November 1, 2019 (ALEXANDRIA, Va.) - The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce a new initiative to conduct research on ways students currently use, and can more effectively use, the scientific data sets of federal agencies and other organizations to learn science and mathematics.
AGI is undertaking the "Streams of Data" initiative in collaboration with the Education Development Center (EDC), a major contributor to science and math curricula in the United States and abroad, and with funding provided by the National Science Foundation.
"The 40 cm resolution data is available for both standard orders and time-critical rush orders. On average, imagery ordered from the archive in the rush mode takes less than 2 hours to be delivered, and new image collections less than 3 hours, enabling agencies to respond to critical situations in a timely manner."
The AGI Workforce Program is investigating how geoscientists use geologic maps in the course of their work. This survey, combined with a voluntary follow-up survey, will be used to determine the extent to which geologic map data are used throughout the economy. This is a preliminary survey designed to understand the general
scope and extent of the use of geologic map data (including bedrock, gravity, magnetics, surficial, hazards, flood maps, and more).