member society

AGI Activities at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans

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With more than 24,000 anticipated attendees, the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting represents the largest confluence of earth and space scientists in the world. As in years past, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) will have a strong presence at the Fall Meeting, driving conversation on topics related to the geoscience workforce and the importance of geoscience information to research and decision-making.

AGI Welcomes Member Society Scholar-in-Residence, Sarah K. Fortner, Ph.D.

Sarah Fortner

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is excited to welcome Sarah K. Fortner, Ph.D., from the Geological Society of America (GSA) and Wittenberg University as its second Member Society Scholar-in-Residence. As a Scholar-in-Residence, Fortner will support informed decision-making by connecting geoscience practitioners and students with local decision-makers.

Mineralogical Society of America Awards Luncheon Announced #GSA2017

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The Mineralogical Society of America Awards Lunch is Tuesday, 24 October 2017 during the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. During the luncheon the Roebling Medal will be presented to Edward M. Stolper (California Institute of Technology, USA); the Dana Medal to Thomas W.


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