
Climate Wars: What People Will Be Killed For in the 21st Century

Struggles over drinking water, new outbreaks of mass violence, ethnic cleansing, civil wars in the earth's poorest countries, endless flows of refugees: these are the new conflicts and forces shaping the world of the 21st century. They no longer hinge on ideological rivalries between great powers but rather on issues of class, religion and resources.

Adjustment Computations: Spatial Data Analysis, 6th Edition

The definitive guide to bringing accuracy to measurement, updated and supplemented

Adjustment Computations is the classic textbook for spatial information analysis and adjustment computations, providing clear, easy-to-understand instruction backed by real-world practicality.

Mineralogical Society of America Awards Luncheon Announced #GSA2017

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The Mineralogical Society of America Awards Lunch is Tuesday, 24 October 2017 during the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. During the luncheon the Roebling Medal will be presented to Edward M. Stolper (California Institute of Technology, USA); the Dana Medal to Thomas W.

Earth Anatomy Revealed: Geologic Mapping for Our Future

Pardee advertisement.

Are you attending the Geological Society of America (GSA) annual meeting in Seattle this year? If so, please join us on the morning of Wednesday October 25th for an exciting Pardee symposium, "Earth Anatomy Revealed: Geologic Mapping for Our Future". Details on this Pardee Symposium can be found at

EarthScope's Transportable Array now spans Alaska, the last frontier

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Seismic station A19K, it’s called, and it’s now at the edge of an abandoned airstrip far above the Arctic Circle. The nearest population center is 127 miles northeast in Utqiaġvik (formerly known as Barrow), the northernmost city in the United States. What a way to celebrate Earth Science Week, Oct. 8-14, 2017.

Read the full news release from NSF.

Critical Issues Adventures in Boston

The Lawn On D (across street from Boston Convention Center). The opening reception, which had a "Bostonopoly" theme, took place among games, performers, tasty food, and lots of mingling among attendees.

On August 5, I packed my bags and headed north to Boston for the annual meeting of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). Enroute, memories of my one visit to a wintry Boston as a teenager came back to me... memories of trying to stay warm, seeing my first 3-foot blizzard, and having a blast making snowmen and exploring the historic city with my classmates for an extra five days while the airports dug out from the storm. Fortunately, as I stepped off the plane this time, the weather was mild and dry –a great start to the five days I would spend in Boston promoting the geosciences to lawmakers from around the U.S. and the world.


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