermal springs in the United States

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's thermal springs map displays the location and temperature of thermal springs throughout the U.S. The hot springs shown on the map are color-coded based on recorded temperature (red = boiling, orange = hot, yellow = warm, black = information not available). Users can click on individual hot spring locations to find the hot spring name, location, and most recently recorded temperature.

Click here to use the thermal springs viewer.

Interactive map of weather hazard warnings in the United States

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Weather Service Watch, Warning, and Advisory Display map shows up-to-date weather warnings and advisories for the continental U.S. The map covers a wide range of weather hazards including tornadoes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, tropical storms, flash and coastal floods, blizzards, winter storms, snow, freezing rain and ice storms, and high winds.

Users can click on individual parts of the map for more specific information down to the county level.

Interactive map of operating nuclear power reactors in the United States

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Operating Nuclear Power Reactors interactive map shows all the nuclear power reactors that are regulated by the NRC and provides information about the operator, model, and power output for each reactor. 

Click here to access the Operating Nuclear Power Reactors interactive map

Source: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Interactive map of drought conditions across the United States

The U.S. Geological Survey's WaterWatch program maps below-normal 7-day average streamflow, identified through comparison to historical streamflow readings, to produce their DroughtWatch map. The map identifies drought conditions ranging from extreme hydrological droughts to below normal streamflow conditions across the entire U.S.

Click here to use the DroughtWatch interactive map

Source: U.S. Geological Survey WaterWatch

Interactive map of volcanoes and current volcanic activity alerts in the United States

The U.S. Geological Survey's Volcanoes and Current Activity Alerts map shows the location and activity levels of all volcanoes in the United States. The map allows for filtering based on both location and current volcano status. Each volcano is depicted by a small colored triangle with different colors indicating various volcano alert levels:

  • Green = normal
  • Yellow = advisory
  • Orange = watch
  • Red = warning

Users can click on individual volcanoes to see that volcano's page on the USGS website.


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