
exotic stream

exotic stream . A stream that derives much of its waters from a drainage system in another region; e.g. a stream that has its source in a humid or well-weathered area but that flows across a desert before reaching the sea. Example: the Nile. Cf: indigenous stream.


autocyclicity (au''-to-cy-clic'-i-ty). The state of cyclothemic deposition that requires no change in the total energy and material input into a sedimentary system but involves simply the redistribution of these elements within the system (Beerbower, 1964, p.32). It involves such mechanisms of deposition as channel migration, channel diversion, and bar migration. Cf: allocyclicity.

100 years of female Fellows – Jane Donald Longstaff

2019 marks 100 years since women were able to be elected as Fellows of the Geological Society, with the first eight elected in May 1919. They came from a diverse range of specialisms, backgrounds and experience - as part of our activities to mark the anniversary, we're profiling each of them. Continue reading

ASLO-SFS 2020 Joint Meeting Call for Sessions

We are pleased to announce that the Call for Sessions is open for the 2020 Joint Meeting with the Society for Freshwater Science.  The theme of this meeting is Sustaining Aquatic Ecosystems under Global Change.  To submit your proposal, go to

AAG’s Encoding Geography Initiative Sees Successes in First Year

Launched by AAG Staff Member Coline Dony in 2018, the Encoding Geography initiative seeks to build capacity for all – for computational thinking (CT) in geography education at all levels to further strengthen our discipline. Throughout the initiative’s first year, a variety of activities and connections were established and the AAG was able to secure […]


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